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Local Cultural Council Minutes 9/19/16
Monterey Cultural Council Minutes
Present: Pat, Fiona, Wendy, Laura, and new member Gabe

Mary Makuc at meeting to address council:  
-Had six participants in her Mermaid program that the council granted funds for.
-Wants to apply for a six week grant.  We funded her for two years.
-ADA coordinator who can help us with questions of accessibility.
-Represents Monterey Community Center and wants to work together with the Monterey Cultural Council to bring events to the center.  The Council would like someone on the Community Center Committee to join the MCC or vice versa so there could be a link between the two committees.
-Ideas to be emailed to Mary
-Needs to get reimbursed.  Form submitted in July.  Steve to be notified.

The council discussed social media as a means to promote council funded events as well as email blasts.  Gabe to set up training tools with the group on Google Docs and Instagram.

MCC Facebook public page to be set up with Gabe’s assistance at next meeting.