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Select Board Meeting Agenda 10/23/06

9:00 – 10:00 a.m.: Meetings with Town Officers
M. Forbes:

D. Torrico:
1.      Plumbing Inspector Alternate recommendation

M. Noe:
1.      Abolishing Procurement Officer Position; board wants to review the differences between RFP’s and IFB’s

G. Backhaus:
1.      Weekly alarm town hall entry reports for all of August, September and October not received
2.      Recommendation from “Monterey Coffee Club” to purchase an electronic speed sign

11am - Jenna Ford of Berkshire Mediation Services Interview

1.      Approve 10.16.06 minutes
2.      Garbage pickup for the Town Hall
3.      Outside Consultant/Arbitrator for personnel issues; One interview will be held on 10/23 at 11am
4.      Town Hall Certificate of Occupancy
5.      Evaluation of Town-owned parcels
6.      Job descriptions
7.      Personnel policy
8.      Town Bylaws:
o       Alarm System permits
o       Tag Sale Regulations
o       Dog violations/enforcement (dogs in non-permitted areas)
9.      Decide on a vendor to write NOI for Lake Garfield drawdown
10.     Management of Town properties: Review long-term plans for grant
11.     Building Department Software – waiting to hear back from Assessors
12.     Purchase of energy saving a/c to replace the old office one

Michael Storch To Do List:
·       Countywide affordable housing
·       Capital Expense Committee
·       Land swap with Gould Farm; Stan Ross
Jon Sylbert To Do List:
·       Bally Gally: Affordable housing
·       Meeting with Gould Farm
·       Commonwealth Capital Grant application
·       Education Committee
·       Outside Consultant/Arbitrator for employee issues
·       Digital Recording Device Recommendations
·       Lake Buel boat ride

Wayne Burkhart To Do List:
·       Select Board regulations

M. Noe To Do List:

Appointments Pending
·       Berkshire Regional Planning Commission Regional Study Committee/Berkshire Transportation Forum (1 year)
·       Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) Advisory Board Representative (1 year)
·       Plumbing Inspector, Alternate (2 years)
·       Solid Waste Committee (2 seats – 3 years each)
·       Southern Berkshire Solid Waste Mgmt District - alternate (1 year)

11/6    Monday                  Subjects to discuss at 11/16 SBRSD meeting
11/16   Thursday 6pm            SBRSD School Committee Meeting at Mt Everett Library
11/20   Monday 7pm              Select Board evening meeting
11/23   Thursday                Thanksgiving Day: Town Hall closed; no meetings
11/24   Friday                  Town Hall Closed
12/14   Thursday 6pm            SBRSD School Committee Meeting at Alford Town Hall
12/18   Monday 7pm              Select Board evening meeting
12/25   Monday                  Christmas Day: Town Hall closed; no meetings
1/11    Thursday 6pm            SBRSD School Committee Meeting at Mt Everett Library
2/1     Thursday 6pm            SBRSD School Committee Meeting at Mt Everett Library
2/15    Thursday 6pm            SBRSD School Committee Meeting at South Egremont School
3/1     Thursday 6pm            SBRSD School Committee Hearing at Mt Everett Library (FY08 budget)
3/15    Thursday 6pm            SBRSD School Committee Meeting at New Marl Central School (vote to approve FY08 Operating and Capital Budgets