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Updated Conservation Commission Meeting Agenda 9/11/06


Meeting Date: September 11, 2006
Meeting Time: 6:00pm
Meeting Place: Town Hall Meeting Room

Hearings & Meetings (First Come First Served):

1.      New England Keswick, Chestnut Hill Rd - RDA – vista pruning Continued from May meeting (Blair)
2.      Roche, Beartown Mtn Rd – NOI – Sediment Removal (Lovett) continued from July meeting - waiting on the Wildlife Habitat Report
3.      Alpert, Mt Hunger Rd – Request for a 2nd amendment to OOC (Bach) – continued from August meeting
4.      Simon, Sylvan Rd – RDA – Replace floating dock and repair existing deck (Dempsey)
5.      Sutton - Request for Certificate of Compliance for DEP file #230-223 on Beartown Mtn Rd.
6.      Brenner – 42 Elephant Rock Rd – Amendment to OOC DEP file #230-0230 and SMA06-10
7.      Batista – 22 Hebert’s Cove Rd – RDA – front porch, reno kitchen, replace roof (Bach)
8.      Kaminstein – 18 Woodland Dr – SMA NOI –SMA06-12 – Construction of single family house and septic on property with greater than a 15% grade (Lovett)
9.      Kaminstein – 18 Woodland Dr      - WPA NOI – Demolish existing single family house and construct new house in buffer zone to Lake Garfield (Lovett)

Enforcement & Emergency Orders:
1.      Kelly/Nadler Enforcement Letter
1.      White Engineering to discuss Kamenstein and Ahye project changes
2.      Approve 7.31.06 & 8.14.06 Meeting Minutes
3.      Review Mail
4.      Discuss alternative scheduling for meetings
5.      Review project list
6.      Loosestrife project

To Do For Next Meeting:

Special Notes:
Deadline for paperwork submittal for the Tuesday October 10th meeting is: Monday September 25th by noon
Project Review Schedule:
David: September
Tim: October
Judy: November
Rick: December