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Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes 01/28/2010


MEMBERS PRESENT:  David Beaudoin, Frank Carey, Kevin Biermann, Tere Hrynkiw, David Jarvis and Scott O’Neill.

The Chairman convened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. and the Board signed the bill scheduled.

David Jarvis moved to accept the minutes of December 17, 2010 as presented.

Kevin Biermann seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

7:45 Continuation of a Public Hearing for a Special Permit for Earth Removal on property owned by Four Seasons Development, LLC, Richard Pfisterer and the Buckwell Property Trust located on Reynolds Avenue and Main Street.

Frank Carey questioned if the Notice of Intent under the EPA National Discharge Pollution Elimination System (NDPES) had been filed and if there was a project schedule?

Donald Frydryk stated they have not filed the NOI but intended to do so once they have secured the Special Permit from the Town.

Frank Carey stated as a condition the Board would require a copy of the filing and a detailed project schedule prior to starting the actual work.  

Kevin Biermann stated there would be a benefit to the Town because of the proposed widening of Reynolds Avenue in the area of the existing retaining wall.

Tere Hrynkiw questioned the amount of fill that is going to be used to fill in the area on Lot 4?

Donald Frydryk stated 10%.

Frank Carey stated he believed that warning signs should be located for north bound traffic.

Following discussion the consensus of the Board was to include a condition that the applicants consult with the Monson Police Department prior to starting the actual work and follow any and all recommendations of the Monson Police Chief.

Frank Carey stated he would recommend the Board set a minimum bond of $60,000.00 to ensure completion of the project, said bond cannot be cancelled without prior consultation with the Board.  The applicants must submit documentation for the bond for review by the Town prior to the start of actual work.    

David Jarvis stated the usual conditions should be included in the decision the special permit is issued for one year; the applicants are responsible for controlling dust and failure to abide by all of the conditions could result in revocation of the permit.

Kevin Biermann moved to approve the request for a Special Permit for Earth Removal with conditions.

David Jarvis seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

8:30 David Jarvis moved to adjourn.  

Tere Hrynkiw seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda A. Hull