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Minutes 2012.06.20
Members Present:  Chairman Joseph M. Prior, Vice Chairman Douglas R. North, Clerk Steve Lobik
Superintendent:  Craig W. Jalbert
Secretary:  Dale Barnes-Johnson
Open the Meeting:  The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

MW&SD Staffing ~ new employee Anthony Dart II is working out quite well, he shows interest and asks questions.  Tony is enrolled to take a class which consists of six consecutive Wednesdays staring July 11th to help prepare for Grade D1 exam.  Jan is working on backlog of records, transferring sketches into a 2002 version of AutoCad and is expected to take over DIG Safes.  Today Jan was out in the field assisting Tom and Tony with a water line replacement on Bethany Road.  Having a third man has been long overdue and is working well.

Cross-Connection Control Program ~ the Cross-Connection Control Program adopted at the last meeting has been submitted to the State and has been added to our Web site.

Tow behind Generator ~ the spec is complete; documents have been approved by the Chief Procurement Officer Gretchen Neggers.  The Bid Package in electronic format and is ready go.  The Invitation to bid will appear in the newspaper; nine vendors will be contacted and sent the electronic format bid package.  Sealed bids must be submitted by July 19, 2012 by 1:00 p.m. at which time they shall be publically opened.

Mechanic Street Water Main Relocation ~ admittedly this project is moving slower than had hoped.  Tata & Howard (T&H) did not have a Structural Engineer and needed to hire out.  The structural design has been completed, the water main layout has been completed, 75% plans and specification have been completed, and permitting is being prepared for internal review.  Design is 75% complete, permitting 25% complete.

Department Activity ~
Discuss / updates regarding Tornado Damage ~ houses are coming along, the department continues to replace services pertaining to the tornado.  The gas company has approached the town as they want to run gas service in the downtown neighborhood affected by the tornado.  The town has given them one year to get this accomplished.  The focus is on getting services addressed before road repairs/projects.

Water/Sewer Line Repairs ~ Tuesday, June 5th at 11 p.m. Craig was alerted to a water leak at 19 Oak Street, Craig, Jan and Tom responded, Tom and Jan got organized to repair/replace the leaking service.  Bruce from Highway ran the backhoe, Randy also assisted with repairs.  Tony was not accessible.  This was the first time Craig was able to return home while repairs were underway.  He was later contacted by the Fire Chief who was faced with battling the Norcross structure fire and was requesting 5,000-6,000 gallons a minute of water to knock the fire down to save the house next to it.  Tom verified the tank levels and met with the Chief, it was determined the system could handle that usage rate for thirty additional minutes.  The next day the lines were flushed on Stafford Road and Wales Road.

178 Main Street ~ the service for the building where Michelle’s resides which is fed through the basement of Subway was finally straightened out.  WAS brothers was used to pull the line to eliminate costly pavement repairs.

New Services ~ Pine Street Group home is on line, Ted Bukowski is working on units 11 & 12 at Quaboag Heights.

Road Projects ~ Reynolds Avenue will be widened in the future, now that the gravel has been removed.  Craig believes this will necessitate water and sewer taps for the two proposed lots before this is to happen.

Meter Reading ~ Reading is scheduled to take place for April-June usage.  Craig will get Tony started Friday so that he can read the routes done by Jan, Jan will then read those done by Tom, thus Tom will be available for calls.

New Truck ~ Craig needs to get the bid package together.  In 2001 the utility body was approximately $8,000 – last year the price was $20,000, therefore he is looking around to find something around $12-15,000.  The truck itself is $30,000.

NEXT MEETING:  The next meeting has been set for Wednesday, July 11, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.

ADJOURN:  A motion was made by Doug to adjourn from open session to go into executive session at 6:55p.m.   Motion seconded by Steve.  Motion passed unanimously.

Stephen C. Lobik, Clerk
cc:  Selectmen