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Minutes 2011.01.05
Members Present:  Chairman Stephen C. Lobik, Vice Chairman Douglas R. North, Clerk Joseph M. Prior
Superintendent:  Craig W. Jalbert
Secretary:  Dale Barnes-Johnson
Open the Meeting:  The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Accept the Minutes:  A motion was made by Doug and seconded by Joe to accept the November 30, 2010 meeting minutes.  Motion passed unanimously.

Chlorination Equipment ~ MassDEP feedback indicates permit approval will have some additional safety conditions including eyewash stations and secondary containment for the areas where the sodium hypochlorite is stored and used.  Craig has seen some wall mount eye wash units for approximately $280 each.  However, the solution must be changed every 6 months, he is not totally pleased with the Bethany Road unit that is plumbed with galvanized pipe and requires routine flushing.  The cost for the secondary spill containment would be approximately $400-$500 per location, three are needed (Bunyan, Palmer Road and our garage), Craig is concerned with the amount of space the units take up especially here and at Bunyan.
        The Commission discussed the pros and cons of liquid vs. tablets.  Tablets are contained in a 5 gallon bucket which can’t spill, eliminating the need for secondary containment, tablets also require much less labor time than liquid.  The liquid mixing process is time intensive on a daily basis (approximately an hour required to mix all three stations), where the tablets need only to be added once a week at the stations.  Tablets are the way to go; they save space here and eliminate the need to transfer liquid chlorine and the inherent safety issues.  Also, when we purchase liquid chlorine we are paying to ship a product that is 85% water.  Craig is waiting to talk with others who have installed the tablet system.  Arch Chemical gave a good price on 3 tablet units and funds were transferred at the fall meeting for the equipment.

Sewer Inflow & Infiltration (I&I) Remediation ~ The manhole on Route 32 was repaired.  The contractor is scheduled to continue in May; Craig expects this will be the toughest part due to the intermediate platforms and may require an extra man.

Department Activity ~
Steel Tank Inspection~ The one year anniversary inspection was performed on December 14, 2010.  The backside that never gets direct sunlight is showing some mold growth.  Craig believes it to be manageable with mild soap and a pressure washer, which the department does not have at this time.  The Commission discussed the pros and cons of the different types of washers available.  Craig also thought a washer would be useful for maintenance on the inside of the sewer station.
Furnace Repairs ~ Davis Plumbing & Heating finished repairs at the W&S Office.
Liens to Real-Estate ~ 84 Accounts were Liened to 2011 Real Estate.
Meter Reading Software Demo ~ Ti-Sales presented new Meter Reading Software which showed overall flexibility.  Money was transferred at fall meeting to upgrade the 1998-1999 meter reading software and handhelds.  After quarterly billing we will work with Ti-Sales and Vadar to address a current problem before proceeding.
Christmas Day Service Call ~ We received a call from 41 Harrison Avenue regarding a sewer backup.  Tom responded and observed wastewater backing up in the basement.  The homeowner had also called Roto-Rooter.  Tom verified that the sewer main was free and clear while Roto-Rooter snaked the service line.  They were able to get the line flowing again but the camera inspection revealed additional roots that would require excavation to completely remove.  Tom made the decision to call Tom Gregiore who consulted with the homeowner and together we scheduled to dig up the connection on Sunday the 26th due to the snowstorm expected Sunday night.  Craig and Tom worked with Mr. Gregoire that Sunday to uncover the problem and repair the connection.  The homeowner pays for Tom Gregiore, the department does not charge the homeowner for our time.  The Commission discussed fees charged by other towns, such as Springfield who charges $150 per service call.
Service Line Repair ~ Discussion took place regarding repairs needed to a plastic line on Stafford Road servicing two homes and who should bare the cost, as it is on State property, therefore the department should not have to pay for excavation.  Craig spoke with Tilcon Connecticut Inc. (owners of the Sand and Gravel who own one of the homes involved) and is in the process of contacting the other homeowner.
Adams Market ~ Our office has been contacted concerning the high water and sewer bills during the Summer months.  Adams Market uses our water for the Summer garden center but they also use it to help cool an antiquated condenser unit on the roof of the building.   As a Commercial Flat Rate Plus customer, they pay for the additional gallons used when water and sewer usage is over the quarterly minimum.  They would like the water for the garden center and cooling system metered separately so it does not impact their sewer bill.  Discussion took place and it was decided that first we must determine where the roof water drains to.  If it drains to our sewer system they must pay for it.  However if it drains to a storm water basin we can meter it separately.

NEXT MEETING:  The next meeting has been set for Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 6:30 p.m.

ADJOURN:  A motion was made by Doug and seconded by Joe to adjourn the meeting at 7:40p.m.  Motion passed unanimously.

Joseph M. Prior, Clerk

cc:  Selectmen