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Minutes 2009.09.30
Members Present:  Chairman Stephen C. Lobik, Vice Chairman Douglas R. North, Clerk Joseph M. Prior
Superintendent:  Craig W. Jalbert
Secretary:  Dale Barnes-Johnson
Open the Meeting:  The meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m.
Accept the Minutes:  A motion was made by Joe and seconded by Doug to accept the September 16, 2009 meeting minutes.  Motion passed unanimously.

Coliform and Chlorination~ Results from our September routine monthly samples tested positive for very low levels of total coliform bacteria, as a precautionary measure chlorinating began on Saturday September 19th   Because it was fighting with our corrosion control chlorine was not entering the system as quickly as expected, therefore chlorine levels were bumped up and hydrant flushing took place Monday September 28th to encourage good chlorine residuals throughout the system.  Present/Absent samples were taken today and brought to Cont-test Analytical Laboratory in E. Longmeadow.  Results are expected tomorrow around 5 o’clock.  Regular monthly samples will be taken on Tuesday, October 6th.
        Mass DEP Office sent Non-compliance paperwork since the September violation is the second that occurred within a twelve-month period, the first was December 2008.  The Board must sign the Administrative Consent Order (ACO) addressing Monson’s September 2009 violation of the Total Coliform Rule.  Basically they want the department to have the ability to chlorinate full time if the need arises in the next 12-months.  Issues seem to have started after the concrete tank went online (although it was filled and chlorinated per spec), usage has also been down since the additional storage tank went online, and the water main break was also a likely contributor.  Regardless, we need to move forward by 1) adding a mixing system to the steel tank when it is rehabbed to improve water freshness; 2) securing and installing chlorination equipment so it is on hand vs. taking corrosion control off line to chlorinate as the DEP doesn’t want corrosion control taken off-line.  Craig will be gathering information on tablet (calcium hypochlorite) systems similar to what Belchertown and West Springfield uses.  Tablets are much easier and safer to handle and have a longer shelf life than the liquid alternative.  Obviously three dedicated chlorine feed pumps will have to be purchased and installed.  Doug recommended getting the pump stations set up for chlorination however, he does not agree with the DEP’s stance on this as chlorinating will increase our cost and people don’t like it and neither does he.  An advantage to having the dedicated systems in place will allow us to temporarily chlorinate our system while we are hydrant flushing which will enhance and improve the cleaning effect of flushing.  This in turn would hopefully eliminate potential coliform problems in the future.  Discussion took place on how the corrosiveness of chlorine agitates the distribution system and in conjunction with the acidic water causes the rusty water complaints we have been receiving.

SRF Project Update/Tank Rehab ~ The low bidder on the project, Modern Protective Coatings (MPC), wants to begin the project as soon as possible and he expects this to be about a 6 week project.  Containment area and tank will be heated to allow paint to cure.  Actual cure time is unknown and is of concern, though the paint manufacturer should provide this information.  The company who performed the tank inspection, Merithew, will also be doing construction observation, and the job is guaranteed.  The Commission agreed they want the job done right and recommend T&H be contacted for their opinion, the paint manufacturer may want to look at this situation too.  Nothing has to be done this Fall, the end of November brings with it all new elements to be dealt with and may effect the quality of workmanship.
        The Fire Department is worried about relying on the concrete tank, which is half the size of the steel tank, if something happens.  Craig acknowledges their concern; however the tank must be painted.

Sewer Inflow & Infiltration (I&I) Remediation ~ Craig will be meeting with the Haley’s to discuss the Notice of Intent (NOI) which is almost complete.  The proposed access road plan is complete but it will be outside the original easement; hopefully the Haley’s will be agreeable.  Craig would like to get the road installed this fall vs. the spring when conditions will be less favorable for the work that needs to be done.

Memorial Hall Project ~ The next step is updating the Memorial Hall water service, however due to the department activity this has been put on the back burner.

Mill Street Bridge Repair ~ The Conservation Committee (Con Com) meeting on the 16th went well.  It was fortunate we had the open NOI already filed as it allowed the Con Com to file conditions which allowed the emergency work to happen.  The work is complete.  The Mill St. bridge abutments have been recovered and the sewer main has also been recovered and armored with large rock to prevent washout.  John Morrell had told Craig that MEMA would not help with any future repairs, in the event of another flood, if we hadn’t been proactive with the remediation.  It’s a shame we could not have proceeded farther up the brook reinforcing the banks but the Town didn’t have enough money available.  Highway paid $6,000, The Sewer Department paid the remaining $3,000 in addition to the $3,000 NOI fee.  Con Com informed Craig we can also proceed with the Margaret St. work once we have a scope of work.

Department Activity ~ In addition to addressing the coliform issue and chlorinating, it is meter reading time.  There are three requests for water service line replacements (iron pipe services, and a Bunyan Rd plastic line), seasonal water shut off requests are being performed in addition to daily Dig Safe requests.  Trying times continue and the department continues to go day to day shorthanded.  The department has been contacted about addressing the Subway and Hair Salon water service, while the buildings are separate; the water service goes from one to the other.  Craig is expecting to use WAS Brothers to accomplish this, costs will be put on the new owner.

Special Town Meeting ~ Monday, November 16, 2009  at 7:00p.m. Granite Valley Middle School, article requests are due before October 13, 2009.

Requests for transfers from Sewer Free Cash will include:
  • $63,968.81 Palmer FY09 4th Quarter Bill deficit
  • $50,000 to offset MDC usage/revenue reduction
  • $50,000 towards Sewer Inflow & Infiltration remediation (easement road & complete work on Route 32 to Fenton)
  • Request to transfer additional MTBE Money ($54,073.40) to previously established Water Stabilization Fund.
Requests for transfers from Water Free Cash will include:
  • Sum of money to purchase and install Water Pump Station Chlorination Equipment
  • Sum of money to replace funds expended for Main Street Water Break.
        The Commission briefly proceeded to discuss the FY2011 Budget; preliminary work begins as early as November with regards to rate setting.  The Commission agreed additional/reorganizing workforce is needed, along with a utility truck.

NEXT MEETING:  The next meeting has been set for Wednesday, October 14, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Joseph M. Prior, Clerk

cc:  Selectmen