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Minutes 2009.08.05
Members Present:  Vice Chairman Douglas R. North, Clerk Joseph M. Prior
Superintendent:  Craig W. Jalbert
Secretary:  Dale Barnes-Johnson
Open the Meeting:  The meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m.
Accept the Minutes:  A motion was made by Doug and seconded by Joe accept the July 21, 2009.  Motion passed unanimously.

S.R.F. Project ~ Tank Rehab ~ The bid results are in and there was a huge disparity amongst the bids.  The additive alternates include a mixing system (similar to what was installed in the new tank), and the installation of an additional man way (which they usually do to accommodate equipment).  Low bid was Modern Protective Coatings (MPC) at $253,000; high bid was L.F. Clavin & Co. at $545,113.  Low bidder was very open regarding the fact his company had zero work as of the next day and was extremely aggressive in their pricing to get the job, T&H has worked with the low bidder in the past and found them to be a reputable company.  Next up was $369,000, $389,500, $449,425, $451,000 and $545,113.  The outside prep and paint is the tricky part of the job due to weather.  The contract will need to be signed by February of next year to meet the SRF deadline with the work commencing spring thereafter.  
Craig also reminded the Commission we will receive a 14% cost savings on the project as part of the Stimulus money being allotted to the SRF program.
Bethany Road ~  The settings for the VFD Control Panel have been restored, Craig was able to reprogram everything while on the phone with the Rep from WAJA Assoc. and at the same time created a backup file to save the settings if this were to ever happen again.

Sewer Inflow & Infiltration (I&I) Remediation ~ surveying is believed to be complete awaiting Notice of Intent from Don Frydryk and then Conservation Commission.

Memorial Hall Project ~ Craig advises the Multi Unit House at 194 Main St. has installed a pressure reducer and he would now like to get a contractor to donate time and machine or ask for cost forgiveness in recognition on the project, or a combination of the two, Craig plans to hire WAS Brothers to bullet underneath telephone cables and sidewalk which will save a great deal of time and aggravation and eliminate tearing up the sidewalk.  

Vadar Billing ~ In these trying times, customers are scrutinizing their bills and we are working through it.  More issues stemming from VADAR.  Dale explained to the Commission that the decision to go with VADAR was between the financial departments (Accounting, Assessors, and Tax Collector).  There is nothing we can do but document our issues and make the Commission aware of the on-going problems we are addressing.

MDC/Source Water Sampling ~ Bob Flagg notified Craig he had a total coliform detection at MDC on his monthly routine samples.  The same day, July 6th, Craig had a total coliform detection of 1 at Bunyan, however the entry point at Bunyan was 0 (which makes no sense at all); following total coliform rule procedure Craig re-sampled and everything was clean.  Craig explained how mistakes can happen when human beings are involved.  We have been getting inconsistencies in our sampling which we never had before.  MDC had a hit on their repeat samples and had to chlorinate.  Because MDC is a Consecutive System of ours, all of our water sources had to be re-monitored as part of the changes in the Ground Water Rule.  Fortunately, all of the samples came back clean.  Lately MDC has only been using 33,000 gallons per day from their 500,000 gallon tank.  Craig shared with the Commission his dissatisfaction with being held accountable for MDC having a poorly designed system.  With the new Ground Water Rule it appears the State wants to mandate chlorination on a regular basis, there is no way around it.  The Commission decided that all costs incurred related to the additional sampling will be passed on to the MDC and will include travel reimbursement, time and labor.

Palmer Road Well Pumping Capacity Update~ Average pumping output for May was 399 gal/min, June: 401 gal/min and July: 390 gal/min.  The Commission wants to monitor the output closely for the next few months.

Superintendent Position ~ Craig discussed with the board the job opening in Orange for a water superintendent.  He was contacted recently by the Chairman in Orange (Orange is similar to Monson in demographics, size and population).  In the hour’s conversation Craig learned the salary range is $55,000 to $65,000 with no wastewater responsibilities.  Craig’s contract has expired and the Commission requested the old contract be revisited and we should begin working toward a new contract with a 4-5 year term.  Craig explained it is difficult to get comparable pay scales as no other town has water & sewer together.  The Commission then discussed the personnel history of the department.  We have always only had 3 workers including the superintendent with the only addition of a secretary.  Sewer was added in the 1980’s (no increase in personnel) but now the Department is dealing with maintenance issues on the 40 year old sewer lines and equipment, in addition to routine regulation changes, as discussed in the past an additional person is warranted.  Realistically, in this day and age where there is so much scrutiny regarding water quality and testing there should be a separate water and sewer truck and tools, the Water truck should not be at the Sewer station.  This topic will be brought up again when the full board is present.

Department Activity ~ Dave Majka from Palmer Water District is going to assist Craig with investigating a possible water leak near 14 Main Street (Tess Pelissier’s) using their new leak equipment.  It is unknown if it is a service line or water main leak.

No need to go into Executive Session – No updates.

NEXT MEETING:  The next meeting has been set for Wednesday August 26, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Joseph M. Prior, Clerk

cc:  Selectmen