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Minutes 2009.04.29
Members Present:  Chairman Douglas R. North, Clerk Stephen C. Lobik, Clerk Joseph M. Prior
Superintendent:  Craig W. Jalbert
Secretary:  Dale Barnes-Johnson
Open the Meeting:  The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Accept the Minutes:  A motion was made by Steve and seconded by Doug to accept the April 1, 2009 and April 15, 2009 meeting minutes.  Motion passed unanimously.

S.R.F. Project ~ Tank Rehab specs are being finalized, Craig went over a few minor modifications with Karen from Tata & Howard (i.e., temporary electrical service for required equipment, possibility of adding another ground level access hatch however Craig prefers to stick with what exists now).
Bethany Road ~ a problem developed with the electric circuit which powers the feed pump causing the overload to trip.  Perhaps it is not sized correctly for what it is intended to do, the electrician will be out.  A separate issue with the electronic stroke adjustment not pacing with well output also requires attention; this has been put on manual bypass mode and may require support from factory representative or manufacturer.

Palmer Road Well Pumping Capacity ~ Peter Maher is supposed to come out tomorrow to perform and document flow pump tests, however Craig has not received confirmation.

FINCOM Approval of Town Meeting Article Requests ~ Craig attended their meeting, all the submitted W&S articles and budgets were approved.  Town Meeting is Monday, May 11th

Sewer Inflow & Infiltration (I&I) Remediation ~  Amethyst will be out next week to test and seal pipe joints.  They worked 1-1/2 days and accomplished 3 runs the last time they were out.  Craig believes this schedule will work fine, if needed Craig will approach FINCOM to request a transfer from Sewer Emergency Reserve to cover expenses to test and seal up to where the pipe has been jetted which was to the irrigation shack by golf course.

Friends of Memorial Hall ~ Craig explained to the Commission the group to which he belongs was formed to maintain the building in its physical presence and maintain what it means to people.  Currently there are 9-10 members, it is a non-profit organization separate from the town and could certainly use more active members.

National Water Competition ~ Alabama won the national water taste test competition.  This is the first year a New England state did not make the top five, a representative from every state was present.

NEXT MEETING:  The next meeting has been set for Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

ADJOURN:  At 6:50 p.m., a motion was made by Doug and seconded by Steve to adjourn from open session to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing pending negotiations and not to return to open session.  Motion passes unanimously.

Joseph M. Prior, Clerk

cc:  Selectmen