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Minutes 2007.01.04
Members Present:  Chairman Marshall L. Harris, V. Chairman Stephen C. Lobik, Clerk Douglas R. North
Superintendent:  Craig W. Jalbert
Secretary:  Dale Barnes-Johnson
Open the Meeting:  The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Accept the Minutes:   A motion was made by Steve and seconded by Doug to accept the Meeting Minutes from December 13, 2006.  Motion passed unanimously.  

FY2008 Budget Process/Rates:  As discussed last meeting the Commission agreed the rates need to be adjusted to make the budget with its bare minimum increases (5% Electricity Increase, and Contractual Salary Increases only).  Official news on the S.R.F. is that Monson made the list and the 2% loan funding is available for Monson if the Town chooses to accept it at Town Meeting, again, this does not cover Engineering costs.  When fiscally possible the department tries to set aside money to go towards future projects, i.e. $70,000 towards the Tank Project.  A lengthy and thorough discussion took place regarding the amount of rate increase required for us to meet our responsibilities.  For informational and planning purposes Craig has contacted the company who painted the tank in the late 80’s for a cost estimate of repainting the existing tank, Craig is also inquiring about costs for maintenance on a future tank to help in the approaching decision process.  A motion was made by Doug to raise the current water rate from $3.25/1000 gal., 6,250 gallons or $20.31 Min/Qtr to $3.70/1000 gal., 6,250 gallons or $23.13 Min/Qtr effective April 1, 2007, motion seconded by Steve, motion passed unanimously.
        After review of the Sewer budget which also included bare minimum increases (5% Electricity Increase, and Contractual Salary Increases only) it was also agreed a slight rate adjustment was required.  M.D.C. is still in the process of authorizing funds to put towards the Grinder.  A motion was made by Steve to raise the Sewer Residential Flat Rate per Dwelling Unit from $225/Year, or $56.25 per Qtr to $235/Year, or $58.75 per Qtr effective April 1, 2007, motion seconded by Doug, motion passed unanimously.

Palmer Road/USDA:  The Well is back in service; and we are waiting for the Electrician to change out the motor control panel.  
        Bunyan Road Well – Craig met with Mark Lueders of the Carl Leuders Company to show him the installation particulars for the well level transducers we are interested in.  Mark also talked about a different water tank telemetering system that uses CB radio frequencies.  It’s a very simple system and is ideal for use with water systems that have multiple pump stations like ours.  It incorporates its own built in back up power and would eliminate the need and expense of our existing phone lines which have caused us many problems over the years.  

MDC Sewer:  The loaner flow meter MDC had been using has stopped working which means the flow numbers we use for billing are unavailable.  The meter representative, Rick Nash, came out; the unit needs to be sent back to the factory for repair.  The bill for MDC this quarter will have to be estimated.  

Quaboag Heights ~ Update:  The project passed its bacteria test for the second section.  

Community Development Block Grant – PVPC:  The final Tata & Howard (T&H) estimate included new pipeline on Park Ave. and from Main Street to the Fire Station to eliminate the dead end.  Estimated project cost is $366,000 and included replacement of existing drainage system, sidewalks (concrete) as well as full width overlay on existing roadway.

NEXT MEETING:  The next meeting has been set for Thursday, January 18, 2007.

ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.

Douglas R. North, Clerk

cc:  Selectmen