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Parks and Rec Commission Minutes 2/26/14
Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Present:  Steve O’Shea (Chairman), Peter Beaupre, Jr.

Also Present:  Tim Pascale, Director/Program Coordinator, Jeannie Guertin, Secretary/Clerk; Dan LaRoche, Town Planner; Charles Cournoyer

Steve O’Shea called the meeting to order at 5:59 p.m.

Basketball payments are almost paid up.   We were more aggressive on the payments coming in this year during registration.  It cost more to play CYO because we had more home games, but this was offset by proceeds from the donation box.  In the spring Tim will look into the possibility of reentering the Suburban league next season.
The motion detector in the pool has gone off three times early in the morning.  The deep end is going off which is where the flags are (suspended over the pool).  The new pump was installed, and we lost some lessons and water aerobics when the pump broke down.    The pool party for the last day of basketball was a good idea to promote the pool and well received.  Maybe the last day of baseball and lacrosse can be held at Quarry Hill and a pool party can be held for those programs, too.  
Peter asked if Tim can get any more of the chemical for the grates.  Now that swim season is over, we should get in there and pressure wash the floor, and complete any other maintenance that can be done.  The Parks and Rec staff can do this before they start working outside.   The starter block still needs repair.  It would cost around $500 to hire someone to pressure wash the deck.    Steve asked that the repair of the starting block and deck cleaning be put on the agenda for their next meeting.  The lockers are also in bad shape.  Maybe Community Preservation funds can be used to refurbish the lockers.
Dan LaRoche, Town Planner, appeared before the Commission to discuss the feasibility of the Parks and Rec Department staying at the Hillside Building.   As Town Planner, he is trying to come up with a bigger vision for the town, and that includes the future use of buildings.   The new town hall should be completed by the fall.  Dan’s concern is that the Hillside Building will fall apart in a few years, and will need to be torn down.  It would cost less money to rehabilitate the building than to tear it down.  Since the Parks and Rec accommodations aren’t as big as it should be in the new building, there is a need for us to stay at Hillside.  We have this asset in a great location with downtown not far away and near the schools.  Parks and Rec and the Senior Center could be located at the Hillside Building.  The YMCA is interested in programming here, and there is a need for space for teens.    Dan has been talking with administration and has also been putting out feelers in the community.   The programs would have to be self-sustaining, and the Town will have to put up some capital.  The first step would be to propose something to the Town.  Dan will be getting some numbers together as to what it would cost to update the building.  Dan said we need to get the community to commit to preserving the building and investing in the programming.  
Every year the state offers money as a green community, so there’s grant money available.   There could also be CPC funding, and income could be generated from renting space.  Dan thought if people were attending programs at the Hillside Building, which would be more like a Community Center, there would be more activity drawn to the downtown area.  Dan would like support from the Commission to move forward, and the Commission gave Dan their full support.
Steve would like the Commission to come with a list of CPC projects.  The Constantino Field project is under way, and Steve would like the third field at Flynt Park to be completed.  Steve thought maybe we could do something with all the hiking trails in town, for example, provide kiosks with maps and information, and publicize the trails so the community knows what is available.   Tim thought we could do projects with picnic areas, field irrigation and improving the gym at Quarry Hill, including new scoreboards and bleachers.  Steve would like the Commission to discuss this at their next meeting and have the Parks and Rec Department apply for a CPC project every year.
Tim said that a baseball player is away for ten days, including the two tryout dates.  Will that player not be eligible to play on a Tri Town team?  Jeannie will e-mail Craig Szado, who is running the tryouts, and ask him what the policy should be for cases like that.
Peter made a motion to approve the minutes of January 29 meeting, and Steve seconded.  All in favor and the motion passed.
The next meeting will Wednesday, March 26 at 6:00 p.m.  The meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeannie Guertin