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Parks and Rec Commision Minutes 5/15/12
Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Present:  Steve O’Shea (Chairman), Michael Arbour and Steve Slozak
Also Present:  Timothy Pascale, Director; Jeannie Guertin, Secretary/Clerk; Craig Jalbert, Monson Water & Sewer Department Superintendent

Steve O’Shea called the meeting to order at 6:46 p.m.  

The Commission hasn’t heard back from the girl scouts regarding their proposal to put receptacles for recycles in different locations in town.  They did thank the Commission for their support.   They could be waiting for the boy scouts’ commitment to empty the receptacles once they are in place.

Steve Slozak nominated Steve O’Shea to continue as Chairman of the Parks & Rec Commission for the current year.  Steve O’Shea accepted, and all were in favor.

Tim will start filling out paperwork to submit a proposal to the Community Preservation Committee for work in Upper Flynt baseball field.

With the article accepted to rebuild the Town Office Building at 110 Main Street, there may be more room at Veterans Field if they have to move the building closer to Main Street.   Also, the building will be smaller than the existing one.  There could be opportunity to build tennis courts or other recreational facilities there will more available space.

There is insurance money for the tennis court fencing, and also $50,000 of insurance money to rebuild the skate park.  The value of the insurance depreciates if whatever is being rebuilt isn’t placed on the same location as the damaged facility.   

There has been no conclusion for getting access to the property to clean up the trees at Flynt Park.  Tim will make an appointment with Leslie Duthie and have a site visit to discuss this.

There are a few projects that will take priority for the Parks & Rec Department:  drainage issues at Flynt Park, forestry at Flynt Park and tennis courts.

Steve O’Shea received an inquiry regarding the tennis courts as a result of the Commissioners’
e-mail links appearing on our newsletter.  He would like the links to remain on every newsletter that goes out each week to help make it easier for people to contact the Commissioners if they have any complaints, suggestions or comments.

Craig Jalbert appeared before the Commission to discuss a sprinkler system at Constantino Field.  He suggests a 2” line off Margaret Street.  There would have to be some kind of housing or protection around the meter and other hardware, which would probably have to sit on a cement pad.  The Water Department could provide the labor, but not the cost of the parts, which could run $400-500.  They have a meter that may be used that was too big for Rogers Field.  The Highway Department could also help out with the labor.  The design of the sprinkler system, itself, could be done by Bob Flagg.  There would have to be some kind of protection around the back flow preventer to avoid vandalism.  Monson Savings Bank has shrubbery around theirs and it is hidden.   Craig feels something could be easily fabricated to accomplish this.  A water spigot should also be included in this work to allow water bottles or coolers to be filled.  There should also be the option of having a hose nearby to water down the infield if needed.   Craig commented that there isn’t a week that goes by that he doesn’t interact with Tim to work together and collaborate on a project.

Tim will meet with the Conservation Commission regarding Cushman Field to regrade in order to build another baseball field there, which would be an 8-10 field.   The center fields of both fields would be back to back to allow for a soccer field to be made in the middle.  Tim has already met with Larry Tassinari to discuss this and is waiting for a price, and has also met with John Morrell to see if he could use the Highway Department’s grader.

Another outdoor movie night is scheduled for Monday, August 13, with a rain date of August 13; show time is 8:00 p.m.

Tim discussed his vacation time and would like to take off every Friday beginning May 25, and then an additional week, to use his time before the end of the fiscal year, June 30.   The Commissioners had no problem with this as long as Steve Gordon is available to supervise the workers in Tim’s absence.  Tim will let the Commissioners know which 5 days he will take off.

There was trouble with the permit to use the high school for Summer Art Camp.  The art teachers were concerned that their supplies would be used.  Once Dr. Linkenhoker was assured that this would not happen, he approved the permit.  

Jill Foulis and Jon Harris, varsity track coaches, are going to take over the Summer Track program.  Tim is going to meet with them to work out the details.

Non-residents are being considered to participate in Monson Summer Theatre if there are not enough participants from town.  Non-residents would be charged more than residents to participate.     The Commissioners would have to approve the non-resident policy.  The tornado last year could have been the reason for the low numbers last year.  We are still waiting to hear if the rights to “Grease” have been secured for this year’s production.

Steve Slozak made a motion to accept the minutes of the April 19 meeting, with the amendment to the minutes that the start time of the May 15 meeting should read “7:00 p.m.”, and not “6:30 p.m.”  Mike Arbour seconded; all in favor and the motion passed.

The next meeting will be held Thursday, June 21, at 7:00 p.m.

Steve Slozak made a motion to adjourn at 8:02 p.m., and Mike Arbour seconded. All in favor; meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeannie Guertin