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Parks and Rec Commission Minutes 9/9/09
Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Present:  Michael Arbour, Barry Cady and Steve O’Shea
Also Present:  Timothy Pascale, Director; Jeannie Guertin, Secretary/Clerk; Steve Slozak

Steve O’Shea called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.  Barry made a motion to accept the June minutes and Mike seconded. All in favor and motion passed.

Steve Slozak appeared before the Commission to give an update on the application that was submitted to the Community Preservation Committee for a baseball field at the upper third field at Rogers Field.  

The CPC projects should be on the ballot for the town meeting in November, so ultimately this project will be up to town voters to approve.  Something could be put in the Parks and Rec weekly e-mail asking voters to support this project by going to town meeting and voting.  Overall the application looks good; however, there are three pieces that still need to be submitted for this project.  One is a letter of approval from town counsel.  Tim has this and will submit a copy.  A second item is an updated quote for the fencing from Hastie Fence.  The project was submitted with a quote from 2006, and the CPC needs to have a quote from them that is current.  Tim had contacted Hastie and they said it was okay to use the same quote.  That is fine, but a quote is needed that has a current date on it.  Tim will call Hastie to get this.  Lastly, the CPC would like a more defined interpretation of the fencing design.  Tim will outline the fence design on a Google map showing this.  

Steve also mentioned that the CPC requested Tim to specify what the project would cost including the value of in-kind services.  Tim had already adjusted the original application to include this and has submitted it.  Steve said the application looks really good.   Community Preservation Act funds are purchasing 130 acres of the Flynt property for the purpose of conservation.  There is still a grey area as to whether CPA funds can be used towards existing areas or facilities.  If CPA funds could be used towards existing facilities the tennis courts would be a good project that could be repaired with those funds.

There are over $500,000 worth of applications that have been submitted, and there is not enough in the account to approve all the applications.  The CPA funds become available on October 15 for the projects that had already been approved.

Tri-Town evaluations started this week, and they’re going well.  The Junior Varsity and Varsity baseball coaches are running the evaluations.  8/10 evaluations are Tuesday and Wednesday (September 8 and 9), and 10/12 evaluations are Thursday and Friday (September 10 and 11).  

Sam Bilotti might be interested in donating money to repair the tennis courts.  After receiving three quotes to repair the courts, $7,000 was the quote Tim submitted to the Selectmen and they voted not to appropriate the money.

Tim distributed a master list of all the rec soccer game schedules to the Commissioners.

Steve Gordon is going to have a meeting with all the referees.  He will go over the rules, how to address certain situations, make sure they tuck in their shirts, etc.  

Fertilizer was put down the end of last week.  The bags were $13.23 each, which is a good price.  The High School field is looking better due to the sprinkler system being repaired.

Flyers just went out for a bus trip to the Bruins, and the cost is $135 per person.  This is a great deal since this is a $250 value (including transportation) and the seating is in the Premium Club section.  

At the next Parks and Rec Commission meeting basketball should be discussed.  Evaluations will be the last week of October.

Rec soccer games start this weekend; soccer picture night is September 16.  Pete Beaupre is all set for instructional soccer.  He will come to the office to get the list of players who have registered.  We received coaches’ kits for soccer from Dick’s Community Youth Sports Program.  Tim will have these picked up and save them for next year’s season.

Monson Summer Theatre tickets have been on sale.  On October 3, there will be a special event at Granite Valley Middle School to celebrate Tess Pellisier’s 40th year as Summer Theatre Director.  Tickets are being sold from this office.

Regarding seasonal help, Adam Franke’s last day was today.  Kyle Demaio, Courtney Gilligan, and Steve Gordon are the only ones working now.  

There will be new Parks and Rec office hours.  Jeannie will work 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  She will still work 18.5 hours, but the office hours are now 8:00 a.m. to Noon.  The office hours were changed to accommodate a new policy set by the Selectmen to close all Town Offices from Noon to 1:00 p.m. for lunch.  We will communicate this in our weekly e-mail and our website.  

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 14, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

Steve O’Shea made a motion to adjourn at 7:50 p.m., and Barry seconded. All in favor; meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeannie Guertin

Timothy J Pascale
Director/Program Coordinator
Monson Parks and Recreation
110 Main Street
Monson, MA 01057
1-413-267-4105 ( phone )
1-413-267-0327 ( fax ) ( website )