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Parks and Rec Commission Minutes 5/28/09
Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Present:  Michael Arbour, Barry Cady and Steve O’Shea
Also Present:  Timothy Pascale, Director; Steve Slozak; CPC member

Steve O’Shea called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m.

Barry made a motion to accept the March minutes and Steve seconded. All in favor and minutes passed

Barry made a motion to accept the April minutes and Mike seconded. All in favor and the minutes passed.

The topic of electing new chairman was discussed. Barry said he was not interested in being the chairman and passed it to Steve O’Shea. Steve asked if he could take some time to think about it. The topic was tabled until the next meeting.

Barry asked about the safety of the basketball hoop on the south side of the basketball court at Veterans Field. Tim made him aware that he knew it was leaning over but not in jeopardy of falling over. The highway department was not interested in helping reset it. Tim told the committee 2 private contractors had said they would help fix it but neither of them has followed through.

Barry made Tim aware that there is graffiti on one of the basketball poles at Veterans Field. Tim said he would take care of it.

Barry asked for an update on the Eagle Scout project at Cushman field. Tim said the roofs had been completed and the fencing is still to be completed.

Barry asked how the skatepark was operating. Tim said that no one follows the rules anymore and he believes Faith is getting burned out. Not sure what will happen when Faith steps away from the park.

Steve O’Shea asked Tim if he had followed through on getting a quote on fertilizer to take care of the dandelions and clover. Tim made the commission aware he had. The total bill would be $2,340 but Tim made them aware that the time had come and gone for this time of the year and he will purchase the product for the second round of Dandelion bloom in late summer.

Steve asked about the projected 2010 budget. Tim made the commission aware that ALL expenses for the recreation department had been eliminated at town meeting. This will force us to raise user fees in all recreation programs. Tim made the aware that additional monies may need to be cut but was not definite where they would come from.

Steve asked about the electrical box at Flynt Park. Tim made them aware the project was ready to go but he did not want to push the volunteer electrician as a big need for the power has not come yet.

Mike asked why we were not putting lines down for recreational baseball and softball games since we are the Parks and Recreation Department but we do for the schools. Tim made them aware that in the beginning of the season he didn’t have enough man power to do all games so he made the decision to do none so he was accused of playing favorites. He also stated lines for high school events were mandatory and they were not for Recreation games. Steve made the comment that maybe we could just do the playoff games. Tim said he was willing to do that. Barry made a motion that we do lines for playoffs, Mike seconded, all in favor and motion passed.

Steve Slozak came to ask permission to use green fence poles and the sound system for Summerfest. Tim granted his request.

Steve Slozak said he would stay on as CPC representative of Parks and Recreation until next month when one of the current commissioners would have to be voted to replace him. He gave the commissioners a handout about CPC and made them aware of how they are trying to change the law to include work in current recreation facilities. If he hears anymore information he will make the commission aware.

Steve Slozak left at 7:40 PM.

Tim made the commission aware that the price for the concession building they asked for would be around $3,000. This would not include electricity or water. The commission directed Tim to get an approximate price on putting electricity in this type of building. The commission discussed they thought they would need to continue to think about how to staff such a building but agreed they will need to find ways to raise money in light of  the budget cuts.

Mike asked who would be running the instructional soccer program this fall. Tim said he thought Pete Beaupre would be doing it. Mike said he was not happy with the way it was running and to see if he would come in to discuss his plans for the program. Tim said he would email him and see if he could attend the June meeting.

Steve asked Mike if any ground had been made on starting the summer basketball program. Mike said while he thought there would be interest he just does not have time to run such a program this year.

Tim showed the commission the soccer flyer to be distributed soon with the increased fees. No objections were heard so flyers will go out asap.

The commission discussed days to have the next meeting. The next meeting will take place on June 18th, 2009 at 6:30 PM

Barry made a motion to adjourn at 8:15 PM, Mike seconded. All in Favor. Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Timothy Pascale
Director/Program Coordinator

Timothy J Pascale
Director/Program Coordinator
Monson Parks and Recreation
110 Main Street
Monson, MA 01057
1-413-267-4105 ( phone )
1-413-267-0327 ( fax ) ( website )