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Parks and Rec Commission Minutes 2/19/09
Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Present:  Steve Slozak, Barry Cady and Steve O’Shea
Also Present:  Timothy Pascale, Director; Jeanne Guertin, Secretary

Steve Slozak called the meeting to order at 7:17 p.m.

Barry made a motion to accept the minutes from the January 26 meeting.  Steve O’Shea seconded and all in favor.

The current year budget cuts to the Parks and Recreation Department will be $1,000.   The reductions will be taken in the following expenses:  $200 in Conferences; $75 in Dues; $300 in Rentals; $110 in Basketball; $20 in Soccer Wages; $100 in Cell Phone; and $195 in Baseball Supplies.  

For FY 2010, the Parks and Rec will have to have all their sports progams (soccer, basketball and baseball) be self-supporting because of the expenses that will be cut.

The Finance Committee had approved the purchase of the new motor for the Exmark mower.  At the beginning of March Tim will get some quotes to replace the motor.

Two shot clocks were purchased for basketball, and there was a problem with one of the clocks, in that it was not operating correctly when used with the remote control board. The company they were purchased from sent two more clocks, and now we currently have two shot clocks that function properly, and the other two will be returned to the company.

Monson will host the Suburban basketball finals on March 8, and may also host the CYO finals.  These events should boost the revenue for concession sales.  Selling concessions during recreational basketball games has not been profitable.  In the past there had been more rec games scheduled, but when there are only two or three games in a given day, the concession stand is not making money.   Concessions won’t be sold in the future unless there are more rec games scheduled in one day.

Don Smith has stated that the building usage fee that the Parks and Recreation Department must pay the school to use the Granite Valley Middle School for summer programs will be $500.  Last year the School Department charged $2,500.

Tim will look into the question of ownership of the electrical box at Rogers Field so he can proceed with the repair of the box.

The Summerfest Committee wants to schedule a BMX demo and would like to use the Skate Park.  Faith Esposito will be contacted by Steve Slozak about planning to have the Skate Park available for this use.  Barnes Airport is also being contacted to plan a “static” display on Veterans Field during Summerfest.

Steve O’Shea reported that Monson is “in the running” for the Liberty Mutual Grant and they will contact us when a decision is made.  We should be looking into all other grants available, such as Gillette and Dick’s Sporting Goods.  We have contacted Dick’s about their Community Youth Sports Program for our baseball and softball program.  Jeannie will contact them to ask about the status of our application.  The CYS Program provides coaches kits to local youth sports programs.

Steve O’Shea asked if a sponsor plaque would be able to be affixed to the backstop at the proposed baseball field at the upper field at Flynt Park.  For fundraising purposes, it would be more attractive for businesses to donate if the contribution included a plaque displayed with the donor’s business name.  There would be no problem with attaching a sponsor plaque to a backstop, and Steve can include that incentive in any fundraising information he distributes.

The next Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday,
March 18, at 7:00 p.m.  

Barry made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 p.m.; Steve O’Shea seconded, all in favor and the motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeanne Guertin

Timothy J Pascale
Director/Program Coordinator
Monson Parks and Recreation
110 Main Street
Monson, MA 01057
1-413-267-4105 ( phone )
1-413-267-0327 ( fax ) ( website )