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Parks and Rec Commission Minutes 11/15/07
Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Present: Steve Slozak, Barry Cady and Dave Braskie
Also Present: Timothy Pascale, Director

Steve called the meeting to order at 6:26 p.m.

Barry made a motion to accept the minutes from the October 17 meeting and Dave seconded.  All in favor and the motion passed.

The commissioners received information from Tim regarding the revolving fund, expenses and salaries for FY ’08.

Tim let the commissioners know that he was upset while watching a Board of Selectman meeting and drove down to talk with them regarding dialogue he had heard on the television. He let them know that the municipal offices, Grieve Park, Memorial Hall and House of Art had in fact been cleaned up in honor of Veterans Day. This was done on Friday and leaves may have fallen in between Friday and Monday but did not feel it would be cost effective to pay overtime on a Sunday or Monday to do clean up. It was also discussed that the Parks and Recreation Department does care about grounds maintenance and Tim has made an offer to the school department to negotiate to take control of the remaining grounds we currently do not take care of. The Board of Selectman said they would support this if we needed. Tim has been emailed back by the superintendent and they are interested in talking about this but not until after a new business manager is hired in the spring. The commission was glad Tim had approached the board to show we are interested in what is happening regarding grounds maintenance. Tim also let the Board know the areas mentioned before would be cleaned again for Thanksgiving and the Holiday Craft Fair.

Steve asked about the fencing program. Tim updated the board on the attendance of the program and that Jeanne had emailed the Palmer Journal to run an article again for the program.

Steve asked about the Celtics bus trip. Tim informed the board that the game was sold out of all 47 tickets and all parties had a good time.

Steve asked about the Haunted Hayride. The night was a success as the department received $1150 in donations.

Tim gave an update on the basketball program. Two 4th grade parents showed interest in having their daughters try out for the Junior Team. Tim allowed this to take place because he felt these 2 players would be better for the competition level on the mostly 5th and 6th grade team. The players did make the team and Tim has been taking calls from angry parents about the issue. The matter was discussed and the commission agrees with Tim’s decision to allow the players to move up. Tim said in other towns this has been happening for a few years now and we are getting complaints because this is a policy we have just started and the brochure for next season would indicate the facts more clearly.

Barry asked about the fact the first and second grade soccer teams had no officials the last day and if it was looked into who was supposed to be there. Tim indicated that he did know whom the official was supposed to be and was surprised the young lady had not been there but overall we had good attendance from our officials as teams that play in the PVJSL often have no officials.

Dave made a motion to have representatives from the Parks and Recreation Department meet on a quarterly basis with the Board of Selectman in executive session starting December 11, 2007. Barry seconded the motion. All in favor and motion passed.

Tim will draft a letter to the Board of Selectman regarding the commission’s intensions.

Tim gave an update on the sprinkler system repair at Moriarty Field. The broken units were fixed and the line closest to the school, zone 2, has been fixed. The system is winterized. Dave asked if there was any kind of guarantee on the winterization should we have any problems in the spring. Tim was not sure, was directed to look into it.

The commissioners asked if it would be of interest to work with Palmer regarding pool issues. Tim will talk with Liz on this issue.

Coaches’ clinics for soccer were discussed. It is agreed upon that bringing back the NSCAA would be beneficial next August for a couple different programs. Tim will look into contacting Gary Cooke.

Dave asked if there was anything we could do to limit traffic in the goal mouths of the soccer fields. It was agreed upon that this would be difficult to monitor but a letter to all Monson United Soccer Teams for the spring season would be a good idea. The letter should stress that our goal mouths are way overused especially the first part of practice having the whole team just attacking the goal for 20 minutes or so. Tim will draft a letter to give to Pam Arbour of Monson United.

Dave mentioned a product called Milorganite. Asked Tim to look into it and its benefits and cost effectiveness.

Tim gave a report on the winterizing plans at Flynt Park and Moriarty Field. All fields have been plug aerated 2 times each at Flynt Park. All fields will be over seeded with use of an over seeder lent to us by Moulton Hill Landscaping free of charge. Fertilizer will also be spread on each facility.

The next meeting will be on Monday December 10, at 5:30 p.m.

Barry made a motion to close the meeting at 7:40 p.m. and Dave seconded. All in favor and the motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Timothy Pascale
Director/Program Coordinator

Timothy J Pascale
Director/Program Coordinator
Monson Parks and Recreation
110 Main Street
Monson, MA 01057
1-413-267-4105 ( phone )
1-413-267-0327 ( fax ) ( website )