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Planning Board Minutes 10/16/2012


MEMBERS PRESENT: Kevin Haley, Paul Hatch, Craig Sweitzer, Karen King and Tara Hengeveld.

The Board endorsed an ANR plan submitted by the Quinlan Land Trust for property on Reimers Road that creates two new conforming lots from one large parcel of land leaving three conforming lots.

The Board endorsed an ANR plan submitted by Arthur Goneau for property on Silver Street that creates a new conforming lot from one large parcel of land leaving two conforming lots.

Suzanne Gendron met informally with the Board to request a waiver from strict conformance with Section 7.4.1 of the Monson Zoning Bylaws, Site Plan Approval.  Ms. Gendron stated she proposes to open a bakery/tea/coffee shop in the Norcross House in the area that a restaurant has historically operated in to be called The Upper Crust Bakery, Tea & Coffee Shop.  

Kevin Haley questioned the hours of operation?

Ms. Gendron stated typically she would be open 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. although there could be the odd occasion when the Summer Theatre has its play or the Monson Arts Council has a production that she would stay open to 11:00 P.M.  Sunday hours would be 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. and closed on Mondays.  Parking would remain the same as it has been at the Norcross House.  Ms. Gendron stated she is not certain if she will use the front of the building entrance or if she would change to enter from the existing porch.  There is a door on the porch that enters into the building and there is a ramp entrance on the grocery side of the building.

Craig Sweitzer stated to clarify no new entrances or exists are proposed, the doors exist now.

Ms. Gendron stated that was correct.  

Tara Hengeveld questioned if it was proposed to have tables and chairs outside?

Ms. Gendron stated that had not been determined she would have to look at the area by the porch.  

Paul Hatch questioned if there would be a sign in front?

Ms. Gendron stated she would have a sign in the same place the previous restaurant had.

Craig Sweitzer stated the Building Commissioner would address the sign issue.

Paul Hatch questioned if there would be outside lighting?

Ms. Gendron stated at this time she did not intend to change the exterior lighting.

Paul Hatch stated if any exterior changes were proposed to lighting, doors etc. Ms. Gendron should come back to the Board.

Paul Hatch moved to waive the requirement of Site Plan Approval for a bakery, tea & coffee shop to be located in the Norcross House 125 Main Street because;

No exterior changes are proposed to the building, parking, lighting and signage.

No change of use is proposed, as the bakery is to be located in the area of the building that has historically housed a restaurant.

The proposed used is consistent with previous uses in this particular area of the Norcross House 125 Main Street.

Kevin Haley seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.  

7:30 Chairman Craig Sweitzer reconvened a public hearing for Cornerstone Power, Monson LLC for a ground mounted photovoltaic array to be located on property owned by James & John Arooth on Upper Palmer Road and Macomber Road.

The Board received a written request from the applicant to continue the public hearing to the next meeting in November.

The Board discussed the date of the November meeting that is scheduled for Tuesday November 20, 2012.  Due to the Thanksgiving holiday it would be difficult for the Board to convene a quorum.  

Karen King moved to change the date of the Planning Board meeting to Tuesday November 27, 2012.

Paul Hatch seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

Paul Hatch moved to continue the hearing to November 27, 2012 at 7:15 P.M.

Karen King seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

Karen King moved to approve the minutes of September 18, 2012.

Paul Hatch seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

7:35  Public Hearing to consider a change to Section 3.3.8 Reconstruction  after Catastrophe or Demolition of the Monson Zoning Bylaws.

Chairman Craig Sweitzer read the legal notice as it appeared in the Republican newspaper the weeks of October 1, & 8, 2012.  The proposed change is the addition of language to allow an additional year to reconstruct a nonconforming structure or use after a catastrophe:

  • A nonconforming use or structure destroyed by the June 1, 2011 F-3 Tornado may apply for a Special Permit by the Planning Board to extend for up to one (1) year the timeframe to reconstruct said premises for a total of up to three (3) years.  This provision shall sunset and not extend beyond June 1, 2014.
Dan Laroche the Monson Disaster Recovery manager crafted the language of the bylaw from a bylaw that the Town of Ipswich adopted and had approved by the office of the Attorney General.  The bylaw will allow an extra year but will not extend beyond June 1, 2014.  

Paul Hatch moved to close the public hearing and recommend that the Board of Selectmen place an article on the warrant for the Town Meeting on November 26, 2012.  The Planning Board will support the adoption of the bylaw at Town Meeting.

Kevin Haley seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

7:45 Paul Hatch moved to adjourn.

Karen King seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda A. Hull