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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/10/2012


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Leslie Duthie, Glenn Colburn and Davis Johnson.

MEMBERS ABSENT:  Audra Staples and Dana Staples

7:00  Larry Tuttle and Keith Terry met informally with the Commission to discuss a project at 40 Old Stagecoach Drive.  An addition with a full foundation is proposed to the rear of the existing home that is situated on Stagecoach Lake.  The addition would be on the lake side of the existing home and the septic system location revised.  The lawn area slopes down toward the lake and is currently mowed.  It is proposed to reduce the amount of lawn area and utilize planter boxes with stone around it to help infiltrate run off, in addition to a rain garden.

The Commissioners stated a Notice of Intent should be filed and a public hearing held.  

7:15  RFD 103 Lakeside Drive.   David Chapdelaine representing the property owners stated his client would like to add a concrete patio on the lakeside of the property and change a flagstone walk to concrete for better maintenance.

Glenn Colburn questioned the distance from the lake to the patio?

David Chapdelaine stated approximately 63 feet to lake.  

Glenn Colburn stated it would also be approximately 90 feet from the overflow to the lake.  He questioned if any consideration was given to using pervious paving stone rather than creating more impervious surface?  

David Chapdelaine stated he had not considered it.  

The Commissioners stated they would like Mr. Chapdelaine to investigate the use of pervious pavers at least for the patio because of the proximity to the lake also give the Commissioners a cost analysis between concrete and pervious pavers.  

Leslie Duthie stated she understood the property owners’ preference for concrete and would have no problem with that for the walkway but the proposed patio is an area that is close to the lake.  

Leslie Duthie moved to continue meeting for additional information.

Davis Johnson seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

7:30 Certificate of Compliance for Billy Pope Upper Palmer Road.  Leslie Duthie stated she looked at the site and it appears most of the wetlands are at the base of the driveway.  The Commission signed the Certificate of Compliance.

7:30  NOI Macomber Road and Upper Palmer Road Cornerstone Power Monson LLC.  The work involves the installation of ground mounted photovoltaic equipment on property located on Macomber Road and Upper Palmer Road owned by the Arooth family.

Present at the meeting were:  Attorney Jeffrey Roberts, Jeff D’Arrigo, Sage Environmental, Nicholas Bullinger and Fazli Qadir, Cornerstone Power Monson, LLC, and Carey Ruetsch, Whitman.

Leslie Duthie stated the Commission spent a brief time on the property with the original plan that was filed.

Jeffrey  D'Arrigo stated the property is being operated as a dairy farm with cultivated crop lands.  The wetland areas are marked with a series of flags Wetlands “D”, “E”, “F”, “G”, “H” and “I”.  

Wetland area “D” marked with flag series WF-D1 – WF-D10 delineate the edges of a small, permanently flooded area largely dominated by duckweed.  It appears surface runoff from adjacent steeply sloped upland areas and groundwater seepage from the associated steeply sloped banks feeds this wetland area.   Water appears to discharge from this area to a larger down gradient wetland to the northwest.  

Wetland area “E” marked with flag series WF-E1 – WF-82 delineates the edges of a large wetland area swamp.  The land slopes from east to west where it transitions into cultivated farm land.  Groundwater seeps and discharges of groundwater to surface areas were observed throughout the area.  Red maples are abundant in this area along with white pines and birch, skunk cabbage, soft rush and sensitive fern.  

Wetland area “F” marked with flag series WF-F1 – WF-F8 delineates the edges of a wet meadow.  The area is dominated by soft rush, sensitive fern and canary grass.  At the time of the investigation the majority of the field was saturated with water but it appears at one time it was consistently mowed and disturbed because of the presence of invasive species including purple loostrife and multiflora rose.  Isolated upland areas exist throughout the wetland area.

Wetland area “G” marked with flag series WF-G1 – WF-G9 delineate the edges of a stream channel.  The stream flows along the north west portion of the site and continues off site to the southeast and north.  The stream has steep banks and small fish species were observed in the stream, it is believed the stream flows throughout the year.

Wetland area “H” marked with flag series WF-H1 – WF-H12 delineate the edges of a mixed wetland area composed of a permanently flooded ponded area, wet meadow and a stream channel.  The ponded area has an intermittent stream channel associated with it and it could not be verified if the intermittent stream channel connects to wetland “G” because a large part of the stream is located on an abutting property.  Red maple, skunk cabbage and soft rush are abundant in this area.

Wetland area “I” marked with flag series WF-I1 – WF-I5 delineates the edge of a wet meadow.  Soft rush, sensitive fern and reed canary grass is abundant and it appears that this wetland area has been cultivated and maintained for agricultural purposes.

Mr. D’Arrigo stated Wetland “H” is a lovely wetland aided by a beaver flooded impoundment area and not suitable for development.  He stated the project was initially developed without the knowledge of wetlands and a 24DC project was proposed that has now been scaled down to a 14DC or 11 megawatt project.  The original plan proposed intrusion only into buffer zones but that has now been revised and it is proposed to encroach into wetlands “F” and “I”.  The selected areas appear to have been disturbed and cultivated for agricultural purposes.   The installation of solar panels involves driving poles into the ground with a machine similar to an auger.  The soil would not be stripped and there would not be a lot of excavation.  The panels would be a minimum of one and a half feet to two feet off of the ground.  Select shrub species in wetland “F” would be relocated to enhance the buffer.  The elevated solar panels would allow the herbaceous grasses to persist and the range of panel motion during the day is two to eight feet.  Wetland areas “D” and “E” are pristine areas and no encroachment is proposed in these areas.  

Leslie Duthie questioned what was happening with the beaver in wetland “H”?  

Jeff  D’Arrigo stated they will stay out of the impoundment area, wetland “I: marks the extent of the encroachment.  Red maple saplings are trying to form and they will enhance the buffer for the beaver.  

Davis Johnson questioned if any disturbance was proposed in wetland “E”?

Jeff  D’Arrigo stated in wetland “E’ they would be encroaching in the buffer zone.

Leslie Duthie questioned how far into the buffer?

Jeff  D’Arrigo stated all the way up to the edge of the wetlands.  National Grid has an easement across the property and looking down the slope skunk cabbage is starting to form at the bottom of the easement.

Glenn Colburn questioned how it was proposed to link the upper and lower fields?

Carey Ruetsch stated they would follow the access road the inner connection would go down toward the existing barn area and there would be a sub station that ties into the utility.

Glenn Colburn questioned how much of the property would be used for the solar project?

Fazli Qadir stated 88 acres would be fenced.

Glenn Colburn stated fencing is a barrier to wildlife and he was concerned with the migration of wildlife along the stream corridor.  He questioned if the applicant would consider raising the fencing up about eight inches off the ground to allow small animals to migrate?  

Leslie Duthie questioned the landscaping and fence?

Fazli Qadir stated there would be the chain link fence and then a buffer area.

Leslie Duthie stated she would like to see native shrubs used not just a tree line along the fence.

Carey Ruetsch stated Sheet 10 of the plans has details of the proposed plantings, mountain laurel three to five feet minimum in height and rosebay rhododendron three to five feet minimum height.

Sue Leighton, Macomber Road stated rhododendron is proposed along the back of properties along Macomber Road and they will do little to shield the project from view. She questioned if at a minimum the rhododendron could be six to eight feet minimum height along Macomber Road?  

Jeff D’Arrigo stated they could stagger planting trees such as white pine and shrubs

Leslie Duthie stated she would prefer to see a variety of plantings.

Sue Leighton questioned if instead of putting the panels behind the homes on Macomber Road the area in the back of the property could be used?

Leslie Duthie stated that land belongs to the Town and is green open space.  

Ms. Leighton questioned if some concessions could be made by leaving a wider buffer area behind the homes on Macomber Road?

Glenn Nordin Hovey Road, stated at a hearing on this project before the Planning Board he was told the setback from Upper Palmer Road to the panels was in the region of four hundred feet, he questioned if that was still the case?

Carey Ruetsch stated he would agree that it is approximately four hundred feet.  

Glenn Colburn had questions about the perimeter road.  

Carey Ruetsch stated the details are on Sheet 2 of the plans, a gravel road is proposed along the outside edge with a road coming through for maintenance.

Glenn Nordin questioned if the top soil would be stripped off?

Carey Ruetsch stated the top soil would not be stripped.  There would be some minor grading but all disturbed areas would be seeded.    

Glenn Colburn questioned the distance between panels?

Carey Ruetsch stated approximately nine to twelve feet, certainly the space was wide enough to be maintained and mowed.

Glenn Colburn questioned the ground cover that would be used?

Jeff D’Arrigo stated it is important to use native grass in the wetland and buffer areas and would consult with a company to make sure they could secure a diverse wetland mix of grass species a standard grass mix would be used between the panels in the upland areas.

Glenn Colburn questioned the mowing and maintenance schedule?

Fazli Qadir stated normal maintenance would be mowing twice a year although sometimes depending on conditions it could be more.  

Glenn Colburn stated with regard to the wetlands he would not want to see frequent mowing and would like the maintenance schedule planned so that the wetlands were mowed in August.

Jeff D’Arrigo stated that is something he would take into account when determining the seed mix and agreed with Mr. Colburn that frequent mowing in the wetlands should be avoided.  

Glenn Colburn advised picking species that need very little maintenance, stay low to the ground but also benefit wildlife.  

Davis Johnson questioned if there had been any studies done that show how ground mounted solar arrays affects breeding birds?

Jeff  D’Arrigo stated he was not aware of any studies but with regard to ground nesting birds the panels may be a good thing because they could provide some type of shelter from hawks.

Fazli Qadir stated he had not seen any evidence of birds nesting on the panels.

Leslie Duthie questioned if the panels get warm?

Fazli Qadir stated in the summer the panels do get warm similar to a car in the sun.

Greg Leighton Macomber Road questioned how the panels would affect yearly migrating Canadian geese on the property?  

Leslie Duthie stated she agreed with Mr. D’Arrigo that birds that like shady conditions and ground nesters would not be affected and did not believe that the panels would adversely affect migrating geese.  Ms. Duthie stated the Commission did a superficial site visit but given that the location of panels have changed and it is proposed to install panels in wetlands “F” and “I” she would like to make another site visit.  She stated she would also like to take another look at wetland “H”.

Glenn Colburn agreed with Ms. Duthie.

Jeff D’Arrigo stated they would be willing to keep a vegetated buffer along the stream.   

Leslie Duthie moved to continue the hearing to look at the wetland areas that are being impacted.  She stated she was a fan of alternative energy but at the same time recognized the project would impact abutters on Macomber Road.

Glenn Colburn seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

The Commission set a site visit for Sunday October 21, 2012 at 9:00 A.M.

The Commission discussed the date of its next meeting and determined they would not be able to convene a quorum on Wednesday October 31, 2012.

Leslie Duthie moved to schedule the Conservation Commission meeting for Wednesday November 7, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. in the Building Department Office, 29 Thompson Street, and meet every third Wednesday after that.  

Glenn Colburn seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

9:00 NOI  Mechanic Street Bridge the applicant is the Monson Water & Sewer Department.  Ymane Bouramia, Tata & Howard was present representing the Water & Sewer Department and described the project to replace an eight inch water main.  

Ms. Bouramia stated the main is located on the east side of Mechanic Street, in the vicinity of Mechanic Street Bridge the main is located in the embankment of the stream and along the streambed of Margaret Brook.  Over time the water level has changed and now averages approximately one inch below the top of the pipe exposing the top section of the pipe for the entire width as it crosses the brook around 15 linear feet.  It is proposed to replace the water main with a new eight inch main that will be attached to the bridge abutments via two galvanized structural steel beams.  High density polyethylene insulation would be used to cover the main.  Erosion controls would include siltation socks along the edges of the bank and around catch basins and reseeding or repaving disturbed areas to prevent erosion.  Maintenance and refueling of vehicles would occur outside of the one hundred and two hundred foot buffer zones.  Ms. Bouramia estimated the project would take approximately three weeks and was planned for July 2013.

Leslie Duthie questioned if the existing water line would be removed?

Ms. Bouramia stated the water main would be abandoned it would cause too much disturbance to the stream if it were to be removed.  The main would run 45 degrees up the bridge abutment along the bridge and 45 degrees down and cut the main into the street.  It is expected the water would be out for one working day.

Glenn Colburn questioned if silt socks would be used on the trenching on the road?

Ms. Bouramia stated yes.

Mark Depace Mechanic Street questioned if the existing fire hydrant would be relocated to the other side of the street?

Ms. Bouramia stated yes.

The Commission has not received a file number from DEP.

Leslie Duthie moved to continue the hearing to November 7, 2012 for a DEP file number and any comments.

Davis Johnson seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

Leslie Duthie stated the Commissioners have no further questions if there are no significant comments from DEP the Commission will close the hearing at the next meeting and issue an Order of Conditions.

9:15 MAIL

  • The Commission received an invitation to the rededication of St. Patrick’s Church following the completion of the painting of the interior of the church.
  • Request for a Certificate of Compliance for Jeff Howard and Claire Mawaka, 73 Paradise Lake Road.
The Commission met with Donald Frydryk, Sherman & Frydryk, Land Surveying & Engineering at the site prior to the meeting to discuss an encroachment into a resource area and the mitigation proposed to comply with the Order of Conditions and receive a Certificate of Compliance.  

The Commission signed the Certificate of Compliance for 73 Paradise Lake Road.

  • Notice to abutters Sandra Bailey forest cutting plan, Wilbraham Road.
  • Forest cutting plan for Flynt Park, Park Road and the Keep Homestead Ely Road.
Leslie Duthie stated the Town is investigating the implementation of a GIS system primarily for the Assessors office but other departments would be able to pay a fee to overlay information onto the system.  She stated Tighe & Bond held an informational meeting this morning that she attended with several other Town Departments at which the ability to have wetland and Natural Heritage layers were discussed.  Pretty much everything starts with the Assessors maps and then information provided by the various Boards, Commissions and Departments is layered on.

Glenn Colburn stated it would be ideal if DEP numbers for Orders of Conditions could be scanned in, conservation restrictions, conservation land and trails etc.   

Glenn Colburn moved to accept the minutes of September 19, 2012 as presented.

Leslie Duthie seconded the motion.

It was so voted.

9:30 Leslie Duthie moved to adjourn.

Glenn Colburn seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda A. Hull