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Conservation Commission Minutes 12/29/2010

MINUTES 12/29/2010

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Leslie Duthie, Glenn Colburn, Davis Johnson


7:15  71 Silver Street, Arthur Goneau.  Mr. Goneau met informally with the Commission to discuss ruts on his property created by machinery operated by National Grid when working on its right of way on Mr. Goneau’s property in 2006.  Mr. Goneau stated he has attempted to address the problem with National Grid for the last four years by requesting that a minor amount of fill be placed in the ruts and then loamed and seeded.  National Grid has responded saying they will restore the ruts only by grading and will not pursue a permit to fill wetlands.   Mr. Goneau stated he does not want National Grid to grade the area he wants the ruts filled.

Glenn Colburn stated the ruts were a result of operating machinery the material was not excavated and removed.  

Arthur Goneau stated the ruts are approximately a foot deep and are getting worse.  

Leslie Duthie stated there is not a lot the Commission can do other than make arrangements to take a look at the area in the spring.
Glenn Colburn stated he agreed with Ms. Duthie but even if the ruts are there his biggest concern was that after four years filling the ruts would cause more disturbances to an area that has stabilized.  Mr. Colburn suggested the Commission carry it on the Agenda and make arrangements to make a site visit in the spring.

Arthur Goneau stated when National Grid performed the work in 2006 they did not use matting because all the mats were on Nieske Road and they did not bother to go down and get any.

7:40  Leslie Duthie stated she contacted the Attorney who is handling Jean Porwoll’s Estate and asked her to speak with the Department of Fish & Wildlife.

7:45 RFD 136 Stafford Road.  Stan Tenerowicz, SweetBay Environmental stated Hampden Bank retained his services to prepare the site plan for the work associated with the construction and repair of the existing septic system and the installation of 12 lally columns on the back part of the house. He also introduced the contractor responsible for the work, Alan Papesh and the Real Estate Agent Cynthia Degnan.  Mr. Tenerowicz stated the rear part of the home is a mobile home that sits on cinder blocks and the installation of the columns will improve the integrity of the structure.  Chicopee Brook is located in the rear of the property and the wetlands associated with the brook occupy approximately one third of the property.  The work associated with the septic system is fifty eight (58) feet from the edge of the wetlands.  The area of the septic system is generally flat and the plan reflects a 40 foot limit of work and 18 feet of grading.  The site presently has lawn and maintained area right up to the wetlands but the plan establishes a 40 foot undisturbed work limit line and 6 locations are marked on the plan for permanent concrete monuments with a “W” etched into the top to differentiate between boundary markers.  The area is to be loamed and seeded in the spring.

Glenn Colburn stated the Commission discussed the excess fill at the site visit and wanted to be clear that if it is to be kept on site none of the fill can go beyond the work limit line.

Alan Papesh stated any excess fill would be removed from the site and he would also remove the tires and the metal debris.    

Glenn Colburn asked for specific details on the proposed wetland boundary markers?

Stan Tenerowicz stated they would fill three foot long sections of tube with concrete and bury them in the ground at the designated locations with between 4 to 8 inches above ground.

Leslie Duthie requested that the details of the markers be included in the project description.  

Stan Tenerowicz stated the narrative contained a description of the monument markers.  

Leslie Duthie stated if there were no more questions she would move to give:

  • Positive determination that the wetland boundaries are confirmed as accurate and binding as to all decisions rendered pursuant to the Wetlands Protection Act and its regulations regarding the boundaries for as long as this Determination is valid.
  • Negative determination that the work described in the Request is within the Buffer Zone as defined in the regulations but will not alter an area subject to protection under the Act and does not require the filing of a Notice of Intent.
Glenn Colburn seconded the motion.

It was so voted, unanimous.

8:15 The Commission ratified an Emergency Certificate for work on a culvert on Carpenter Road.  Highway Surveyor John Morrell requested permission to work on a failed culvert on Carpenter Road.  The damage to the culvert caused water to flow across the road and subsequently freeze and cause a public safety hazard.  The Commission authorized work to remove and replace the culvert pipe and repair the road bed with the understanding that completion of the headwall construction may need to be continued until spring.


  • Various building permits.
  • Copy of a Beaver permit issued by the Board of Health to Partridge Hollow Campground, Sutcliffe Road.
  • Copy of a forest cutting plan for Robert Richardson Carpenter Road.
  • Copy of a forest cutting plan for John Hanic Wilbraham Road.
  • Copy of the Draft Environmental Impact Report from National Grid for the proposed utility line upgrade from Fenton Road to Hampden.
Leslie Duthie moved to accept the minutes of December 1st 2010 as written.

Glenn Colburn seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

Leslie Duthie moved to adjourn 8:30 P.M.

Glenn Colburn seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda A. Hull