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Conservation Commission Minutes 12/30/2009


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Leslie Duthie, Glenn Colburn and Davis Johnson.

MEMBER ABSENT:  Donald Lambert

Also Present:  Derek Strahan

7:38  NOI Palmer Road Monson Water and Sewer Department continued.  The Commission received a DEP number 228-323 and comments.

Donald Frydryk stated he would like to address the concerns raised by DEP.  

  • DEP questioned how the resource boundaries were determined?
Donald Frydryk stated based on his discussions with the Commission at the first public hearing and with previous filings made for properties in the area he believed the Commission was comfortable with the delineation.

  • DEP asked for clarification of the additional 19,909 square feet of vegetative maintenance, as vegetative maintenance for a sewer line is not exempt.
Donald Frydryk stated the vegetative maintenance proposed is along the existing sewer main and will include removal of the woody vegetation that has grown along the alignment.  The maintenance has been proposed to prevent root growth damaging or clogging the pipe, which is one of the main pipes flowing from Monson to the Palmer Treatment Plant.  It is proposed to do the work by hand and will not include the removal of the low growing wetland vegetation.

  •  DEP states the Commission has the discretion to allow the 1579 square feet of replication to occur offsite but the Commission should review the exact language of 310 CMR 10 (10.53 3)(d) .  For any limited project, if the work can comply with the regulations it must.  
Donald Frydryk stated the proposed access road will be constructed along the easterly side of the wetlands, overland flow will continue across the access road and into the wetlands.  No culverts are required to maintain a hydrologic connection.  The proposed access road will assist with maintenance of the sewer mains to help prevent leakage and future problems which would cause more damage to the wetlands.  Adverse affects to the resource areas have been minimized to the extent possible by constructing the access road as far easterly as possible along the toe of the slope and the railroad.
  • DEP states due to the complex issues that can arise when attempting to replace the specific ecological conditions of wetlands a project monitor should be on site to monitor the excavation, grading and planting of the replication area.
Donald Frydryk stated as discussed with the Commission the applicant has agreed to move the proposed restoration to an existing sewer line off of Chestnut Street.

Leslie Duthie stated she believed the applicant had addressed the concerns and comments from DEP.

David Johnson stated whatever wetland is being impacted it is far less deleterious than if the sewer line broke.

Glenn Colburn agreed stating maintenance of the existing sewer lines is imperative and the applicant has made every effort to comply with the regulations.

Leslie Duthie stated she was having second thoughts about doing the restoration at Chestnut Street but could not think of another place.  1500 square feet is not going to make a big impact on the knotweed at Chestnut Street.  

Glenn Colburn questioned if the conservation land on Main Street would be suitable?  There is a lot of Japanese honeysuckle that could be cut and treated.

Leslie Duthie stated she would contact Craig Jalbert about the restoration area.  
Davis Johnson moved to close the hearing and issue an Order of Conditions.

Leslie Duthie seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

8:00  NOI Margaret Street, Monson Water & Sewer Dept. DEP number 228 0286.  Leslie Duthie stated initially the Notice of Intent was filed for restoration of the sewer lines at the Mill Street and Margaret Street bridges.  Deterioration of the Mill Street bridge footings and concern about the integrity of the bridge resulted in the issuance of an Emergency Certification for repair of the bridge including the repair and protection of the sewer line.  The Monson Water & Sewer Department still wants to move forward to protect and maintain the sewer main crossing the brook bed adjacent to Margaret Street.  It is proposed to install a silt curtain downstream of the sewer line and provide a fully stocked spill kit at the site.  Eighteen inch double washed rip rap will be installed adjacent to and around the sewer main with one and a half inch double washed stone installed in the riprap voids for chinking.  The disturbed area would be restored with loam, seed and hay mulch and the silt curtain removed from the work site.

Leslie Duthie stated the Commission has discussed with the applicant the use of the existing large stones in the river and removal of the multi flora rose.  This is another incidence where it would cause more harm to ignore the situation than to correct it.  If the sewer line was to break it would not only be the wetlands and stream that would be harmed but properties downstream.  

Glenn Colburn stated he believed the Commission would be back to look at this area again.  Looking downstream from Margaret Street there is water coming from a culvert that is washing the bank into the stream but that is probably the Highway Departments area.

Leslie Duthie stated the narrative in the original Notice of Intent is similar to this proposal but the fact that all of the work is proposed from above and not in the stream significantly reduces the impact to the stream.

Glenn Colburn stated this is another necessary project and he would agree with Ms. Duthie that a break in the sewer main would have serious repercussions.  Mr. Colburn moved to close the hearing and issue an Order of Conditions that include monitoring the disturbed area to make sure the multi flora rose and Japanese knotweed do not grow back in.

Davis Johnson seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

8:20  NOI Bridge Street Monson Highway Dept.  The Commission has not received a file number or comments from DEP.  

Leslie Duthie stated the Commission looked at the site with Highway Surveyor John Morrell and the Notice of Intent project narrative mirrors the discussion on site.  The proposed project includes repair of the roadway shoulder and the adjacent drainage structure on the westerly side of Bridge Street approximately 100 feet north of the intersection of Lower Hampden Road and Bridge Street.  The top of the existing drainage structure will be rebuilt and replaced with a drop inlet including inlet throats to allow runoff to enter the structure and associated culvert.  The roadway will be repaired by replacing fill to restore the original roadway shoulder elevations and covering the slope down to the culvert with four to six inch stone.  Additionally the vegetation and stumps will be removed.  It is expected to take 1 to 2 days to complete the work.  

Leslie Duthie stated as she recalled the Commission asked Mr. Morrell not to remove the roots just cut the brush and small trees.

Davis Johnson stated the Commission discussed keeping the integrity of bank by not digging out the stumps.

Leslie Duthie stated it is a fairly straight forward project as long as the vegetation is just cut and removed.  If it is proposed to do something more permanent with the trees and bittersweet that would have to be spelled out.  

Glenn Colburn stated the Commission should ask Mr. Morrell to keep an eye on the disturbed area to make sure the invasive bittersweet does not come back.  He questioned if the bittersweet would regenerate?

Leslie Duthie stated she thought the biggest concern was the roots.  Ms. Duthie made a motion to continue the hearing for a DEP File number and comments.

Glenn Colburn seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

8:30 Glenn Colburn stated he looked at 43 Waid Road and could clearly see where it was vegetated and the site looked good.   He stated he located two permanent markers in the front of the property.  Mr. Colburn moved to issue a Certificate of Compliance.

Leslie Duthie seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.


  • Notification of a 3 day conference at Harvard Forrest, Keystone Project.
  • Various building permits.
  • Copy of Mass Wildlife news.
  • Copy of the construction report for Lower Hampden Road from C & A.
  • Notification from National Grid of herbicide treatment along their right of way.
  • RFD from CSX Railroad for preparation of a vegetated management plan.
  • Copy of the 2009 Paradise Lake management plan report - Paradise Lake report 2009 of the management program – June 17, 2009 a water sample was collected and total phosphorus was 21ppb (acceptable EPA standard 30ppb) – October 21, 2009 survey no growth of non-indigenous Variable Milfoil was observed, however a small area of indigenous Milfoil was identified at the southern end of the water body.  In order to determine the exact species of Milfoil the 2010 fall survey will be scheduled when seeds are present.
  • Letter from Al Joyce with photographs of 43 Waid Road showing the lawn area.
8:45 Leslie Duthie stated she had sent a letter to the abutters of the Conservation property on Wilbraham Road formerly known as the Gerrish property regarding the removal of the no trespassing signs and reflectors.  The reflectors have been taken down but at this point in time the Commission does not know if the no trespassing signs have been removed.

Glenn Colburn moved to approve the minutes of December 3, 2009.

Leslie Duthie seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

Leslie Duthie stated everything is on hold with the purchase of the Cortina property until the survey is completed.

Leslie Duthie updated the Commission on the status of the various grants she has applied for to offset some of the funds used for the survey.  The Community Foundation is looking for letters of support for the grant and the Commissioners stated they would be more than willing to sign a letter.   Other possible grants are the Fields & Pond Foundation Challenge Grant, Stanley Beverage Foundation and Open Space Institute Grant although that one is a shot in the dark because they are looking for large projects of which they will fund 20%.  

With no further business Davis Johnson moved to adjourn at 9:25 P.M.

Leslie Duthie seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda A. Hull