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Conservation Commission Minutes 02/27/2008

FEBRUARY 27, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Leslie Duthie, Glenn Colburn, Davis Johnson, Tom Faulkner & Donald Lambert.

7:00  142 Stafford Road.  Mark McDonald and Tom McDonald met informally with the Commission to discuss the Order of Conditions issued for 142 Stafford Road.  The property is for sale and before putting in an offer they want to be clear what is entailed.  They had questions regarding the location of the house, the septic system and the existing culvert.

Leslie Duthie stated the Order of Conditions require that the location of the house must be surveyed on the property because the stream on one side and wetlands in the rear and other side mean that it is a very small building envelope.  

Tom McDonald questioned what exactly had to be removed with regard to the culvert?  Was it just the metal pipe and the crossing that had to be removed?  He questioned if they could leave the rocks in place?  

Glenn Colburn stated the Commission expressed to the current property owner its concern that the point where the stream takes a sharp turn will erode over time and cause a serious problem.   It would be a good idea to take some of the larger rocks and place them at that turn.

Leslie Duthie agreed stating they did not have to build a wall, well placed large rocks seeded over with a conservation mix should work fine.

Tom McDonald questioned if there was any wiggle room to move the house a couple of feet?

Leslie Duthie identified the work limit line on the plan but cautioned Mr. McDonald that the septic system and well were also within the limit of work and the 100-foot separation between the well and leach field must be maintained.    

Tom McDonald questioned if it would be possible to build a garage in the future?

Glenn Colburn stated no work is allowed outside of the work limit line.

Leslie Duthie stated outside of the work limit line passive recreation is allowed such as walking but no motorized vehicles and no construction.

Tom McDonald questioned if he could cut down trees and brush?

Glenn Colburn stated cutting vegetation is altering a wetlands therefore no brush or trees could be cut.  The brush is important to wildlife as well as the trees.  

Tom McDonald questioned if the Commission had a preference hay bales or a silt fence?

Glenn Colburn stated the silt fence was probably the cheaper of the two and the Commission had no preference for this site.  

Leslie Duthie gave Mr. McDonald a copy of the Order of Conditions stating the Commission must be called for a pre-construction site visit to make sure the silt fences were installed properly and that the permanent boundary markers were in.  If any   significant changes to the plan were proposed the Conservation Commission must be contacted.  Prior to starting any work on the property the Order of Conditions must be recorded at the Registry of Deeds.  Ms. Duthie told Mr. McDonald that if he did purchase the property and had any questions regarding the stream, the removal of the culvert or any other concerns to call her.   

7:35 The Commission signed the bill schedule.

7:35  The Commission received a request from Al Joyce, Bedrock Builders, LLC for a three-year extension to the Orders of Conditions for Lot 19 Waid Road, DEP 228-260.  Mr. Joyce cited the poor housing market as the reason for the extension.

The Commission discussed the request and voted unanimously to deny the request because the work has not started and a poor real estate market is not a valid reason to extend an order of conditions.

The Commission received a request from CIL Realty for a Certificate of Compliance for property located at 3 McCray Circle DEP 228-0284.  

Leslie Duthie stated because the property has a large amount of impervious surface a water garden was designed to collect the water and this is certainly the wrong time of year to see that.  The Commission will accept the request for a Certificate of Compliance and carry it until such time as the vegetation and plant growth can be seen.    

.7:45 MAIL:

1.      The Commission received documents from McCray Realty’s Attorney that included details of the endowment and how it is to be paid, the right of way easement from Lot 1 to the nesting site, deed restrictions for Lots 1, 2 & 3 and the conveyance of Lot 4 to the Town of Monson.

Leslie Duthie stated she spoke with the Town Administrator and prepared a one page summary to update the Board of Selectmen a copy of which is attached to these minutes and incorporated therein.  At the next Board of Selectmen’s meeting the documents will be signed.

2.      The Commission received 2 copies of a plan from Sherman & Frydryk that shows the numbering for the deeds restrictions and conservation area on the property owned by McCray Realty.

3.      Copy of Mass Wildlife News.

4.      Jerald Gates received the Order of Conditions for Lot 1 Carpenter Road.

5.      Notification of a free workshop by the Green Valley Institute Wednesday March 12, 2008 at Sturbridge Senior Center - Management of  Conservation Restrictions.

Leslie Duthie stated she would be attending the one at the Land Trust Meeting.

6.      Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Newsletter.

7.      Copy of a letter from Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program to David Mill, Wales Road requesting more information relating to the removal of a bridge.
8.      Various Building Permits.

8:00 Leslie Duthie stated the Commission was asked by the local Casino Study Committee to identify any environmental impacts or concerns a casino in Palmer could pose for Monson.  Each Commissioner was given a draft of the letter and asked to contact Ms. Duthie with any suggestions or recommendations they may have.  

Glenn Colburn stated he believed Ms. Duthie was correct that the primary concern of the Conservation Commission was the wetlands and waterways.  Increased traffic along Routes 32 & 20 and increased road run off would impact the streams.

Leslie Duthie stated all of the Quaboag River was endangered species habitat.  

Davis Johnson stated there were so many environmental concerns for instance noise pollution and air pollution that were outside the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission.

Leslie Duthie stated she has driven past Foxwoods every year for the last 15 years and watched the changes from a country road to a four lane highway with police lining the road during the month of August.  Even though the Mass pike would handle some of the east, west traffic there would still be a significant increase in traffic from Connecticut.  

Leslie Duthie updated the Commission on the progress of the Community Preservation Committee.  Bill Skillman is the Chairman and although the Committee was anxious to have something ready for Town Meeting in May after listening to Katherine Roth realized the November Town Meeting is more realistic.  The Committee must develop a plan and application form all of which will take time.  To review and develop a particular project for funding at the May Town meeting would be almost impossible.  The Community Preservation Act is specific that each year 10% goes to the acquisition and preservation of open space, the creation and support of affordable housing, and the acquisition and preservation of historic buildings and landscapes and 5% for administration purposes.  The remaining 65% goes into unrestricted funds and can be used for any combination of the core uses and for recreation but the residents of the Town must vote on all projects proposed for funding at a Town Meeting.  The Committee is looking at the Parks & Recreation Departments proposal for a baseball field at Flynt Park (Dr. Rogers fields) as the first project to bring to a Town Meeting.  None of the unrestricted monies can be spent prior to start of the fiscal year July 1, 2008.  Potential projects could be the Elliott parcel of land on Butler Road.  The Trustees of Reservations have raised some money for the purchase of it but will look to the Town for support in the form of a monetary donation.  Additionally there is an Agriculture Preservation Restriction that has been approved for property on Town Farm Road and the State usually looks for a contribution from the Town.   

Davis Johnson questioned if there were any provisions that prohibit the Town putting some of the monies into the general fund?

Leslie Duthie stated the Act is specific as to what the money can be used for.  It cannot go into the school budget, general fund, highway etc. and the Town decides how the money is spent because every project must go to Town Meeting for approval.

Donald Lambert questioned if the Elliot land was what Mr. Elliot commonly referred to as the wood lot?

Leslie Duthie stated she believed that was correct.  She stated it is approximately 37 acres in area.

Tom Faulkner stated he was interested in learning what it would entail to pursue a brown field grant for the M. &.M Chemical building on Cushman Street.

Leslie Duthie stated the owner has met with the Commission because some time ago there was discussion of renovating the M & M Chemical Building into condominiums.  The discussion with the Conservation Commission centered on the other part of the project which was Chapter 40B housing and the creation of a Conservation walk way along the river.  Mr. Faulkner was advised to speak with Selectman Ed Harrison who has met several times with the property owner.  Ms. Duthie stated invasive species can also be removed with CPA monies and questioned if Mr. Faulkner would be willing to look into that?  

8:40 Glenn Colburn moved to approve the minutes of January 30, 2008.

Leslie Duthie seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

Davis Johnson moved to adjourn.

Leslie Duthie seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda A. Hull