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Meeting of 2010-10/07
Monson Cemetery Commission
Thursday, October 7, 2010

The monthly meeting of the Cemetery Commission opened at 6:05pm in the office at 32 Wilbraham Road. Commissioners present were: Jim Duggan and Al Wilcox.  Also present was Paul Lovell, Superintendent. Minutes of the September 2, 2010 meeting were read and approved as presented.


        Paul discussed the drain at Hillside Cemetery and what the exact process that had occurred in rectifying the problem. Hub provided the blocks for the new drain and larger grate on top with Stanley K. helping and Hub sending three men to finish the black top and grade. Because of the help that Hub provided, the final costs will be much less than originally anticipated and final costs will be determined after Hub gives Paul costs of asphalt and other materials.
        The CPA letter we received was discussed along with the email received from Leslie, chair of CPC. We discussed briefly our options and what we are going to do – also voiced our concerns with items that were in the letter with reference to the deed restrictions that they want to place on our Cemeteries. This topic will again be discussed as we are trying to get better quotes, specs and such on this.

        Paul has been approached again by the Historic Society with a request to use the back room of our space that is located in the Jacob Thompson House on the corner of Hillside Cemetery. We use the garage for storage and the bathroom that is located in the rear where they want to use. Paul has agreed and given them a key to get to our side where the garage is so that they can get to the back room and bathroom to use this space for storage, as we have no need of this room (old office space) and no need of the bathroom. We will continue to use the garage for storage of tools, boards used in funerals and other materials. The Commission has requested that Paul get this agreement in writing by the next meeting so we can document this agreement.
        Jim handed out rules and regulations for our Cemeteries that is on the web site and requested that we go through them to update and correct anything that may be wrong or need updating.

                Meeting was adjourned at 7:10pm

Next meeting is Thursday, November 4, 2010, at 6pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

James Duggan, Chairman/Clerk