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Meeting of 2010-05/06
Monson Cemetery Commission
Thursday, May 6, 2010

The monthly meeting of the Cemetery Commission opened at 6:15pm in the office at 32 Wilbraham Road. Commissioners present were: Jim Duggan, Al Wilcox and Jim Metzger.  Also present was Paul Lovell, Superintendent. Minutes of the April 1, 2010 meeting were read and approved as presented.

First order of business is to reorganize as we have a new member on. After discussion a motion was made to have Jim Duggan become the Chairperson, Al Wilcox remain the Vice-Chair and Jim Metzger the member. Jim Duggan will still do the minutes. The motion passed.


        Items were discussed again as we needed to bring our new member up to speed so to say.
        The surveys went out, came in and were put together. They need to be typed and in an order, which will be done soon. We had 24 go out and we had 14 comeback that had information we could use. (some had no information that was usable).
        Discussed the wall project and where we are in that process. A packet was supplied to the Commissioners and Paul. We are proceeding with repairs.
        I supplied a packet with the information on the software we are looking at and briefly discussed it with the members. I asked that they look it over and come up with questions or concerns with the software which would be an upgrade of our existing software that Gaylyn uses now.
        We also discussed the possibility of applying to Norcross for the software and a computer system to run it. Apply to them for next year as we already applied this year.
        Norcross grant was discussed and Joe Catalano from Norcross and Jim were suppose to meet to discuss the grant application, but conflicts in Joe’s schedule came up and we will have to reschedule this at a later date.

        The wall project was discussed and the two new options that Monoco provided us to complete this project were presented and voted on. We chose the cheaper option which was option #1 for $4,500.00 more. It also has the Town’s backhoe being used. This was all discussed with Hub who has graciously offered to help in any way he can. All other materials and such would be the responsibility of the Monoco Company. We would like some type of guarantee for the work provided. We would also like a meeting set up between them, Hub and two Commissioners as Paul would be busy getting ready for Memorial Day. Jim will email them all this information and set up a meeting as soon as possible. Motion was made by Al and seconded by Jim, and passed.


        The Town meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 4, 2010. Jim and Al said they would try to attend; Jim already has a prior commitment. Our department will be funded again as long as it passes town meeting. It is a reduced budget, but still a budget.
        Paul had to have a transfer of $1,500.00 to get us through the rest of the fiscal year as we are well short in money because of cuts that occurred over the winter, this was approved by Fin Comm. and done.
        Paul brought up a question by a person who purchased a grave over three years ago and wants to purchase the other ones in the area at the same price of $350/ grave. Our current price is now $700/ grave. After discussion, it was decided that they would have to pay our current price per grave. Paul would relay the decision to them.

                Meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm

Next meeting is Wednesday, June 02, 2010, at 6pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

James Duggan, Clerk