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Meeting of 2004-11/05

The Monson Cemetery Commissioners meeting of October 1, 2004 was canceled due to lack of quorum.

The regular Monson Cemetery Commissioners meeting convened at 8:30 a.m. in the office at 32 Wilbraham Road. In attendance were Robert E. Pease, Julian E. Szarlan, Albert R. Wilcox, Paul B. Lovell, John R. Nothe and Gaylin G. Bingle.

The meeting minutes of September 3, 2004 were read by the recording Secretary and accepted with a motion by Mr. Szarlan and seconded by Mr. Wilcox.


Hand Cart – Paul said he purchased a good hand cart at Home Depot for just under $40.00, and added it has already come in handy with picking up a veterans marker from the Veterans Office downtown.


Service for Copier – The copier, which gets a lot of use and was purchased a few years ago, needs to be serviced as the copies being printed aren’t come out right. Mr. Pease made a motion for Paul to call around for prices and to have the copier serviced. Mr. Szarlan seconded the motion.

Branch at North Main – Paul said Wayne hasn’t shown up yet to remove the large branch at North Main Street Cemetery. He will give him a little while longer before contacting someone else. There is another large tree at the top of Hillside, near the Ellis Section, which also needs to be taken down. This tree is rotted and it is only a matter of time before it falls down. Paul said if this happens it could possibly hit monuments or fall on someone, as people walk in this cemetery quite often for exercise. Mr. Pease made a motion to have the tree work done. Mr. Szarlan seconded the motion.

Meeting of December 3, 2004 – It was agreed the meeting of December 3rd would be held and not canceled due to deer hunting season, which has been done for the past several years.

At 8:55 a.m., Mr. Pease made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Szarlan seconded the motion.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gaylin Bingle
Recording Secretary