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June 11, 2008
WARRANT COMMITTEE                                                                                 June 11, 2008


PRESENT:             K Conlon, T Hurley, L Dee, B Martin, O Sanchez, J Pinkus, B McLaughlin,

                                S Keel, D Biagiotti, E Innes, J Conley

y:Times New Roman;font-size:9pt;color:#000000;">The Committee discussed a Reserve Fund transfer request for $276.00 for Unemployment.  Secretary Hurley moved to transfer $276.00 to the Unemployment budget, which motion was seconded by Member Innes with the Committee voting 10-0-0 in favor.

The Committee discussed a Reserve Fund transfer request for $9,634 to cover the cost of labor counsel’s bills through April 2008.  This request was deferred.  Member Dee will contact the School Department to follow up on the amount of funds that can be released from the $61,626 set-aside for the School Department.

The Chair reported that two Selectmen are unavailable on June 28, which is the tentative date for the Carol Blute Conference Room dedication.  Additionally, the DPW is working on photos and other furnishings for the room.  The Selectmen’s Office asked that the dedication be postponed until September.  The Committee agreed that the dedication ceremony should be postponed until September.

The Chair reported that only two of the six members of the School Committee, Glenn Pavlicek and Kristan Bagley-Jones, are available to meet with the Warrant Committee on June 25.  The Committee decided to meet on June 25 with Ms. Bagley-Jones and Mr. Pavlicek rather than trying to reschedule the meeting.

The Committee reviewed a letter from Town Meeting Member Michael Maholchic, who generously donated his $600 federal economic stimulus payment to the Town and directed that the Warrant Committee determine how it should be spent.  The Chair reported that the Selectmen plan to formally accept the gift at their next meeting.  The Committee will discuss the gift at its June 25 meeting.

On a motion made by Member Keel and seconded by Secretary Hurley, the Committee unanimously voted to adjourn at 9:25 PM.

                Reserve Fund:                   $  70,440

                School Set-Aside             $  61,626

                Reserve Fund Balance   $    8,538

Respectfully submitted,