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October 8, 2008
WARRANT COMMITTEE                                                                                                 OCTOBER 8, 2008

Seventh Meeting

Present:               E Innes, L Walker, B Martin, S Keel, M Mitchell, G Mandell, J Powers, E Kelly,

                                R Pathak, B McLaughlin

Roman;font-size:9pt;color:#000000;">tments institute the following: (1) an immediate freeze on all discretionary spending including hiring; and (2) Ask department heads for an outline of what a 10% cut would mean in this current year with an added request that this outline be sent to the Warrant Committee by 10/20.  The Chair of the Warrant Committee would talk with other chairs and department heads to provide clarity and further details.  The Warrant Committee voted 9-0-0 in support of this motion. 

ed as an income generator, and as the money is coming in directly to the schools no committee action would be taken in regards to variance to the forecast. 
