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May 1, 2014

In attendance:  Denis F. Keohane, J. Thomas Hurley, Kathleen M. Conlon, Annemarie Fagan, Town Administrator and Paula Rizzi, Executive Secretary

1.      Chairman Keohane convened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Cronin Conference Room of the Town Hall.

2.      J. Thomas Hurley moved to nominate Kathleen M. Conlon as the new chairman of the Board.  Ms. Conlon accepted the nomination.  Denis F. Keohane seconded the motion and the Board voted to appoint Kathleen M. Conlon as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen.

        J. Thomas Hurley moved to nominate Denis F. Keohane as the new secretary of the Board.  Mr. Keohane accepted the nomination.  Kathleen M. Conlon seconded the motion and the Board voted to appoint Denis F. Keohane as Secretary of the Board of Selectmen.  

3.      The Board confirmed future meeting dates as follows: Thursday, May 1, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cronin Conference Room, Monday, May 5, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. at the high school before town meeting and each night thereafter at 6:30 p.m.

4.      J. Thomas Hurley moved, Kathleen M. Conlon seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the current payroll and vendor warrants.

5.      Peter Jackson, 14 Capen Street, thanked the Board for its hard work on the demolition process/agreement for 131 Eliot Street and suggested that the agreement should include a demolition completion date and should also reference Chapter 139 as the Town’s mechanism to achieve demolition.

        Margaret Donovan, 41 Central Avenue, addressed the Board on behalf of Keith Mills who was unable to attend this evening’s meeting.  Both Margaret and Keith wanted to voice their support for the demolition of 131 Eliot Street.

6.      Pursuant to Chapter 166 of the Mass General Laws, the Board convened a public hearing for a grant of location for the relocation of utility poles on High Street.

Sheila Gillis represented NSTAR Electric.

        Paul Kelly, owner of property at 11 High Street, addressed the Board with concerns about the relocation of a pole and the inconvenience it poses to his property.

        John Ferrucci, manager of property at 26 High Street, addressed the Board about the lack of notice about this process.  As manager of 26 High Street, he knew nothing about the pole relocation.

        The relocation of the poles was a request from the Town to NSTAR to expedite the resurfacing process of High Street.   Because the relocation has been completed and there seems to be some dissatisfaction by some of the residents in the area, the Board agreed to continue the public hearing and direct the Public Works Department to address questions regarding this project.

J. Thomas Hurley moved, Kathleen M. Conlon seconded and the Board voted unanimously to continue this hearing until May 20, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.

7.      The Board continued a public hearing on the demolition of 131 Eliot Street.
        The Board met with Brandon Moss, representing the Town, and Brian McDonough, representing the owners of 131 Eliot Street.
Attorney Moss reviewed the most recent updates to the Demolition and Removal Agreement.  The Board questioned why completed applications for the demolition process would be contingent upon a favorable eligibility letter from Mass Housing Partnership for the proposed Chapter 40B project.  The Board believes that the demolition process and the project eligibility are two separate issues and should not be linked. The Board agreed to continue the hearing to allow counsel to resolve the remaining issues.
After further discussion, J. Thomas Hurley moved, Denis F. Keohane seconded and the  Board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to Thursday, May 8 at 6:30 p.m.

8.      Denis F. Keohane moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted unanimously
        to accept monies received under Mass DOT’s Winter Rapid Recovery Road Program for the reimbursement of specific purpose road and road facility repairs resulting from the harsh winter and to authorize the Chairman to sign the contract on behalf of the Board.

9.      J. Thomas Hurley moved, Denis F. Keohane seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve a request for a one day liquor license from the Fruit Center Marketplace for a wine dinner that will take place on May 29, 2014 at 10 Bassett Street.

10.     Denis F. Keohane moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the use of the Town Green and the Gazebo for the Second Annual Strawberry Festival sponsored by the First Congregational Church, which is scheduled for Saturday, June 14, 2014, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., allowing the parking spaces adjacent to the Center School toddler’s playground to be restricted from parking for use during the Festival and to approve the display of sandwich boards at the following location:  Adams Street/Squantum, East Milton Square near the fire station, Blue Hills Parkway/Canton Avenue, Blue Hills Parkway/Brook Road and the Lower Mills area.

11.     The Town Administrator reported that there will be a meeting with the consultant Howard Stein Hudson for the East Milton Square Parking and Access Study on May 19, 2014 at the Senior Center and reminded the Board about the “Relay for Life” fundraiser that will be taking place on Saturday, May 10, 2014 at the Copeland Field House.

12.     Kathleen M. Conlon moved, Denis F. Keohane seconded and the Board voted unanimously at 7:37 p.m. with Kathleen M. Conlon voting yes, Denis F. Keohane voting yes and J. Thomas Hurley voting yes, to enter executive session for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining strategy (Southeastern Public Employees Association and the Police Superior Officers) believing that having this discussion in open session would compromise the bargaining position of the body and to return to open session for the purpose of adjournment.

13.     Denis F. Keohane moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted unanimously at 8:36 p.m. to adjourn.