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February 13, 2014

In attendance:  Denis F. Keohane, J. Thomas Hurley, Kathleen M. Conlon, Annemarie Fagan, Town Administrator and Paula Rizzi, Executive Secretary

1.      Chairman Keohane convened the meeting at 6:40 p.m. in the Cronin Conference Room of the Town Hall.

2.       The Board confirmed March 4, 11 and 18 as future meeting dates.

4.      J. Thomas Hurley moved, Kathleen M. Conlon seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the current payroll/vendor warrants.

5.      The Board met with Richard Sullivan from the auditing firm Powers and Sullivan, Town Accountant Amy Dexter and Kathleen White, a member of the Audit Committee, to discuss the independent audit of the Town’s financial statements and government activities, business-type activities and information on each major fund for the period ending June 30, 2013.

        Mr. Sullivan reviewed his firm’s procedures and scope of testing in preparing reports on the Town’s basic financial statements and federal awards programs.  He reviewed prior year’s recommendations and the current status of those recommendations.  Mr. Sullivan reported that the books were closed in a timely manner on August 19, 2013 and that two drafts were submitted for review by the Town before the final draft on December 19, 2013 was submitted.   A recommendation on reconciliation of cash was noted as part of this year’s comments.

6.      The Board met with Town Accountant Amy Dexter who presented her quarterly update on revenues and budget expenditures.

7.      The Board met with DPW Director Joseph Lynch to discuss the need for an amendment to the Town’s current contract with Waste Management for solid waste collection and disposal.  Because the facility where all recyclables are sorted currently has the ability to produce cleaner, higher quality paper, the Town needs to amend its current contract language accordingly.  

        After discussion Kathleen M. Conlon moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve Amendment Two to the Contract for Collection, Transportation and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste, Recyclables and Yard Waste between the Town of Milton and Waste Management of Massachusetts, Inc.

8.      J. Thomas Hurley moved, Kathleen M. Conlon seconded and the Board voted unanimously to accept the recommendations stated in the BETA Group letter dated, February 11, 2014, specifically that
  • The Town of Milton maintain the Canton interconnection pipe due to water quality and disinfection by-products concerns associated with water age and the potential fire protection concerns with the capping of the water main.
  • BETA Group be directed by the DPW to continue its investigation and evaluation of alternatives and potential solutions to maintaining/abandoning the Canton interconnection pipe in the future.
BETA Group’s investigation will include the following:

1.)~~~~~~~~~~Laying of a new parallel water main to the existing Canton interconnection pipe.
2.)~~~~~~~~~~Rehabilitation/Replacement of the existing water storage tanks
3.)~~~~~~~   Installation of a new pump station that feeds the high pressure system from the low pressure system during emergency conditions.
4.)~~~~~~~~~~Installation of a pressure reducing valve on the high system by the MWRA meter.
5.)~~~~~~~~   And any and all other sound and cost effective alternatives that may be     discovered during the investigation.

9.      The Board met with Planning Director William Clark and Public Works Director Joseph Lynch to discuss a resolution adopting an update to the Town of Milton Hazard Mitigation Plan.  This plan is the Town’s proactive effort to identify steps that can be taken to reduce danger to life and property from natural hazard events and was adopted in 2008 by the Board of Selectmen.  The Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 requires all municipalities that wish to be eligible to receive FEMA funding for hazard mitigation grants, to adopt a local multi-hazard mitigation plan and update this plan in five year intervals.  Further discussion and approval was deferred to a future meeting.

10.     J. Thomas Hurley moved, Kathleen M. Conlon seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the following goals and objectives for the Town Administrator:
  • Fully prepare the Selectmen for all meeting agenda items that are outside of ordinary course of business. Fully research and make sure that they are not prematurely on the agenda. For large agreements or documents make sure that the Board has an executive summary and that key parts of the document are highlighted.
  • Complete a five year financial forecast and present this forecast at public meetings.
Work with Public Works Director to devise a plan to fund infrastructure maintenance shortfall.
  • Establish system to ensure that executed documents and agreements that require actions or other kinds of maintenance are kept current.
  • Report monthly on status of open projects; Town Counsel to present quarterly litigation report.
  • Advocate for funding of the Assistant Town Planner position.
  • Implement Auditor’s management letter recommendations in conjunction with the Town Treasurer.
  • Develop and oversee training programs for Town employees
  • Work with the School Committee and School Administration toward an MOA to consolidate Town and School administrative and accounting functions.
  • Begin negotiations with unions to increase employee contributions to health care plans.  Review plan design in light of impending Obamacare changes to ensure that premiums will continue to be stable..        
11.     J. Thomas Hurley moved, Kathleen M. Conlon seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the following charge to the Town/School Consolidation Committee:

To explore opportunities for efficiencies in processes, operations, and/or personnel by consolidating and/or integrating certain functions of the Town with those of the School Department, including but not limited to the areas of business office and information technology and to advise the Board of Selectmen and the School Committee of the results of such work.

12.     Kathleen M. Conlon moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the use of the Town’s streets and ways for a fundraising family event for Sunshine School that will take place on Sunday, September 28, 2014, contingent upon approval by the Police Chief.

        Kathleen M. Conlon moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the use of the Town’s streets and ways for the third, annual “Walk for Haiti”, an event sponsored by St. Mary of the Hills School to address the needs of impoverished and uneducated children in Haiti that will take place on Sunday, May 18, 2014, contingent upon approval by the Police Chief.

        Kathleen M. Conlon moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted unanimously to use approve the Town’s streets and ways for the Milton Junior Woman’s Club’s 37th Annual Milton Road Race, to be held on June 10, 2014.

13.     J. Thomas Hurley moved, Kathleen M. Conlon seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve a request from the Master Plan Committee to display signage announcing its March 1, 2014 forum at the following locations:
  • Ulin Rink (Canton and Blue Hills Parkway)
  • Squantum and Granite Avenue
  • Library
  • Flatiron building (Blue Hill Avenue & Brush Hill Road/Truman Highway)
  • Central Avenue business district
14.     Kathleen M. Conlon moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve a one day liquor license request from the Fruit Center for a wine dinner that will take place on Friday, February 28, 2014, at 10 Bassett Street.

15.     Kathleen M. Conlon moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the use of the Baron Hugo Gazebo for the annual Mystic Valley Amateur Radio Group Field Day scheduled for June 28-29, 2014.

16.     The Town Administrator informed the Board that the Warrant Committee has rescheduled its Saturday, all day budget meeting to February 26 at 6:00 p.m.  Ms. Fagan also reported that the 350th Committee has requested approval to display permanent signage identifying areas of historical significance in our Town and more information on that request will be forthcoming.

17.     Chairman Keohane reported on the recent MMA Annual Conference that took place on January 25 and January 26, 2014.

18.     At 8:44 p.m., Denis F. Keohane moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted unanimously with Denis F. Keohane voting yes, J. Thomas Hurley voting yes and Kathleen M. Conlon voting yes to enter executive session to discuss the discipline or dismissal of, or complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual and to discuss contract negotiations (Quarry Hills lease agreement) and to return to open session to adjourn.

19.     Kathleen M. Conlon moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted unanimously at 10:00 to adjourn.