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November 29, 2011

In attendance:  Robert C. Sweeney, John M. Shields, J. Thomas Hurley, Kevin J. Mearn, Town Administrator, Paula Rizzi, Executive Secretary

1.      Chairman Sweeney convened a meeting of the Board of Selectmen at 6:30 p.m. in   the John A. Cronin Conference Room of the Town Hall.

2.      The Board confirmed December 7 and December 22, 2011 as future meeting  dates.

3.      Pursuant to Chapter 40, Section 56 of the Massachusetts General Laws, the Board         convened a public hearing on Property Tax Classification specifically to make   decisions regarding the property tax burden to be borne by each class of property,      Residential, Open Space, Commercial, Industrial and Personal.

        The Board met with Jeffrey d’Ambly, Chief Assessor and M. Joseph Manning,       member of the Board of Assessors to discuss the recommendations made to the     Board.  Chairman Sweeney asked if anyone present had any questions regarding    this issue, no one replied.

        After discussion, John M. Shields moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the      Board voted unanimously to adopt a Minimum Residential factor of 97.8801, to    not adopt a residential exemption, to not adopt an open space discount and to not       adopt a small commercial exemption.

4.      J. Thomas Hurley moved, John M. Shields seconded and the Board voted    unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the FY2013  Inspectional Services budget in the amount of $342,970.

        John M. Shields moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted    unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the FY2013  Council on Aging budget in the amount of $207,845.
        J. Thomas Hurley moved, John M. Shields seconded and the Board voted    unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the FY2013  General Insurance budget in the amount of $950,647.

        John M. Shields moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted    unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the FY2013  Selectmen’s E&R budget in the amount of $52, 071.

        J. Thomas Hurley moved, John M. Shields seconded and the Board voted    unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the FY2013  Group Insurance budget in the amount of $10,306,595.

        J. Thomas Hurley moved, John M. Shields seconded and the Board voted    unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the FY2013  Law budget in the amount of $210,534.
        J. Thomas Hurley moved, John M. Shields seconded and the Board voted    unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the FY2013  Selectmen’s budget in the amount of $414,144.

        J. Thomas Hurley moved, John M. Shields seconded and the Board voted    unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the FY2013  Police budget in the amount of $5,954,848.

        John M. Shields moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted    unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the FY2013  DPW General budget in the amount of $1,778,743

        John M. Shields moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted    unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the FY2013  DPW Vehicle Maintenance budget in the amount of $433,402.

        John M. Shields moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted    unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the FY2013  DPW Solid Waste budget in the amount of $1,904,475.

        John M. Shields moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted    unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the FY2013  DPW Water budget in the amount of $1,175,521.

        John M. Shields moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted    unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the FY2013  DPW Sewer budget in the amount of $745,615.

        J. Thomas Hurley moved, John M. Shields seconded and the Board voted    unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the FY2013  Consolidated Facilities budget in the amount of $589,994.

        J. Thomas Hurley moved, John M. Shields seconded and the Board voted    unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the FY2013  Veteran’s budget in the amount of $28,645.

5.      J. Thomas Hurley moved, John M. Shields seconded and the Board voted    unanimously to approve the appointment of Annemarie Fagan to the Town   Government Study Committee to serve through November 2012.

6.      Robert C. Sweeney moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted  unanimously with Robert C. Sweeney voting yes, John M. Shields voting yes and   J. Thomas Hurley voting yes to enter Executive Session for the purpose of       discussing strategy in preparation for negotiations with union and non union    personnel and with respect to litigation believing that having these discussions in     Open Session would  have a detrimental effect on the bargaining/litigating      position of the body and to return to Open Session only for the purpose of      adjournment.

7.      John M. Shields moved, J. Thomas Hurley seconded and the Board voted    unanimously to adjourn at 9:15 p.m.