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December 22, 2010

In attendance:  Marion V. McEttrick, Robert C. Sweeney, John M. Shields , Kevin J. Mearn, Town Administrator,  Paula Rizzi, Executive Secretary

1.      The Board convened a meeting of the Board of Selectmen at 6:30 p.m. in the John A. Cronin Conference Room of the Town Office Building.

2.       Robert C. Sweeney moved Marion V. McEttrick seconded and the Board voted  2-0-1 (Shields) to approve the December 9, 2010 meeting minutes as written.

3.      The Board confirmed January 6 and January 20, 2011 as its future meeting dates.

4.      The Board met with Youth Counselor Vicki McCarthy who will be retiring at the end of December and acknowledged her 34 years of service to the Town.  Members also discussed Ms. McCarthy’s request to be appointed as Youth Counselor Emeritus for the Town of Milton.  Ms. McCarthy’s request is to continue to serve the Town on a volunteer basis and to serve out her appointments to the various boards and committees on which she represents the Town.  After a brief discussion, Robert C. Sweeney moved, John M. Shields seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve Emeritus status for Youth Counselor Vicki McCarthy.

5.      The Board met with former Park Commissioner Terence Driscoll to discuss the creation of a rowing program in Milton.  Mr. Driscoll introduced members of the Board of Directors who would be administering this town wide program.  Board members presented an overview of the program and stressed Milton’s accessibility to the water for launching purposes.  The Board has met with representatives from School Administration and will meet with the School Committee to discuss the program.  Members are hoping for a spring launch at the landing.

        John M. Shields moved, Robert C. Sweeney seconded and the Board voted unanimously at 7:15 p.m. to adjourn the Board of Selectmen’s meeting and to convene a meeting of the Trustees of the Governor Stoughton Fund.

.       The Board reconvened a meeting of the Board of Selectmen at 9:20 p.m.

6.      John M. Shields moved, Robert C. Sweeney seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve a curved permanent sign set back from the corner of Canton Avenue and Reedsdale Road reading “Milton Public Library” which will also accommodate the display of banners announcing town-wide events.  The Board also approved an information kiosk located near the entry drive which will display hours of operation and will provide a removable banner display area.

7.      John M. Shields moved, Robert C. Sweeney seconded and the Board approved forwarding to the Warrant Committee the FY12 Historical Commission budget in the amount of $2,240.

8.      John M. Shields moved, Robert C. Sweeney seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the use of the Town’s streets and ways for the 34th Annual Milton Road Race sponsored by the Milton Jr. Woman’s Club to be held on June 14, 2011, and for the display of three, temporary A-frame signs at the Library, Pierce Middle School and at the intersection of Adams and Squantum Street, contingent upon approval by the Police Chief.  Sign approval is contingent upon approval by the Board of Library Trustees and the School Department.

        John M. Shields moved, Robert C. Sweeney seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the use of the Town’s streets and ways for the Blue Hill Cycling Club Road Race that will take place on May 1, 2011, contingent upon approval by the Police Chief.

9.      John M. Shields moved, Robert C. Sweeney seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the appointment of Denis F. Keohane, to the Consolidated Facilities Committee to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Christopher Huban and to serve through July, 2011.

10.     John M. Shields moved, Robert C. Sweeney seconded and the Board voted unanimously to create a committee to plan a celebration for the  350th Anniversary of the Town that will take place in 2012 and to appoint Wallace Sisson (representing the Historical Commission) and Brian Doherty (representing the Historical Society) to this committee.

John M. Shields moved, Robert C. Sweeney seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the following charge for the 350th Anniversary Committee:  The 350th Anniversary Committee will consist of a committee of ten members who will be responsible for planning events that will take place in 2012 to commemorate the 350th Anniversary of the Town of Milton.  Some of the planning suggestions include consulting with other towns such as Concord, who has already celebrated its anniversary, decide on something commemorative to make available to residents, plan an exhibit at the Library, create a website link and other pertinent events to celebrate the rich history of the Town of Milton.

11.     Robert C. Sweeney moved, Marion V. McEttrick seconded and the Board voted 2-0-1 (Shields) to approve a Common Victualler’s license to CAKES Retail Corporation, Inc., 95 Eliot Street, to be in effect until December 31, 2011.

12.     The Board discussed a 2