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January 4, 2007
SELECTMENS MEETING      THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2007              5:30 P.M.

In attendance: James G. Mullen, Jr., John M. Shields, Marion V. McEttrick, Annemarie Fagan, Interim Town Administrator, Paula Rizzi, Executive Secretary

1.      The Board confirmed the following future meeting dates: January 18, February 1 and 15.

2.      The Board interviewed the following five applicants for the Town Administrators position:

Robin Bennett
Michael J. Hartman
Paul Hogan
Richard J. Rouse
Christine Tague

3       The Board held a public meeting with Community Preservation Act Study Committee Chair Donald Neal who presented the findings of the Committee.  The Committee recommended that the Board enact the CPA and submit an article to Town Meeting to impose a property tax surcharge of 1.5% and to provide exemptions for low-income residents, for the first $100,000 of assessed residential value, and for commercial property.  

Mr. Mullen read a letter of support for the implementation of the CPA from John Cronin, former Town Administrator and CPA Study Committee member.  

The Board discussed putting an article in the 2007 Annual Town Meeting Warrant that would ask Town Meeting to approve the implementation of the CPA.  Mrs. McEttrick voiced support for such an article.  Further discussion was deferred.

4       John M. Shields moved, Marion V. McEttrick seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve a memorandum of agreement between the Town and the Southeastern Public Employee Association that will be in effect for the three-year period from July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2009.

5       John M. Shields moved, Marion V. McEttrick seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee a Reserve Fund Transfer request in the amount of $4,400 to Veterans Assistance to be used for state approved Veterans benefits for Milton veterans for the months of February, March, April.

6       John M. Shields moved, Marion V. McEttrick seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee a Reserve Fund Transfer request in the amount of $1,173 to cover the cost of grave markers at Milton Cemetery for World War II, Korean, and Viet Nam veterans.

7       John M. Shields moved, Marion V. McEttrick seconded and the Board voted unanimously to confirm Mr. Mullen as a voting delegate at the annual Massachusetts Municipal Associations annual business meeting on Saturday, January 13, 2007 during the annual MMA Annual Meeting and Trade Show.

8       Marion V. McEttrick moved, John M. Shields seconded and the Board voted unanimously to enter Executive Session to consider or hear complaints against a public officer and to return to Open Session for the purpose of adjournment.

9       Marion V. McEttrick moved, John M. Shields seconded and the Board voted unanimously at 11:15 p.m. to adjourn.