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May 3, 2007
SELECTMEN’S MEETING      THURSDAY, MAY 3,  2007              7:30 P.M.

In attendance: Marion V. McEttrick, Kathryn A. Fagan, John M. Shields, Kevin Mearn, Town Administrator, Annemarie Fagan, Assistant Town Administrator, Paula Rizzi, Executive Secretary

1.      Kathryn A. Fagan moved, John M. Shields seconded and the Board voted to approve the April 26, 2007 meeting minutes as written.

The Board discussed the possibility of moving the Selectmen’s meetings to the Town Hall.  Mrs. McEttrick proposed that regular Board meetings could be scheduled in the John Cronin Conference Room, and when there is a need for a larger room, the Board can book the Senior Center.

John M.Shields moved, Kathryn A. Fagan seconded and the Board voted unanimously to schedule the next Board of Selectmen’s meeting on May 31 in the John Cronin Conference Room, and all meetings thereafter, except in the case of a public hearing/meeting when the Board is anticipating a large turnout, and then meetings will be held at the Senior Center.

John M. Shields moved, Kathryn A. Fagan seconded and the Board voted unanimously to change the time of the Selectmen’s meetings to 7:00 p.m.

2       Stephen Morash, 47 Standish Road, addressed the Board with a request from the Milton Foundation for Education to use the Town’s next annual courtesy day at Quarry Hills/Granite Links for a fund raiser to support competitive grant programs.

3       Kathryn A. Fagan moved, John M. Shields seconded and the Board voted unanimously
to enter into and execute a Financial Assistance Agreement and a Loan Agreement with the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority(the “MWRA”) and any other agreements as may be deemed necessary in connection with the issue and sale of an interest free loan in the aggregate principal amount of a $677,180 Water Bond (the “Bond”) to MWRA; the Bond is authorized pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 8(5) of the General Laws, as amended and supplemented, authorized by a vote duly adopted by the Town, under Article 25 of the Warrant at the 2006 Annual Town Meeting; it shall be an interest free loan in the aggregate principal amount of $677,180 dated as of its date of issue; and shall be payable $67,718 on May 15 in each of the years 2008 to 2017, inclusive.

4       The Board met with Jonathan Brown, Chairman of the Broadband Monitoring Committee, who updated members on the ongoing license renewal negotiations with Comcast.  Mr. Brown informed the Board that the Broadband Committee may recommend not to approve the license renewal before the expiration of the current agreement because environmental factors have impacted the negotiations process.  Non renewal means that Comcast’s proposal for a new agreement does not meet the needs of the community, negotiations will continue, and services will continue to be provided according to the present agreement.

Also discussed was the possible return of RCN to Milton and their terms for negotiations with the Town, the number of cable “drops” stated in the present Comcast license and the status of studio equipment from the former cable studio at Brook Road.

5       Ms. Fagan discussed a proposal for a new procedure that will help to forward resident concerns to the Board.  She proposed that Town Meeting members be given an opportunity to present the concerns of their constituents to the Board at scheduled meeting times.  Ms. Fagan requested that contact information for Town Meeting members be gathered, invitations be extended, and  meetings with the Board begin in June.

Kathryn A. Fagan moved, John M. Shields seconded and the Board voted unanimously to begin the process of announcing meeting dates and inviting Town Meeting members to attend Board of Selectmen’s meetings to discuss constituent concerns, potentially in June.

6       The Board discussed outstanding water bills for irrigation of school playing fields during the period of the school reconstruction project with Charles Winchester, Chairman of the School Building Committee.  Resolution of this matter was deferred until after Town Meeting.

7       The Board discussed the Police Chief hiring process, agreed to adjust the timetable and postpone beginning the process until after Town Meeting.

8       The Board discussed articles #6 through #50 of the Annual Town Meeting Warrant.

9       The Board discussed article #1 of the Special Town Meeting.  Mrs. McEttrick read a draft recommendation to Town Meeting that would authorize the Board of Selectmen to appoint a committee of five members to study the proposal set forth in this article.  Mrs. McEttrick will refine the language of the recommendation.
Kathryn A. Fagan moved, John M. Shields seconded and the Board voted unanimously to recommend that Special Town Meeting article #1 be sent to a study committee for a recommendation.

10      John M. Shields moved, Kathryn A. Fagan seconded and the Board voted unanimously to
        approve the following DPW material bids for 2008:

ITEM #1A        Cement Concrete Blocks

Recommend award to M.J. Pirolli & Sons, Inc. - Barrell Blocks (8") Wide Barrell Blocks (Picked-Up & Delivered) the low bidder.
                Recommend award to M.J. Pirolli & Sons, Inc. - Arch Blocks, Plates 4" High
                12 Row and Manhole Ring Row 6" High (Round) 9 to Row (Picked-Up
                & Delivered) the low bidder.

        ITEM #1B        Precast Manholes
                Recommend award to M.B.O. Precast, Inc. - (Picked-Up) for Precast
                Manholes the low bidder.
ITEM #2 Drain Castings & Sewer Castings

Recommend award to LeBaron Foundry, Inc. - (Delivered) low bidder on all items.         

ITEM #3 Tree Grates

Recommend award to Neenah Foundry Co. - (Delivered) the low bidder for 4' x 6' recessed (R8802A) and award to Lebaron Foundry (Delivered) for 3' x 6' recessed grates

ITEM #4 Portland Cement and Concrete Mix

Recommend award to M.J. Pirolli & Sons, Inc. - (Picked-Up &                       Delivered) the low bidder on all items.       

ITEM #5 Ready Mixed Concrete

                Recommend award to Southeastern Concrete, Inc. (Delivered) the low bidder.

                Control Density Fill

                Recommend award to Tresca Brothers Sand & Gravel, Inc.
                Type 1 and Type 1E the low bidder.
                Recommend award to Southeastern Concrete, Inc. Type 2 and  Type 2E
                the low bidder.
ITEM #6 Granite Curbing

Recommend award to Williams Stone Co., Inc. (Delivered) the
                overall low bidder.
ITEM #7 Pure Pine Bark Mulch

Recommend award to Andrew Thomas & Sons, Inc. (Pick Up &
                Delivered) the low bidder.

ITEM #8 Rental of Heavy Equipment

                Recommend award to T.T.L. Equipment Corp., Capone Bros., Inc.,
C.P. Gardiner & Sons, Inc., Kingstown Corp., Paul E. West Crane Service, Podgurski Corp., American Earth Products, Inc., and Araco Sewer & Drain Service, Inc., and D & B Tree Service, Inc. the low bidders.

ITEM #9 Grass Seed - Type A, B & C

                Recommend award to Richey & Clapper, Inc. - Type A and Type B & C
                (Delivered) the low bidder.  

                        ITEM #10        Fertilizer

                Recommend award to Richey & Clapper, Inc. - 10-6-4 Type
                (Delivered for 40 lb. bags) low bidder.

Richey & Clapper,  Inc. - 20-3-6 Type (Delivered for 40 lb. bags) the low bidder.       

ITEM #11        Tires and Tubes

                Recommend award to Sullivan Tire Company the low bidder
                (See Catalog at Central Maintenance Garage).

ITEM #12        Trees & Shrubs
                Recommend award to low bidder on all items.  Purchase of
                nursery stock to be made dependent on evaluation of stock,
                availability and quality of available stock at time of purchase.
                If additional planting stock is necessary, quotes will be received
                at time of planting.

11      Kathryn A. Fagan moved, John M. Shields seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the placement of three (3) sandwich board signs announcing the upcoming Forbes House spring fund raiser at the following locations: Squantum Street at Adams Street; Central Avenue at Reedsdale and Brook Road; Blue Hill Avenue at Canton Avenue.

12      John M. Shields moved, Kathryn A. Fagan seconded and the Board voted unanimously
to approve the display of a banner at the East Milton Fire House announcing Girl Scout registration.

13      Ms. Fagan addressed the issue of delinquent dog licensing and appealed to all dog owners to register their dogs.

14      In conformity with the requirements of Section 22 of Chapter 166 of the General Laws (Ter.Ed.), the Board will convene two public hearings for a grant of location for the installation of conduit.

        John M. Shields moved, Kathryn A. Fagan seconded and the Board voted unanimously to
approve a request by NSTAR Electric to construct, and a location for, such a line of conduits and manholes with the necessary wires and cables therein, to be located under Canton Avenue, northwesterly, approximately 165 feet southwest of Reedsdale Road, a distance of 11 feet at pole 3/48 to provide electric service to the Main Library, contingent upon approval by the Planning Board and the applicant securing a street opening permit from the Department of Public Works prior to installation.

15      John M. Shields moved, Kathryn A. Fagan seconded and the Board voted to approve a request by NSTAR Electric to construct, and a location for, such a line of conduits and manholes with the necessary wires and cables therein, to be located under Forest Street, northeasterly, approximately 100 feet southeast of Hillside Street, a distance of 11 feet @ pole 20/2 contingent upon no stone walls being disturbed and the applicant securing a street opening permit from the Department of Public Works prior to installation.

16      John M. Shields moved, Kathryn A. Fagan seconded and the Board voted unanimously at 10:40 p.m. to enter Executive Session for the purpose of discussing litigation and negotiations and to return to Open Session only for the purpose of adjournment.

17      John M. Shields moved, Kathryn A. Fagan seconded and the Board voted unanimously at 12:00 a.m. to adjourn.