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May 14, 2007
SELECTMEN’S MEETING     MONDAY, MAY 14, 2007              6:30 P.M.

In attendance: Marion V. McEttrick, Kathryn A. Fagan, John M. Shields, Kevin Mearn, Town Administrator, Annemarie Fagan, Assistant Town Administrator, Paula Rizzi, Executive Secretary.

Kathryn A. Fagan moved, Marion V. McEttrick seconded and the Board voted to approve the May 8 and May 10, 2007 meeting minutes as written.

Kathryn A. Fagan moved, Marion V. McEttrick seconded and the Board voted to approve a resolution requesting that the Governor and Legislature restore the 40% cut to the Commonwealth Sewer Rate Relief Fund providing at least $25 million to offset water and sewer rates in FY 08.

Kathryn A. Fagan moved, Marion V. McEtrick seconded and the Board voted to approve the request of the Unitarian Church to use the Town Hall parking lot for additional parking for an outdoor concert on June 9 from 4 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

(Mr. Shields present) John M. Shields moved, Kathryn A. Fagan seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve forwarding to the Warrant Committee a Reserve Fund Transfer request in the amount of $7,608.88 to the Fire Department General Expenses/Medical Professional Services for unanticipated medical expenses.

John M. Shields moved, Kathryn A. Fagan seconded and the Board voted 2-0-1 (Fagan) to approve an agreement between the Town and the Milton Public Employees Association for the period starting July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008.

John M. Shields moved, Kathryn A. Fagan seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve an employment agreement between the Town and the Town Administrator through and including June 30, 2008 as amended by Town Counsel.

Mr. Mearn reminded the Board that it would be discussing the Milton Yacht Club lease agreement with the Board of Park Commissioners at its May 31, 2007 meeting.

John M. Shields moved, Kathryn A. Fagan seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of St. Elizabeth parish for a one day liquor license for a parish dinner on June 1st at 7:00 p.m.

Mrs. McEttrick informed the Board of an upcoming hearing on the “Producer Take Back” legislation that shifts the burden of recycling toxic materials to the manufacturer and invited members to attend.

Mrs. McEttrick also informed the Board of a proposal by the trustees of Milton Academy to eliminate the lower school.  The Board discussed the impact this would have on the Town and agreed to draft a letter to the trustees stating its concerns on the change in the nature of the institution and how it affects the Town.

Mrs. McEttrick referenced a letter that the Board had previously sent to the Conservation Commission requesting signs at Pope’s Pond and asked the Town Administrator to follow up as no signs have been displayed.

Mrs. McEttrick informed the Board that she has received several airplane noise complaints from residents and requested that the Board send a complaint letter to MASSPORT.  Mr. Shields suggested that the Town work collaboratively with south shore communities in dealing with MASSPORT regarding airplane noise complaints.
Ms. Fagan informed the Board that she has received complaints from residents about drivers disregarding the stop sign(River Street) in the Central Avenue business district.   The Town Administrator will contact Deputy Chief Paul Nolan regarding this issue.

John M. Shields moved, Kathryn A. Fagan seconded and the Board voted to recess until Town Meeting convenes at 7:30 p.m.

Town Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.