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March 21, 2005
SELECTMEN’S MEETING     MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2005               5:30 P.M.

In attendance: Charles J. McCarthy, Marion V. McEttrick, James G. Mullen, Jr., David A. Colton, Town Administrator and Paula Rizzi, Executive Secretary

Marion V. McEttrick moved, James G. Mullen, Jr. seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the March 8,  2005  meeting minutes as written.

Paul Andreani of 874 Brush Hill Road addressed the Board regarding the new construction at Curry College and the negative impact he claims it is having on his property and the neighborhood.  Mr. Andreani claims that construction began without any input or regard for the neighborhood and continues to be disruptive especially to him as an abutter.  

Catherine Dirocco of 33 Prince Street, Vincent Tortorelli of 32 Prince Street and Michael O’Toole of 89 Hudson Street all addressed the Board regarding issues with 26 Prince Street and 16 Quentin Street.  These residents expressed deep concern about the existing zoning violations at these residences and appealed to the Board to take action.

In conformity with the requirements of Section 13 of Chapter 148 of the Massachusetts General Laws (Ter.Ed.), the Board held a public hearing upon the request of the Boy Scouts of America, Boston Minuteman Council, for a license to use the land at 411 Unquity Road to accommodate four (4) 1,000 gallon above ground storage tanks that will contain propane for heating space and pool water.  Mr. Brock Bigsby, Scout Executive for the Boys Scouts was in attendance as was Lt. Bradford Ellis, Fire Prevention Officer from the Milton Fire Department.  Lt. Ellis assured the Board that the Fire Department had approved the Boy Scouts application for a permit to store propane at this site.

Marion V. McEttrick moved, James G. Mullen, Jr. seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of the Boy Scouts of America, Boston Minuteman Council, for a license for the use of land at 411 Unquity Road to accommodate four (4) 1,000 gallon above ground storage tanks that will contain propane for heating space and pool water.

The Board met with representatives from Nstar to discuss an agreement that is being proposed to mitigate the impact of Nstar’s underground electric transmission line construction project along Route 138.

Marion V. McEttrick moved, James G. Mullen, Jr. seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Milton and Boston Edison Company d/b/a Nstar that will provide the Town with a cash donation in the amount of $1,735,500 to make the following improvements: A new traffic signal at the intersection of Canton Avenue, Blue Hills Parkway, and Unquity Road; the re-design and reconstruction of Canton Avenue between 138 and Brush Hill Road, including traffic calming measures at the intersection; a new traffic signal and dedicated left hand turn lane at the intersection of 138 and Neponset Valley Parkway; $80,000 to supplement Town funds for the installation of generators in emergency buildings; and a pedestrian controlled traffic signal at the 138 Entrance to Curry College

The Board met with Warrant Committee Chair, Emily Innes to discuss the budget process and the 2005 Annual Town Meeting Warrant.  Ms. Innes discussed what stage the Warrant Committee is at in its deliberations for balancing the budget.  She reported that although income was a little higher this year (due to slight increases in local receipts and new growth), there was a 22% increase in expenses (contracts and school expenses), making balancing the budget difficult.  The Warrant Committee will be voting on a non-contingent budget at its meeting this evening.  The Board expressed its feeling on an  operational override.

Town Administrator, David Colton discussed his budget recommendations with the Board.   Mr. Colton presented a  budget for the Board’s consideration that is an alternative to seeking an operational override.  It would restructure town government as follows: accept the initial non-school sub-committee recommended cuts; reduce Public Safety requests by $330,626; eliminate the Superintendent of Wires and replace him with a half-time wire inspector in the Building Commissioner’s budget; eliminate the Wire Department, absorbing that personnel and street lights into the DPW budget;  make a bottom line cut to the Police request of $107,021;  reduce the IT budget down to the minimum necessary to operate; make various small cuts to the requests of small departments.

Marion V. McEttrick moved, James G. Mullen, Jr. seconded and the Board voted unanimously with Charles J. McCarthy voting yes, Marion V. McEtttrick voting yes, and James G. Mullen, Jr. voting yes at 6:40 p.m. to enter Executive Session to discuss litigation and to return to Open Session to complete the remaining agenda items.

The Board returned to Open Session at 8:30 p.m.

The Board met with representative from EBS Foran, Insurance Consultants for the Town to discuss options for the Milton Employee Health Insurance Program as a result of the 14% increase in health care costs.

The Board met with Police Chief, Kevin Mearn, to discuss parking and traffic problems on Oak Street since the reopening of Tucker School.  After a brief discussion, Marion V. McEttrick moved, James G. Mullen, Jr. seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the temporary closure of Oak Street to general traffic for a sixty day period that would authorize only school buses and school vans to park on Oak Street ( with the exception of residents, teachers and patients of Milton Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy) and with the understanding that a sign/barrier will be posted by school staff during school hours that states, “Road Closed Except Residents and School Buses” and that additional assistance will be rendered by the Police Department during the first few weeks of this temporary plan.
The Board continued its hearing from March 8, 2005 when it determined that East Milton Package Goods Store, Inc. is guilty of selling alcohol to a person under the age of twenty-one.  Being cognizant of the Town’s established policy for alcohol violations and the ABCC’s concern for due process, the Board discussed the penalty for East Milton Package Goods Store, Inc.

Marion V. McEttrick moved, James G. Mullen, Jr. seconded and the Board voted unanimously that after conducting a public hearing pursuant to Chapter 138, Sections 23 and 64 of the MGL where the Board of Selectmen determined that a charge against East Milton Package Goods Store, Inc. for selling alcohol to a person under the age of twenty-one years of age without checking identification is true, the Board imposes a six day suspension (with one day being Saturday) and temporary forfeiture of the Section 15 (off premise) liquor license issued by the Town to East Milton Package Goods Store, Inc. on November 22, 2004, and to require that all employees of East Milton Package Goods Store, Inc. attend a beverage alcohol training seminar sponsored by the Massachusetts Package Store Association.

Marion V. McEttrick moved, James G. Mullen, Jr. seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve a bid from Bobcat of Boston South for $21,937.08 for the purchase of a Diesel Powered, Rubber Tired, Skid-Steer Loader that will enable the DPW to be more efficient with snow removal operations.

Marion V. McEttrick moved, James G. Mullen, Jr. seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve a one-day liquor license to the Milton Hoosic Club for a fund raiser for the Pierce Middle School library being held on April 2, 2005 from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m.

Marion V. McEttrick moved, James G. Mullen, Jr. seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the use of Town streets and way for the second annual Rotary Bicycle Race Day on Saturday, May 14, 2005 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., contingent upon the approval of the Police Chief.

Marion V. McEttrick moved, James G. Mullen, Jr. seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of the Village School to hang a banner at the corner of Reedsdale Road and Randolph Avenue and at the East Milton Fire House announcing its annual Spring Fair Fund Raiser to be held on May 7, 2005.

Marion V. McEttrick moved, James G. Mullen, Jr. seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of the Amateur Gardeners Club to use the Town Green/Gazebo for its annual Geranium Sale to be held on Saturday, May 14, 2005.

The Town Administrator reminded the Board that it would be approving the 2005 Annual Town Meeting Warrant on Monday, March 28th at  NOON.  The Board confirmed meetings for April as Monday, April 4 and Tuesday, April 19, 2005 at 5:30 p.m.

Marian V. McEttrick moved, James G. Mullen, Jr. seconded and the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 9:30 p.m.