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February 26, 2004
SELECTMEN’S MEETING        THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2004          7:00 P.M.

In attendance: James G. Mullen,Jr., Marion V. McEttrick, Charles J. McCarthy, David W. Owen, Town Administrator and Paula Rizzi, Executive Secretary

This was a joint meeting of the Planning Board and the Board of Selectmen to discuss common issues of concern.

There was a brief discussion on the proposed study to be done by the Mass Highway Department of the East Milton deck area.  Selectmen McCarthy fears that the merchants, residents and the patrons of the East Milton business area will not have a voice in this study.  The Board agreed to invite Congressman Lynch to the next Board of Selectmen’s meeting.

The Board received correspondence from the Department of Housing and Community Development informing them that the Town’s request for a waiver of Executive Order 418 FY2004 Housing Certification has been denied.

Town Planner Aaron Henry gave the Boards an Affordable Housing and Chapter 40B Synopsis which included the Town’s current figures for affordable housing and strategies for attaining the 10% obligation required by the Department of Housing and Community Development.  

Mr. Henry met with MRE  Director Tim Martin who has agreed to apply for Chapter 40B status for units at Fuller I and Fuller II.  If the development of 170 units at the Town Farm is added to this, it would bring the Town’s inventory to approximately 9%.

Another strategy for meeting the Town’s obligation is the 1.5% General Land Area minimum which states that if the Town has 1.5% of it land area dedicated to affordable housing, then it has met its obligation.  Mr. Henry will research this option and work with Tim Martin on the application process for Fuller I and Fuller II.  He will also research whatever other options might be available to the Town to meet its affordable housing obligations and report back to the Boards.

The Board discussed Mixed-Use Zoning as it applies to 131 Eliot Street, 36 Central Avenue and the Wharf Street parcel.  

Mr. Henry and Alexander Whiteside, Chair of the Planning Board, voiced concerns regarding density and suitable parking space at the proposed development of 131 Eliot Street.

Both Boards agreed to withdraw the proposed article in the 2004 Annual Town Meeting Warrant that has to do with Mixed Use Zoning, and to continue to develop it for a subsequent Town Meeting.

There was a brief discussion on a new law known as District Improvement Financing legislation which allows the designation of “redevelopment districts”, which may consist of as few as a single parcel of land, for which district zoning (or “spot” zoning) may be adopted.

Ned Corcoran and John Zychowicz of the Milton Village/Central Avenue Revitalization Committee were present and expressed their feeling that the Town should be looking at these projects as one district that would also include East Milton Square.  These gentlemen also voiced their support of the proposal put forth by Mike Roberts and Paul Sullivan for a land swap of the 36 Central Avenue property and a parcel on Wharf Street.  Selectmen McCarthy voiced his concern about the role of the Park Commissioners in this land swap.  Without the Park Department’s support, the Town cannot pursue the legislation for the land swap.

It was agreed by both Boards that there should be a joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen, Planning Board, Central Avenue/Milton Village Revitalization Committee, Partners LLC, the Board of Park Commissioners, Conservation Commission and anyone else who has an interest in this proposed land swap.

A discussion on the Town Farm was postponed to a later date.

A motion was made to adjourn at 10:00 p.m., seconded and voted unanimously.