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October 27, 2003
SELECTMEN’S MEETING          MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2003               5:30 P.M.

In attendance: James G. Mullen, Jr., Marion V. McEttrick, Charles J. McCarthy, David W. Owen, Town Administrator and Paula Rizzi, Executive Secretary.

The minutes from the October 20, 2003 meeting were approved as written and the minutes from the joint meeting with the School Committee on October 21, 2003 were approved as amended.

David Shea of Highland Street addressed the Board to refute statements made by the School Committee.

The Board met with David Godine, the Town’s representative to MASSPORT and a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee.  Mr. Godine updated the Board on happenings at Logan Airport and the progress of the new runway.  He will forward contact information to the Selectmen’s Office for posting on the Town website so that citizens can call MASSPORT regarding airplane noise and traffic patterns.

The Board met with Deputy Chief Richard Wells regarding a Reserve Fund Transfer Request for emergency repairs to the Police Station gutters, soffit and facia boards.  Marion V. McEttrick moved, Charles J. McCarthy seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve a Reserve Fund Transfer Request from the Police Department for emergency repairs to the Police Station, and to forward the request to the Warrant Committee.

Marion V. McEttrick moved, Charles J. McCarthy seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve a Reserve Fund Transfer Request on behalf of the various Town Departments with members of the Milton Clerical Unit, and to forward it to the Warrant Committee.

Marion V. McEttrick moved, Charles J. McCarthy seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the Accounting Department’s FY’05 preliminary budget in the amount of $168,207.   Requested  are scheduled step increases for each employee and increases for office supplies, meeting expenses and dues line items.

Marion V. McEttrick moved, Charles J. McCarthy seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the Conservation Commission’s FY’05 preliminary budget in the amount of $25,845.  Requested are scheduled step increases for the part-time Conservation Assistant and increases for office supplies, meeting expenses and dues/subscription line items.

A conference was held with Fire Chief Malcolm Larson.  Discussed was the Fire Department’s FY ‘05 preliminary budget.  Requested are scheduled step increases and longevity increases, plus the incremental cost of the additional lieutenant acting as the Fire Prevention Officer, and in expenses, a proposal to fund new equipment at $35,000.
Following discussion, Marion V. McEttrick moved, Charles J. McCarthy seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the Fire Department FY’05 preliminary budget in the amount of $3,575,341.

The Board met with Senator Brian A. Joyce, Commissioner Steven Cogliano, and representatives from Mass Highway to discuss the progress on the renovation of Route 28 and its impact on the residents of the surrounding area and the traffic flow in town.  Mass Highway promised great cooperation in the form of consistent dust control and in  restricting the size of work areas during the next twenty months of this project.  He also committed to providing up to six “Entering Milton” signs at not cost to the Town.

A conference was held with Building Commissioner Steven Crawford.  Discussed was the FY’05 Building/Plumbing Department preliminary budget.  Requested are increases in hours for the Plumbing and Gas Inspectors and the Local Inspector, funding for an additional part-time Local Inspector, funding for increased hours for the part-time Principal Clerk, funding for temporary vacation replacements for the principal clerks and for the Building Commissioner.  Following discussion, Marion V. McEttrick moved, Charles J. McCarthy seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the Building/Plumbing Department FY’05 preliminary budget in the amount of $223,911 which reflects the requested total without funding for a vacation replacement for the Building Commissioner.

A conference was held with Wire Inspector Clifford Flynn.  Discussed was the FY’05 Wire Department preliminary budget.  Requested are scheduled step increases and additional funding for the overtime line item (primarily for streetlights) and the creation of a $2,500 stipend for the Street Lighting Superintendent.  Following discussion, Marion V. McEttrick moved, Charles J. McCarthy seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the Wire Department FY’05 preliminary budget in the amount of $411,940.

Marion V. McEttrick moved, Charles J. McCarthy seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee, the Group Insurance FY’05 preliminary budget in the amount of $6,077,282. which is based on a projected 15% increase in health insurance rates.

Marion V. McEttrick moved, Charles J. McCarthy seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee, the Milton Emergency Management Association FY’05 preliminary budget in the amount of $7,351 which reflects a funding increase that will restore this budget to its FY’03 funding level.

The Board received and reviewed a letter from Town Counsels John Flynn and Michael Lehane requesting increases in retainer fees and other rates for lawyer and paralegal services.  Following discussion, Marion V. McEttrick moved, Charles J. McCarthy seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the following increases: an increase of $5,000 in the Town Counsel Retainer fee, an increase of $10 in the hourly rate for lawyer services, an increase of $5 in the hourly rate for paralegal services (Special Services-Law Department Budget), an increase of $10 in the hourly rate for lawyer services, an increase of $5 in the hourly rate for paralegal services (Special Services-Other Than Law Department Budget), an increase of $10 in the hourly rate for lawyer services, an increase of $5 in the hourly rate for paralegal services(School Building Project)and an increase of $10 in the hourly rate for lawyer services and an increase of $5 in paralegal services(Labor Services).  These increases will be prepared in budget format for signature by the Board at the next Board meeting.

Town Administrator David Owen shared with the Board a memo from Chief Appraiser Jeffrey d’Ambly regarding the implementation of Section 41 and 42 of Chapter 46 of the Acts of  2003 regarding supplemental tax assessments on new construction.

        The Board accepted a letter of resignation from Everett Hayward, co-chair of the Milton
        Village/Central Avenue Revitalization Committee.

Town Administrator David Owen announced the festivities for the completion of the Pope’s Pond Footbridge on Saturday, November 8, 2003 at 10:00 a.m.

Town Administrator David Owen announced that the Town’s observance of Veterans Day will by on Tuesday, November 11.  There will be a parade from the Town Yard to the Town Hall where there will be a program of speakers and musical selections beginning at 11:00 a.m.      

Marion V. McEttrick moved, Charles J. McCarthy seconded and the Board voted unanimously at 8:00 p.m. with Marion V. McEttrick voting yes, Charles J. McCarthy voting yes, and James G. Mullen, Jr. voting yes to approve entering into Executive Session to discuss litigation and to return to public session only for the purpose of adjournment.

Marion V. McEttrick moved, Charles J. McCarthy seconded and the Board voted unanimously at 8:30 p.m. to adjourn.