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September 13, 2005
The second meeting of the Personnel Board for FY2006 was held on Tuesday, September 13, 2005  in the John A. Cronin Conference Room at 7:00 p.m.

Present:        Stephen G. Hennessy, John Pender, Iris Kennedy, Ann White and Michael Reardon

John Pender moved, Ann White seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the meeting minutes for the May 2, 2005  meeting.

John Pender moved, Michael Reardon seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the meeting minutes for the July 27, 2005 meeting.

Iris Kennedy moved, John Pender seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the employment  of Heather Shine, 10 Arnold Road, Apt. 313, North Quincy, MA 02171, to the position of Substitute Traffic Supervisor as requested by the Chief of Police.

Stephen Hennessy moved, Ann White seconded and the Board voted unanimously  to approve the promotion of Police Sergeant James A. O’Neil to the rank of Police Lieutenant as requested by the Chief of Police.

Ann White moved, Iris Kennedy seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the employment of Anthony Casella, 73 Shore Drive, Manomet, MA, to the position of Maintenance Man in the Department of Public Works, W3, Step 1, $509.31/weekly, as requested by the Director of Public Works/Town Engineer, with the stipulation that this appointment is in compliance with all civil service and union rules and that he successfully completes the required pre-employment medical, examination.

Michael Reardon moved, Ann White seconded and the Board voted 4-0-1, with John Pender abstaining,   to approve the appointment of Frances J. MacQuarrie, 69 Governors Road, Milton, MA, to the position of Van Driver at the Council on Aging, Level 2, Step 6, $17.64/hr. as requested by the Director of the Council on Aging.

John Pender moved, Ann White seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the employment of the following individuals to the position of Firefighter in the Milton Fire Department, effective September 19, 2005, as requested by the Fire Chief with the stipulation that all civil service and union rules have been complied with:  Joseph A. Fasano, 4 Catherine Road, Milton, MA,  and Daniel J. Finn, 60 Houston Avenue, Milton, MA

Stephen Hennessy moved, Michael Reardon seconded and the Board voted unanimously  in keeping with Milton General Bylaw Chapter 13, Section IV.D.5  to approve the employment of Alice Mercer, 34 Willoughby Road, Milton, MA, to the position of part-time Outreach Coordinator at the Council on Aging with the understanding that this position is a year to year grant-funded  position and not part of the Chapter 13 Classification Plan.   In the course of discussing this request the Personnel Board had a number of questions concerning the status of Ms. Mercer and other grant-funded employees ranging from liability issues to policy and procedure with respect to employment practices.  Personnel Board requested that Mary Ann Sullivan, Director of the Council on Aging and Paul Kelley, Chair, COA Board attend a meeting  to discuss these issues.

Ann White moved, John Pender seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve and forward to the Warrant Committee the FY07 Preliminary Salary Sheet for the Board of Assessors in the amount of $170,160.28.

Ann White moved, John Pender seconded at 8:30 p.m. to adjourn.