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April 12, 2005
The tenth  meeting of the Personnel Board for FY2005 was held on Tuesday, April 12, 2005,  in the John A. Cronin Conference Room at 7:00 p.m..

Present:        Stephen G. Hennessy, John Pender, Iris Kennedy, Ann White and Michael Reardon

Ann White moved, Michael Reardon seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the February 8, 2005 meeting minutes as amended.

Michael Reardon moved, Iris Kennedy seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the March 8, 2005 meeting minutes.

A conference was held with Town Administrator David Colton.  Discussed was the proposal to eliminate the Wire Department and transfer the Superintendent of Wires to the Building/Plumbing Department and transfer  the Assistant Superintendent of Wires and the Signal Maintainer to the Public Works Department.  The superintendent of Wires Clifford Flynn spoke in support of retaining the Wire Department as a separate department.  Following discussion, Stephen Hennessy moved, John Pender seconded and the Board voted unanimously to defer action on this proposal until the Board receives more information from the Board of Selectmen or pending the outcome of the 2005 Annual Town Meeting.

A conference was held with Superintendent of the Cemetery Therese Desmond Sills.  Discussed was the request of the Board of
Trustees of the Milton Cemetery to eliminate the W7 Head Senior Working Foreman position and to create a W8 General
Foreman position.    Following discussion, Stephen Hennessy moved, John Pender seconded and the Board voted 4-0-1, with
Michael Reardon abstaining,  to eliminate the W7 Head Senior Working Foreman position and to create  a W8 General Foreman
position and job description as requested by the Board of Cemetery Trustees, with the stipulation that all civil service and union
rules have been complied with.  

Stephen Hennessy moved, John Pender seconded and the Board voted unanimously at 8:00 p.m., with Stephen Hennessy voting yes, John Pender voting yes, Iris Kennedy voting yes, Ann White voting yes and Michael Reardon voting yes, to enter Executive Session to discuss issues concerning the reputation of an employee and to return to Open Session for the purpose of adjournment.

Stephen Hennessy moved, John Pender seconded and the Board voted unanimously at 9:00 p.m. to adjourn.