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November 13, 2003
The sixth  meeting of the Personnel Board for FY2004 was held on Thursday, November 13, 2003,  in the Town Office Building at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Stephen G. Hennessy, John Pender, Paul Lyons and Iris Kennedy

Absent: Ann White

The Board approved the minutes of the meetings held September 10 and October 8, 2003.

A conference was held with Steven Crawford, Building Commissioner.  Discussed were proposed changes in the staffing and compensation of the Building Department for FY2005.   Following discussion, the Board voted unanimously as follows:

To increase the hours of the Part-time Principal Clerk from 15 to 30 hours per week.
To increase the hours of the Plumbing Inspector from 20 to 30 hours per week.
To approve funding of $3,344 for Principal Clerk vacation replacement coverage.
To create a new Local Inspector position 19.5 hours per week.
To deny the increase in the current Local Inspector hours from 16 to 19.5 hours per week.

The Board deferred the request to reclassify the Local Inspector positions  from Level 4 to Level 7.  The Board requested that the job description be forwarded to MMA Consulting Group, Inc. for review and a recommendation.

A conference was held with Cliff Flynn, Wire Inspector and David W. Owen, Town Administrator. Discussed was the creation of a $2,500 stipend due to the additional responsibilities and duties associated with the street light program.   Following discussion, the Board voted 3 -0-1, with Stephen Hennessy voting yes, John Pender abstaining, Paul Lyons voting yes and Iris Kennedy voting yes, to approve funding of a $2,500 stipend for the Street Lighting Superintendent for FY05.
A conference was held with Jeffrey d’Ambly, Chief Appraiser and M. Joseph Manning, Board of  Assessors Member.  Discussed was funding of a seasonal part-time position due to the anticipated increase in the workload for FY05.  Following discussion, the Board voted unanimously to approve funding of a seasonal part-time  position in the amount of $6,895, Level 2 ($13.79 per hour) for FY05.  

A conference was held with Kevin J. Mearn, Chief of Police, David Colton, Director of Public Works and David W. Owen, Town Administrator.   Also in attendance were various Department Heads, James G. Mullen, Jr., Chair, Board of Selectmen and Marion V. McEttrick, Secretary, Board of Selectmen.  Discussed was the FY04 wage adjustment for Chapter 13 employees.  The Board feels that the Chapter 13 employees should be rewarded and see a pay increase for FY04.  The Town Administrator requested that the Personnel Board meet with him in Executive Session to discuss the impact of a wage increase to Chapter 13 employees relative to his collective bargaining with various unions.

A conference was held with David Colton, Director of Public Works.  Discussed was the work schedule of the Department of Public Works Draftsman.  Following discussion, the Board voted unanimously  to approve the change in the work schedule of the DPW Draftsman from a 40-hour work week to 37.5 hour work week with no change in compensation.  This position shall remain redlined as long as Mr. Reader holds it.  However, once this position becomes vacant, it will be calculated according to the Chapter 13 wage schedule.      

The Board voted unanimously to approve the recommendation of MMA Consulting Group, Inc. relative to reclassification request of employees in the Southeastern Public Employees Association as follows:

Board of Appeals Principal Clerk from a Level 3, Step 6  to  Level 4, Step 4
DPW Principal Clerk from Level 3, Step 4  to Level 4, Step 3
Building Department Principal Clerk remain at Level 3, Step 6
Police Department Principal Records Clerk remain at Level 3, Step 6

The Board voted unanimously  to approve the FY05 Personnel Board Budget in the amount of $32,397.

The Board voted unanimously to approve the 2003 Annual Report.

The Board noted receipt of  a copy of correspondence sent to the Town Administrator from the Southeastern Public Employees Association regarding the Police Department Civilian Dispatcher position relative to inclusion in the Clerical Union.

Mr. Robert Maloney sent correspondence to the Board regarding his resignation as a Traffic Supervisor.

The Board noted receipt of  correspondence from the Town Administrator regarding the date of the warrant closing for the May 2004 Annual Town Meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.