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March 2, 2004
The tenth meeting of the Personnel Board for FY2004 was held on Tuesday, March 2, 2004,  in the John A. Cronin Conference Room  at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Stephen G. Hennessy,  John Pender, Iris Kennedy and Ann White

Absent: Paul Lyons

Stephen Hennessy moved, John Pender seconded and the Board voted unanimously  to approve the meeting minutes for Monday, February 9, 2004.

Ann White moved, John Pender seconded and the Board voted unanimously  to approve the meeting minutes for Monday, December 15, 2003.

Stephen Hennessy moved, John Pender seconded and the Board voted 3-0-1, with Ann White abstaining, to approve the meeting minutes for Tuesday, December 2, 2003.

Stephen Hennessy moved, Pender seconded and the Board voted unanimously  to  approve the Police Cadet conditional appointments of Jennifer Daukas, 19 Jordan Drive, Weymouth; Brian Domurat, 11 Phyllis Lane, Milton; Caroline Ann McCauley, 39 Summer Street, Abington, subject  to successful completion of psychological, medical and background investigations.

David A. Colton, Director of Public Works, distributed and read a Resolution from Chapter 13 employees on  wage adjustments for FY04 and FY05.

Stephen Hennessy moved, John Pender seconded and the Board voted unanimously, at 7:25 p.m., with Stephen Hennessy voting yes,  John Pender voting yes, Iris Kennedy  voting yes and Ann White voting yes, to approve entering into Executive Session to discuss collective bargaining strategy and to approve executive session minutes, and to return to public session.

Stephen Hennessy moved, John Pender seconded and the Board voted unanimously to reaffirm the 3% wage adjustment for Chapter 13 personnel under its jurisdiction for FY04.

Stephen Hennessy moved, John Pender seconded and the Board voted unanimously to recommend no wage adjustment for FY05 for the Chapter 13 personnel under its jurisdiction at this time.  The Board intends instead to revisit the question of a FY05 wage adjustment once the Town makes progress toward achieving wage and benefit agreements with the collective bargaining units currently in negotiations.  At that point, the Board will recommend that the Chapter 13 personnel receive a FY05 increase that is appropriate in light of the circumstances.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.