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October 2014
Minutes of Meeting October 20, 2014

         A meeting of the Board of Health was held on Monday, October 20, 2014, at the Veterans Memorial Building, Room #213, Millis, Massachusetts.  Present were Barbara Thissell, Director; Kathleen Lannon, Chairwoman; Brian Hoell, Board Member; and Vickie Philben, Administrative Assistant. The Millis Board of Health meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.  

Absent was Bonnie Hilton.

Welcome Barbara Thissell, Millis Health Director

Administrative Business:

Approval of Minutes:

September 8, 2014 – The Board approved the Board of Health minutes for September 8, 2014.
        Nurse’s Report:  The monthly report of the Public Health Nurse was reviewed.   

Old Business:  none

New Business:  

  • Food Recalls – see attached.
  • Food Inspections – The following food establishments have been inspected since September 8, 2014:  Bob’s Family Restaurant, CVS Pharmacy, Mobil on the Run; and the schools have been re-inspected.
  • Flu Clinic Schedule – The flu clinics are scheduled on Saturday, October 25, 2014, for those ages 50 and older, or those with a chronic illness, and Saturday, November 1, 2014 for children aged 8 and over.    
  • Septic Reviews
  • 11 Walnut Hill – The D-box of 11 Walnut Hill has been repaired.  The Certificate of Compliance was signed on September 30, 2014.
  • Rockville Meadows– Ms. Thissell inspected the septic tank at building 13 at Rockville Meadows #24 and #25 on September 19, 2014.
  • 65 Dover Road – The septic plan for 65 Dover Road has been reviewed and has requested 3 Local Upgrade Approvals:  (1) to allow a reduction of vertical separation distance above the high ground water elevation from 5‘ to 4’, (2) to allow the use of a sieve analysis, and (3) to allow the septic tank inlet and outlet elevations to be at least 1-inch above high groundwater.
Motion:  Mrs. Lannon made a motion to allow the Local Upgrade Approvals: (1) to allow a reduction of vertical separation distance above the high ground water elevation from 5‘ to 4’, (2) to allow the use of a sieve analysis, and (3) to allow the septic tank inlet and outlet elevations to be 1-inch above high groundwater.   Mr. Hoell seconded the motion.  

Vote:   The Millis Board of Health voted two in the affirmative and none in the negative to allow the requested Local Upgrade Approvals.

  • Perc Tests:
  • 65 Dover Road –Wednesday, September 10, 2014
  • 314 Village Street –Friday, September 12, 2014
  • Southend Farm – Ms. Thissell will schedule perc test witnessing at Southend Farm.
  • Certificate of Compliance forms signed
  • 45 Village Street
  • 21 Beech Street
  • Various Complaints
  • Stoneybrook Apts. – An anonymous complainant came into the Board of Health office regarding:  (1) animal feces on the premises, (2) parking area light is out, and (3) the dumpster overflowed.  Mrs. Philben, Administrative Assistant, contacted the acting Property Manager and was informed that letters were mailed to the residences of Stoneybrook Apts. regarding the disposal of animal feces. Light fixtures were ordered.  The dumpster had already been emptied.
  • 35 and 41 Bullard Lane – Mr. Sgourakes, owner of 41 Bullard Lane emailed the Board of Health on October 3, 2014 requesting that the Board of Health Minutes of July be changed as outlined in his email.  Mrs. Lannon read a summary of the Open Meeting Law guide that states:  “While the minutes must include a summary of the discussions on each subject, a transcript is not required.”  However, since the email was cited as part of the discussion, it will be kept with the minutes of this meeting.
Motion:  Mr. Hoell made a motion to not amend the Board of Health minutes of July 14, 2014.  Mrs. Lannon seconded the motion.
Vote:   The Millis Board of Health voted two in the affirmative and none in the negative to not amend the Board of Health minutes of July 14, 2014.


  • 3 J William Heights:  pool permit – The pool permit for 3J William Heights has been signed and issued.
  • Ebola Discussion – The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) met on Thursday, October 16, 2014.  Ebola was discussed. The Millis Fire Department has obtained appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and has been trained to transport patients with Ebola.  The Board of Health will continue to receive policy updates from the Department of Public Health.
  • Beaver Permit – A Beaver Permit was issued to Tresca Bros., 66 Main Street.
  • Temporary Events – The following had applied for a Temporary Event since last meeting:  Boggestow Fish and Game (Boggestock 2014, 9/13/14), Millis High School (Football Games), Woodside Montessori (Fall Fair, 10/11/14).
  • Millis Fields – A Millis resident expressed concerns regarding artificial turf on the fields and brought an article to the office.  The Board gave the information to the Selectmen for review.
  • Needham Bank – The Needham Bank proposed to construct a bank at the site of the former Shell Station on Main Street.  Sovereign Consulting, Inc., the site Licensed Site Professional (LSP), is aware of the proposed development and will continue to monitor the remediation through development.
  • Dairy Queen – Pat Tibbets, a plumber for the project provided a sketch of a proposed external grease trap.  Mr. Tibbets was informed that a complete permit application would be required.
  • MAHB Certificate Program:  November 15, 2014 – Kathy Lannon, Bonnie Hilton, and Barbara Thissell will attend the MAHB Certificate Program on November 15, 2014.

Scheduled Public Hearings & Discussions:

7:30 p.m.       Tobacco Coalition update – Ms. Bianca Pierre, Tobacco Coalition, attended the Board of Health meeting.  Millis is one of nine towns involved in a regional tobacco control coalition.  Other towns include:  Natick, Ashland, Hudson, Marlboro, Southboro, Sudbury, Framingham, and Medway.  Ms. Pierre explained that the Tobacco Coalition is attempting to:  increase the minimum age to purchase tobacco to 21, regulate the price of e-cigarettes and cigars, encourage additional compliance checks, and update the regulations.  Medway, Ashland, and Hudson have already passed regulations to increase the minimum age to purchase tobacco to 21.  She cited that Ms. Cheryl Sbarra, Massachusetts Association of Health Boards (MAHB) is also a resource and there are websites available for more information.  A public hearing is required prior to amending the tobacco regulations.

8:00 p.m.       13 Evergreen Terrace discussion – Mr. Shawn Landry, explained to the Board that the owner of 13 Evergreen Terrace is requesting the Board sign a Building Permit Application to finish the basement of a residential home.  The Board requested additional information regarding number of bedrooms, as the septic system is designed for four bedrooms.  Ms. Thissell expressed concern that a ten room home would require a five bedroom septic design.  The Board reviewed the dwelling architectural plans.  It was agreed by the Board and Mr. Landry that a proposed office could not be equipped with a door; that architectural plans would be revised; and that a deed restriction limiting the dwelling to four bedrooms be filed at the Registry of Deeds.  The Building Permit proposing home improvements would be approved by the Board.  The Board required the applicant to submit revised architectural plans and a deed restriction filed with the Registry of Deeds limiting the number of bedrooms to four bedrooms to endorse the Building Permit Application.

Next Meeting:  Monday November 17, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Vickie L. Philben
Millis Board of Health
Administrative Assistant

Documents and Submittals of Meeting:

  • Email correspondence from Mr. George Sgourakes, 41 Bullard Lane, Millis to Vickie Philben, Board of Health Administrative Assistant, dated October 3, 2014.