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Minutes of Meeting December 9, 2013

A meeting of the Board of Health was held on Monday, December 9, 2013 at the Millis Town Hall Room #213, Millis, Massachusetts.  Present were:  Kathleen Lannon, Chairwoman; Bonnie Hilton and Cheryl Labonte, Board Members; Vickie Philben, Administrative Assistant; and Scott Moles, Health Director. The Millis Board of Health meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.  

Administrative Business:

Approval of Minutes:

November 18, 2013 – The Board approved the Board of Health minutes for November 18, 2013.
        Nurse’s Report:  The monthly report of the Public Health Nurse was reviewed.   
Director’s Report:  The Director’s Report for November/December was reviewed.

Old Business:

  • Seasonal Flu Clinic:  There are only 8 flu mists and 3 flu serum shots remain at this time.   
  • Discussion of Online Minutes – On November 21, 2013, Mr. Moles was notified that new requirements concerning posting minutes for the Town of Millis website had been passed from the Board of Selectmen on October 21, 2013.  The Selectmen voted as follows:
“Motion by Sel. Wagner, seconded by Sel. Smith, to require the support staff to Town Committees to post meeting agenda on the website 48 hours prior to the meeting in compliance with the Open Meeting Law and that draft minutes be posted on the website two business weeks following the meeting.  The motion passed unanimously.”

The Board discussed this new requirement.  They expressed concern as they were not notified directly of this change.  Their concern of the new regulations is that they are unable to post approve the draft minutes within a two week time frame as the Board of Health meet monthly.  Where the Selectmen meet every two weeks, this may not be an issue for them.  The Chairwoman expressed her concern of the legality of implementing this policy.  The Board agreed to further investigate this issue.

New Business:  

  • Food Recalls – see attached.
  • Food Inspections – Mr. Moles performed a follow up inspection at Lilac House on December 4, 2013, and assisted the new owners with the renewal application for 2014.  
  • FY15 Initial Budget Due 12/20/13 – The initial Board of Health budget request for FY15 is due to Mr. Aspinwall on December 20, 2013.  Mr. Moles received an email on Monday, December 9, 2013, regarding a Department Head meeting on Monday, December 16, 2013, which will include discussion on the FY15 Budget.  A draft budget for discussion will be available for next Board of Health meeting.
  • Millis LEPC Meeting – The Millis Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) Meeting which was scheduled on December 5, 2013, had been cancelled.
  • Tobacco Grant Update – Mr. Moles received an email from Mr. Jim White on November 27, 2013, regarding acceptance for a 3-year grant for $110,000 which includes six towns: Natick, Ashland, Marlboro, Northboro, Southboro, and Millis.  A committee will be formed for tobacco prevention and enforcement. Mr. Moles will be the representative for the Town of Millis.

  • Town Clerk Burial Agent and Birth Agent – The Mass Registry of Vital Records and Statistics will have a new electronic registration system.  The Board agreed to appoint Ms. Smith, Town Clerk employee, as an additional Burial Agent for the Board of Health.
Motion:  to appoint Ms. Smith to Millis Board of Health’s Burial Agent.
Vote:      2-0

  • Millis Rain Barrel Containers – Mr. Moles agreed to inquire about a group purchase of rain barrels and compost bins.  Ms. Hilton has an interest with planning, assisting, and promoting the use of rain barrels, and to be involved in the process with Mr. Moles and Mr. McKay, DPW.

Scheduled Public Hearings & Discussions:  

  • Tiki Tattoo; Discussion of Body Art Establishment – Present was Mr. Don Howe, owner of Tiki Tattoo (currently in Mansfield), and Mr. Jerry Gaita, owner of 1060 Main Street.  Mr. Howe is requesting to open Tiki Tattoo at 1060 Main Street and submitted a floor plan for the establishment.  Mr. Howe had been given a copy of the “Rules and Regulations for Body Art Establishments and Practitioners” adopted February 15, 2001, prior to the meeting.  He explained his current establishment and its procedures, as well as his continuing education.  Mr. Howe plans to open in January 2014 and to hire three practitioners, however the establishment has not been renovated yet.  There will be no piercing.  The Millis Board of Health has never issued a business license for a tattoo business, therefore there were many questions and concerns regarding:  cleanliness of the establishment; care and safety of the needles and additional instruments; the required certifications; inspections and violation fees; usage of safety glasses and gloves; size of booths; privacy screens; etc.  Mr. Moles will prepare an application for tattoo parlors to be reviewed by Ms. Labonte. The Board agreed that Ms. Labonte will assist inspections with Mr. Moles.  

Next Meeting:  Monday January 13, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Vickie L. Philben
Millis Board of Health
Administrative Assistant