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Minutes of Meeting February 11, 2013

A meeting of the Board of Health was held on Monday, February 11, 2013 at the Millis Town Hall Room #213, Millis, Massachusetts.  Present were:  Kathleen Lannon, Chairwoman; Carol Coakley, Board Member; Scott Moles, Health Director; and Vickie Philben, Administrative Assistant.  Mrs. Lannon called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m.   

Administrative Business:

Approval of Minutes:

        January 14th:  The Board approved the Board of Health minutes for January 14, 2013.
                                Motion:  to approve Board of Health minutes for January 14, 2013.
                                Vote:       2-0.

        Nurses Report:  The monthly report of the Public Health Nurse was reviewed.   
Director’s Report:  The Director’s Report was reviewed.

        Old Business:

  • Sharps Kiosk Update – Mr. Moles and Mr. Barrett agreed that the sharps kiosk will stay at the Fire Station and once received, it will be announced on Millis Cable and the Millis Website, as well as flyers will be hung around the Town Hall.
  • Ethics:  Online Exam reminder - The Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Program still needs to be completed by employees and Board Members.
  • Budget FY14 update:  BoS 3/11/13 – Mr. Moles has a Board of Health FY14 Budget Meeting scheduled for March 11, 2013.
New Business:  

  • Food Recalls – see attached.
  • Medical Marijuana – DPH “Listening Sessions” scheduled – The Board of Health received an email from Mr. Aspinwall, Town Administrator, of a scheduled listening session about medical marijuana.
  • Rabies Clinic:  April 6thThe Rabies Clinic is scheduled for April 6th at the DPW Garage, 2 Water Street.
  • Dept of Revenue Report update – The Board of Health license information for FY12 has been forwarded to the Department of Revenue.
Scheduled Public Hearings & Discussions:

7:15 – 111 Acorn Street: Pool House/Bedroom Determination + Deed Restriction Consideration – Present were:  Dan Merriken, Engineer; Al Prest, Contractor; and George Nauss, Owner of 111 Acorn Street.  The house currently has four bedrooms on a 3-bedroom septic system with a deed restriction for three bedrooms because a garage was added with a room above it and therefore cannot be used as a bedroom.  The owner is requesting to add a 2-story 24x20 pool house for the current in-ground pool.   Mr. Merriken showed and explained the Building Plan for the new pool house and agrees that it is not to be used as a bedroom.  
The owner states that the pool was built by the previous owner which is believed to be in 2004 or 2007 and says that he did not know of the deed restriction. The lot is four acres however there is a concern of wetlands on the property.  The wetland delineation was shown on the original septic system plan. The Board requested to present the wetland issue with ConCom and to confirm there are no wetlands.
7:30 – 30 Ticonderoga:  Meeting Request of Attorney re: Landlord/Tenant Complaint – Present were James K and Beth Murphy, representing owner of 30 Ticonderoga; and Brett McLoughlin, 80 Ticonderoga.  Mr. Moles explained that during a housing inspection, as a result of a complaint, it was noticed that screens needed to be replaced, and the gas stove was too close to a divider that could possibly start a fire, therefore he wrote a letter to the owner, landlord and attorneys to explain three different ways to resolve the stove issue.   Amongst the discussion, Mr. McLoughlin informed the Board that he has turned the stove in the corner and therefore it is away from the divider which should resolve the issue and he agreed to have the screens repaired by noon on the 22nd of February.  The Board agreed and Mr. Moles will inspect the issues to confirm they are resolved.

7:45 – Discussion:  Cedar Street Septic: Pre-Existing EHIR – The discussion for Cedar Street Septic System has been cancelled due to not enough Board Members present.

Next Meeting:  Monday, March 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Vickie L. Philben
Millis Board of Health
Administrative Assistant