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Minutes of Meeting January 14, 2013

A meeting of the Board of Health was held on Monday, December 10, 2012 at the Millis Town Hall Room #213, Millis, Massachusetts.  Present were:  Kathleen Lannon, Chairwoman; Carol Coakley and Cheryl Labonte, Board Members; Scott Moles, Health Director; and Vickie Philben, Administrative Assistant.  Mrs. Lannon called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.   

Administrative Business:

Approval of Minutes:

        December 10:  The Board approved the Board of Health minutes for December 10, 2012.
                                Motion:  to approve Board of Health minutes for December 10, 2012.
                                Vote:       2-0.

        Nurses Report:  The monthly report of the Public Health Nurse was reviewed.   
Director’s Report:  The Director’s Report was reviewed.

Old Business:

  • Sharps Kiosk Update – Mr. Moles and Mr. Barrett will meet this week to order the kiosks for the sharps.  Once received, the program will begin and will be mentioned on the Millis Board of Health website.
  • 30 Ticonderoga:  landlord/tenant issue – There is a landlord/tenant issue regarding the safety of a divider between a gas stove and a refrigerator, as well as the screens are torn and must be fixed.  Mr. Moles mailed a corrective order letter dated November 7, 2012 that included options to fix the stove.  Nothing has been done to resolve the stove issue.  A court date for pretrial eviction findings is scheduled for December 20th and is continued to a later date. Allegedly, the tenant is not allowing anyone to enter the home to resolve the stove issue.  The attorney and owner of 30 Ticonderoga suggested meeting with the Board for a discussion at the next Board of Health meeting on February 11th.  
  • Ethics:  Online Exam reminder - The Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Program still needs to be completed by employees and Board Members.
New Business:  

  • Food Recalls – see attached.
  • Budget FY14 – Mrs. Lannon and Mr. Moles met with Mr. Aspinwall regarding the department requests of additional hours and will meet with Finance Committee on March 11th.
  • 9 Rolling Meadow Drive – Mr. Moles wrote up a draft memo to Zoning Board and Mr. Giampietro regarding 9 Rolling Meadow Drive, a single-family with three bedrooms and renting a bedroom as a rooming house.  The Rooming House Regulations are not under the State Sanitary Code.   
  • Household Hazardous Waste Day – Mr. Moles and Mr. McKay would like to plan a Household Hazardous Waste Day in Millis for May 2013.
  • Norfolk County Mosquito – In 2012, there were no reports of West Nile or EEE in any mosquitoes in Millis.  The spraying plan for 2013 is to spray later morning than the past.
  • 251 Village Street – A letter dated January 8th was received at the Board of Health regarding dogs at 251 Village Street.  Mr. Moles inspected the site in the afternoon and there were no dogs outside at the time and he went to the back yard and heard about three dogs in the basements.  The Board suggested speaking to Animal Control, as it does not appear to be a Board of Health issue at this time.
Scheduled Public Hearings & Discussions:

Discussion:  Cedar Street Septic:  Expired EHIR – Mrs. Lannon, Chairwoman, recused herself as she is an abutter.  An EHIR had been accepted and endorsed in 2006 as the property was originally five lots.  The EHIR plan had been originally reviewed by Ms. Thissell, Engineer.  Two of the lots had been separated and sold to Mr. Roche who is planning to build on them.  Mr. Moles discussed the past plan with the Board and would like to request Ms. Thissell to proceed with the review.  He’d also like the updated septic system plans with the following:  additional storm calculations, a demonstration of mitigation of drainage of the lot, and a long term maintenance plan recorded for the proposed trenches and roof drains as required by the EHIR.  Mr. Moles will write a letter regarding these requests.  The Board discussed and agreed.

Motion:  to allow Ms. Thissell to review the septic system plans for both lots owned by Mr. Roche with the additional requests:  (1) additional storm calculations, (2) demonstration of mitigation of drainage of the lot, and (3) and a long term maintenance plan recorded for the proposed trenches and roof drains, as required by the EHIR.     
Vote:  2-0

Next Meeting:  Monday, February 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Vickie L. Philben
Millis Board of Health
Administrative Assistant