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Board of Selectmen Minutes 10/09/2012
October 9, 2012                                                                 7:00 p.m.
Present:        Board of Selectmen:  E. Bernard Plante, Francis King, Brian W. Stowell
Brian Ashmankas, Sandy J. Cristo, Town Manager, Bob Spain, Edd Cote, Susan Spencer, Kevin Koczwara and concerned citizens.

Public Service Consultants- Chairman Plante introduced Wayne Sampson of Public Safety Consultants.  Mr. Sampson explained what his company was hired for; they are a law enforcement consulting company and will give the Board the best candidate for the position of Chief of Police. They follow a strict process putting a panel of candidates together for the Town’s review.  They would anticipate that in 3-4 weeks they will look at all the candidates, they expect 25-50 applicants, they will narrow down that pool, send the finalists a list of questions to see how they respond, they will bring in approximately 10 candidates for in person interviews, then narrow that down to go through an intensive two day assessment center and then recommend three to four candidates to the Board.   Chairman Plante thought the idea of having them interact with the citizens was a good idea.

Vote to sign November 6, 2012 Election Warrant.
Motion made by Selectman King to sign the Warrant, seconded by Selectman Stowell.
Motion carried unanimously.

Millbury Towne Consignment submitted a change of address.
Motion to approve the change of address from 71 Elm Street to 22 West Street made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.

One Day Liquor License-Bicentennial Committee Wine Tasting at Asa Waters, November 3, 2012.  
Motion to approve the license made by Selectman Ashmankas, seconded by Selectman Stowell.
Motion carried unanimously.

Appointment of Pamela Marrino as a Permanent Poll Worker.
Motion made by Selectman King to appoint Pamela Marrino as a poll worker, seconded by Selectman Stowell.
Motion carried unanimously.

Fastway Auto-Carlos DeCarvalho is trying to take over the business of Vitoria Auto Sales at 519 Southwest Cutoff who is turning in his license because he is finding it difficult to run two dealerships.  The Board would like a list of workers and three month return.  Selectman Ashmankas wanted it noted that Jairo Bachalo could have nothing to do with the business.
Motion to approve the license with conditions made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman Cristo.
Motion carried unanimously.

7:25 pm - Public Hearing for National Grid Transmission Petition- Notice read into record by Selectman Stowell.
Lauren Peloquin and the project manager appeared for National Grid.  This project will go across Providence Street.  Mr. Spain asked them to look into the double pole issue in town.  Croydan Street and Woodland Street were specifically mentioned.

Motion to close public hearing made by Selectman King at 7:30 pm seconded by Selectman Stowell.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion to approve the Transmission Petition made by Selectman Stowell seconded by Selectman Cristo.  Motion carried unanimously.

7:30 pm - Public hearing for A&D Pizza Change of Manager/Director/Stock notice read into record by Selectman Stowell.

Chris Andrianopoulos appeared for Sixty Elm Inc. d/b/a A&D Pizza & Pub.  The stocks of business need to be transferred from his sister to the corporation-all the paperwork has been done through an attorney and this should finalize it.
Motion to close the public hearing made by Selectman King seconded by Selectman Stowell.
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion to approve the Change of Manager, Change of Directors and Transfer of Stock made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

Drainlayer Renewal of Longwood Development-Ken Perro.
All paperwork is in order.
Motion to approve the renewal made by Selectman Ashmankas, seconded by Selectman Cristo.
Motion carried unanimously.  

DPW Director Rob McNeil:  They are working through the punch list on the Miles/Prospect area and looking to close out project.  Negotiating drainage easement on Stowe Road and hopefully will have that wrapped up for spring construction.  The Auburn Rd. drainage project should begin in spring.  The Carpenters Training School is putting finishing touches on the shed in Central Cemetery; many thanks to them.  The Sewer Commission approved the warrant for sewer bills going out this week.  Ponds/Lakes drawdowns have begun.  Highway garage roof is done.  New sweeper has been in action trying to catch up.  We continue to do brush mowing.  We should be moving soon on the survey of Jacques Park; thanks to the Millbury Savings Bank for their donation to pay for the survey.  A grant was given to the DPW for a ‘pay as you throw’ study at the Transfer Station, includes 80 hours of expertise from a DEP recycling coordinator.

Chairman Plante asked if Singletary was aware of the drawdowns.  Mr. McNeil is in contact with Chief Rudge regarding Singletary and all the ponds and lakes commissions.  Selectman King asked about the Brierly Pond Dam ownership-they are looking to speak about that this week with an official response to DCR.  Selectman King said that the people in the Miles/Prospect area are satisfied and it looks good.  Change is difficult, but we are seeing improvements with drainage already.  Chairman Plante thinks the fact that Mr. McNeil went out and met with the residents made a difference.  There are some failed drainage pipes on Hamilton that need to be looked at.

Previous Minutes
Motion to approve minutes of the meeting for September 11, 2012 made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman Cristo.
Motion carried unanimously.

Town Manager Report:
Mr. Spain is appointing Jim Clifford to the Disability Commission.  Motion to concur with the appointment made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman Cristo.
Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Spain is appointing Dan Chauvin as the Inspector of Animals.  Motion to concur with the appointment made by Selectman Cristo, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Spain is appointing Neal Morrissey to the Emergency Management Agency/Auxiliary Police.  Motion to concur with the appointment made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.

South Main Street Road Closures:  Because of the construction to the VFW; the crew is looking to close the road on Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30 an – 3:30 pm in front of VFW on S. Main Street.
Motion to approve road closure made by Selectman Stowell seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.  There will be a detail so as not to interfere with commerce in the area.  
Motion carried unanimously.

Selectman King asked if the bridge on South Main Street could handle the extra capacity.  Mr. Spain will have Rob McNeil look into this.

We got an update on cell tower from Bay communications.  They are in discussions with all carriers and they do expect to get someone.  

Mr. Spain is appointing Joe Lobas from Millbury as an Equipment II Operator for the DPW and they would like to bring him on as soon as possible.   Also, the DPW is changing unions to the MA Laborers Public Employee Council.  

Motion to appoint Joe Lobas as an Equipment II Operator made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman Cristo.
Motion carried unanimously.

On a Good Note:
Congratulations to all involved at the Millbury Block Party and Oktoberfest.  They were both a great success.

Thank you and we would like to mention Tom Riley-he has retired from the Millbury/Sutton Chronicle and we want to acknowledge him.  Chairman Plante said that his heart was in the right place and his thoughts were in Millbury.  

Doris and Freeman Guiou are still in our thoughts.

Chairman Plante wanted to report on the Oktoberfest, it accomplished what they wanted to; thank the committee and raise some money for the Bicentennial; they raised $10,002.50.  Thanks to the committee and all the people that worked that day.  It was a great time.

New/Old Business
Selectman Ashmankas said that there are many people interested in forming the Youth Commission and he would like to start getting that together.  We will post the notice.  Selectman Stowell would like involvement or input from the Police Department.  Selectman Ashmankas inquired about a traffic study for corner of Canal and Elm where the Dunkin Donuts is going.

Letter from the Bicentennial Committee regarding donations in the amount of $30,670.35.
Motion to accept donations made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.

The Bicentennial Committee is putting on the Battle at Pearson’s Farm; a Civil War Re-enactment on October 19th – October 21st.

Francis King is holding his annual Crock Pot Cook-off Sunday October 28th at Scales to benefit the Redevelopment Authority clock project and the Millbury Bicentennial Committee.

A Proclamation for Fire Prevention Week October 7 – 13 was read.   The Fire Department is holding their Open House at Fire headquarters on October 10th starting at 6:00 pm.

A letter from the Fire Department was read asking the Carpenters Training School to build storage cabinets at Fire Headquarters.
Motion to approve request made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman Cristo.
Motion approved unanimously.

Letter from the COA asking for a meeting with the Board of Selectmen.  

Executive Session
Motion made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Stowell to move into Executive Session at 8:10 p.m. under Chapter 39, Section 23B, Paragraph 4 .                           
                                                        Selectman King          - Yes
                                                        Selectman Stowell               - Yes
                                                        Selectman Ashmankas      -Yes
                                                        Selectman Cristo                 -Yes
                                                        Chairman Plante          -Yes
Chairman Plante announced the Board would return only to adjourn.

Motion made by Selectman Stowell to adjourn at 9:10 p.m., seconded by Selectman King. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Tish Hayes, Secretary

        E. Bernard Plante                       __________________________
Francis B. King                         __________________________
Brian W. Stowell                        __________________________
Brian M. Ashmankas                      __________________________
       Sandy J. Cristo                 __________________________
                                               The Board of Selectmen