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Board of Selectmen Minutes 08/14/2012
August 14, 2012                                                                 7:00 p.m.
Present:        Board of Selectmen:  E. Bernard Plante, Francis King, Brian W. Stowell
Brian Ashmankas, Sandy J. Cristo, Town Manager, Bob Spain, Susan Spencer, Tom Riley and other concerned citizens.

Motion to approve the application of Drainlayer Chase Harris made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion to approve the application of Drainlayer Berthiaume Construction made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

Common Victualler License-The Queen’s Cup.  Renee King specializes in gourmet cupcakes.  She has been doing it out of her house for a year now and needs more space.  She has found a spot at 238 Millbury Ave.  She is hoping for opening in mid-September.
Motion by Selectman Ashmankas to approve the license, seconded by Selectman Stowell.
Motion carried unanimously.

Common Victualler License-Subway #54970 at 70 Worcester/Providence Tpk.
Motion by Selectman Ashmankas to approve the license, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion to appoint Chief David Rudge as Forest Fire Warden made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion to approve the application of Drainlayer Woodridge LLC made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

DPW Update-Rob McNeil
Work on the Greenwood Street Bridge is ahead of schedule and the bridge should be open before Labor Day. Mr. McNeil also informed the board that he has been meeting with property owners along McCracken Road, another roadway improvement site. He will meet soon with state Department of Transportation officials to discuss options for the redesign.
Selectman Stowell asked if the round-a-bout is just an option or set in stone?  It is just an idea at this point.
Rt. 146 Bridge at West Main Street and Elmwood Street-substantial revisions to that intersection and bridge.  He is working with Boston to address our local concerns.

Grafton Street pump station is running and contractor is working on punch list items.

The Central Cemetery shed was demolished this week-waiting for carpenters training center to begin construction.  We signed a contract with GI Consulting for a survey of the property.

Crosswalks and line painting is being finished.

DPW garage roof is being completed.  

Miles Street/Prospect neighborhood project will begin again next week.  We are working to get loam and seed to the residents.  Final topcoat will begin in September.

Action plan for the dams has been completed and will be distributed.

He acknowledges the weeds along the sides of the roads are way out of control.  They needed to get waiver for this season, have advertised and have permission to apply weed control along sides of roads.  We will be doing it at nighttime and cleanup.

New sweeper is expected to be here at the end of the month.

Selectman Cristo asked if the dead weeds will be picked up.  Yes they will be by the highway workers.  She asked for the residents to pitch in and pick up the weeds in front of their homes.

Sewer commissioners have increased the rate to $8.49 which is up from $8.01.

Household hazardous waste and textile collection on Saturday, September 8th from 8 am – 1 pm at the sewer plant.  There will be flyers sent out and it will be advertised.

Selectman King reported that at the corner of Grafton St. and Carousel Drive you can’t see around the corner.

Mr. McNeil reported that the roadside mower has been active mostly in West Millbury right now.

Previous Minutes  
Motion to approve the minutes of the July 24, 2012 meeting made by Selectman Ashmankas, seconded by Selectman Cristo.
Motion carried unanimously.

Town Manager Report
Mr. Spain is appointing Philip Day to the Safety Committee.  
Motion to concur with the appointment made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman Cristo.
Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Spain is appointing Nancy St. George Whittier to the Disability Commission.
Motion to concur with the appointment made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Spain is appointment himself to the WRTA Advisory Board.  Selectman Stowell asked to hold this appointment.  Selectman King said that Mr. Spain had a lot going on right now and he wanted to get this mess cleaned up first; look into having someone else to this position.
Mr. Spain was trying to get a handle on what is going on with that board.  Selectman King would like to do more research on this appointment to see if it is a town manager appointment or a selectmen appointment.
Motion to table until next meeting by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.  Motion carried unanimously.

The DPW employees are in the process of changing unions for the third time in three years.

The wires in Laurel Heights have been raised by Verizon, NGrid and Charter.  Mr. Mort still thinks they are low.

The RFQ has gone out for the assessment center for the Chief’s position and is due back on August 24th.

The Clerks, Custodians, Dispatchers & Library Workers contract is mostly done-just going over typos and word structure.  Time off is being addressed.  Vacations will accrue monthly, maximum accrue is 25 days instead of 33, personal days from 4 to 3.  Wages will be going to a six step process instead of a three step process.  We will be going to biweekly paychecks.  These changes will save the Town a lot of money over the years to come.

Selectman King asked about the DPW union process.  They make a petition to the State and the State will hold an election and then they will send us a letter stating the new union.  The current contract stays in place.  

Chairman Plante asked if we can afford the 3% for the first year.  Yes, it was budgeted for that.
Mr. Spain thanked the employees for sticking it out without raises, but he hopes that the worst is behind us.  Selectman King complimented the Manager for getting steps put into the contract.

On a Good Note:
Selectman Ashmankas read a proclamation for Helen DiLeo who is turning 90.

A random act of kindness by Edd Cote who picked up 8-10 bags of illegally dumped trash on his birthday!  Thank you Edd.

A letter from Charlton Town Administrator thanking the fire department for their help at the Charlton Mill fire.

A letter from the Ladies Auxiliary for a donation of $4,800 to purchase a new thermal imager for Rescue 1.
Motion to accept the donation by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman Cristo.
Motion carried unanimously.

Town Planner Laurie Connors appeared for Lady Slipper Lane.   Selectmen voted to accept easement documents for Lady Slipper Lane, a private road. Under the easement, the town DPW is allowed to perform work and bill property owners to maintain proper storm water drainage or plow the road for emergency vehicle passage.
Motion to accept the Declaration and grant Easments and Restrictions from Kay E. Paige in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 83, Section 4 by Selectman Stowell to accept the donation seconded by BA.

Selectman Stowell read a list of the current Board/Committee openings.
All of the committees are important to the town.

Citizen Speak:
Tim Cluett spoke regarding the 6th annual field day.  Free event for the whole family.  There will be more organizations than in the past.  The Fireman’s Muster is always fun.  
Special thanks to the ladies auxiliary and all the businesses who donated.

Mr. Cluett contacted Ron Darling who made it to the big leagues and is a commentator for the NY Mets.  They have put together a raffle for tickets to a Mets game, have Ron Darlings parking space, and go into the media room.  Tickets are $5/ticket.

Executive Session
Motion made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Stowell to move into Executive Session at 8:00 p.m. under Chapter 39, Section 23B, Paragraph 6 .                           
                                                        Selectman King          - Yes
                                                        Selectman Stowell               - Yes
                                                        Selectman Ashmankas      -Yes
                                                        Selectman Cristo                 -Yes
                                                        Chairman Plante          -Yes

Chairman Plante announced the Board would return only to adjourn.

Motion made by Selectman Stowell to adjourn at 9:15 p.m., seconded by Selectman King. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Tish Hayes, Secretary

        E. Bernard Plante                       __________________________
Francis B. King                         __________________________
Brian W. Stowell                        __________________________
Brian M. Ashmankas                      __________________________
       Sandy J. Cristo                 __________________________
                                               The Board of Selectmen