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Board of Selectmen Minutes 04/03/2012
April 3, 2012                                                                   6:10 p.m.
Present:        Board of Selectmen:  E. Bernard Plante, Francis King, Kenneth I. Schold, Brian Stowell, Brian Ashmankas; Town Manager Bob Spain, Brian Turbitt, Chief Mark Moore, Attorney D. Moschos and Attorney Sharon Siegel.

Chairman Plante opened meeting with pledge of allegiance.

Mr. Spain explained that one issue came up regarding the Warrant after the meeting and it needs to be reopened and voted on again with changes.

The sex offender by-law will become a moot point and it will be a civil rights issue.  The attorney recommends not passing the bylaw right now as the offender could sue the town.  Let’s let them set the precedent, not us.  We need to replace it with article 31 which deals with a net metering deal with solar.  We buy their electricity in Leicester; they will give us credit on our electric bill for 70% of whatever that credit is.  In order to make this happen we need to get the article on the warrant.  Just to enter into a deal, not do the actual deal.  Town Council thinks it is a good deal, will save the town about $20,000/year.

Mr. Spain is asking to reopen the warrant, add article 30 and delete current article 31 and change to new warrant article 31.

Motion to open the warrant made by Selectman Ashmankas, seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion to add article 30, delete article 31 and replace with new article 31 to authorize the Board of Selectmen to enter into solar utility credit purchase agreement made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

Selectman King asked question on article 27, for strong chief; under the direction of the town manager?  Attorney Moschos explained that the manager needs to carry out administrative polices on a day to day basis, they need to be handled by the manager.  Operationally the chief is accountable on how police operations take place.  Selectman King wants the Chief to run his department; not the town manager.  He will still accountable to the selectmen.  The goal is to have the chief run that department independently.  Law enforcement matters are handled by the chief, administrative matters will still be handled by the town manager.  You can’t have a board handle administrative tasks.

Motion to close warrant made by Selectman Ashmankas, seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried unanimously.

Executive Session
Motion made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Schold to move into Executive Session at 6:30 p.m. under Chapter 39, Section 23B, Paragraphs 5 and 7.                              
                                                        Selectman King          - Yes
                                                        Selectman Schold                - Yes
                                                        Selectman Ashmankas      -Yes
                                                        Selectman Stowell        -Yes
                                                        Chairman Plante          -Yes

Chairman Plante announced the Board would return only to adjourn.

Motion made by Selectman Stowell to adjourn at 7:45 p.m., seconded by Selectman King Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Tish Hayes, Secretary

        E. Bernard Plante               __________________________
Francis B. King                         __________________________
Kenneth I. Schold                       __________________________
Brian W. Stowell                        __________________________
       Brian M. Ashmankas              __________________________
                                               Board of Selectmen