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Board of Selectmen Minutes 02/22/2011
February 22, 2011                                                                       7:10 p.m.
Present:        Board of Selectmen:  Chairman E. Bernard Plante, Francis B. King, Kenneth I.                    Schold, Brian M. Ashmankas; Town Manager Spain, Doris & Freeman Guiou,                  Tom Riley, Edd Cote, Steve Wiehe, Joanna Nagle ,Carrie Prest, Dick Valentino,                   Tara Johnson, Fran Pearson, Robert Pearson, Fred Alexandrowicz and concerned                    citizens.
Absent: Brian Stowell

Carrie Prest-Masonic Road Race 2nd annual-The date is May 21, 2011- she has already gotten the ok from Chief Handfield.  Carrie and her daughters want to give back to the Center and make other parents aware that the center is there for others who need help with dyslexia.  
Motion to allow the road race made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried unanimously.

Weston & Sampson Engineers-Wind Feasibility Study.  Steve Wiehe and Joanna Nagle are here to give a summary of the report.  It is still a draft at this stage.  They concentrated on the Butler Farm for the wind turbine.  Estimates of wind for the 80 meter tower is 6.5 meters per second.  Their recommendation is that is it would be beneficial for Millbury.    The next step would be to find out public interest and put up a MET tower for specific data.  The turbine that they studied would cover the town’s energy needs plus extra.  
Brad Turner asked what the town pays for in electrical costs per year.  He thinks the savings are worth the costs.
Robert Pearson-South Oxford Road- the Planning Board made a rule that nothing over 190 feet can be put there.    
Mr. Spain pointed out that we are trying to become a green community to reduce our carbon footprint and reduce costs to the town.  We have to work within the restraints of our bylaws.  We are trying to figure out if this is feasible.  
Mr. Plante wanted to point out that the town would have to go through the permitting process just like anyone else.  They will not be getting a pass.  They have to bring it to town meeting as well.
Mr. Pearson pointed out that the cell phone tower was turned down by the planning board for his property.
Jim Dunn, of the Energy Advisory Committee, said that this is just a draft at this point.  Electric rates continue to go up and we need to start looking at other alternatives.  A lot of towns are having many financial issues because of electric costs.  We have a challenge and this is one solution right now and to look for final recommendation.  
Selectman King wanted to know how much the MET tower is and are there any grants?  There is no additional cost; it is already covered by the grant.
Brad Turner wanted to mention that this turbine would benefit the whole town.
Jim Dunn said that the committee would put together a recommendation for the board.

Fire Department Mutual Aid Laws- Public Safety Mutual Aid, Public Works Mutual Aid and Fire Mutual Aid.  These were recommended by Massachusetts Emergency Management and becomes a statewide mutual aid agreement.  The Board of Fire Engineers recommends that we opt in; the Public Works part is not ready for approval yet.  
Motion to opt in to the statewide Public Safety Mutual Aid law made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion to opt in to the Fire Mutual Aid law made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

One-Day Liquor License - Bank’s Catering - Asa Waters - March 6, 2011
Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas to approve the license.
Motion carried unanimously.

One-Day Liquor License - Women’s Club Wine Tasting- Asa Waters - March 26, 2011
Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas to approve the license.
Motion carried unanimously.

Drainlayer Renewal-Gary Pike Drainlayer-Motion to approve the renewal made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

Drainlayer Renewal-Mike Bernard d/b/a NHB Construction- Motion to approve the renewal made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

Previous Minutes
January 25, 2011- Motion made by Selectman Schold to approve the minutes, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.

January 25, 2011-Executive Session-Motion made by Selectman Schold to approve the executive session minutes, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.

Town Manager Report
On the recommendation of Chief Handfield Mr. Spain is appointing Jennifer Martin as a part-time dispatcher.
Motion to concur with the appointment made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Spain is appointing Benjamin Holmes to the Millbury Emergency Management.
Motion to concur with the appointment made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

The officer who was injured on duty and retired received a settlement for a third party claim.  The town will be reimbursed $35,576.98 in release of its lien. This is only a portion of what was spent, but it is all we are entitled to after fees and expenses. Our attorney recommends we sign the release.  Mr. Spain has asked Senator Moore to draw something up to help relieve this situation in the future.

DPW Update-since January we have been doing nothing but snow operations which has grown into pothole filling.  Please call to report any potholes and please have patience.  This has been a very tough winter for the area.  We have had 2 buildings collapse in town under the weight of the snow.   They have been out widening roads and opening drains.  There will probably be some damage and we will look at it.  Fallon Clinic dumped snow on our common; they will be responsible for any damage.  Mr. Spain is very proud of the DPW-they have done a great job this winter.  They have been working around the clock; they will be getting to it all.  Special thanks to Joe Kosiba-he’s doing a great job.  Mr. Plante wanted to point out that we are doing it with less people and to please have patience.  Mr. Spain has interviews scheduled for DPW Director and Ops Manager. This year we used a lot less salt on the roads this year.  

Butler Farm Cell Tower RFP-the committee has decided to enter into negotiations with the vendor.  Mr. Spain got some information from a friend at Charter who offered his advice on cell towers.

Mr. Spain met with the BOH and got their support of the planning grant.  The process is continuing.

Mr. Spain is putting the final touches on the initial budget.  The deficient should be under $500,000.  The increase in health insurance will be around 5.13%, which is very reasonable.  He thanks Brian, Susan Hitchcock, Rick Bedard, and the insurance advisory committee.
The governor made a 7% cut in state aid.  By no means is it a rosy picture-it is just not as bad as he thought it would be. Mr. Plante mentioned that there is nothing left to cut.  Selectman Ashmankas asked if next year will be another year of cuts as well.  

Thursday, March 3rd is Mr. Spain’s budget presentation.  The Town side is meeting with the Finance Committee on March 5th.  

We are trying to redo any policies in Town that deal with health insurance.  There is also a draft policy regarding free cash.   We feel a policy is necessary because it is dangerous to spend free cash.  We are looking just to spend free cash on one-time items.  They are also working on a by-law to put together a financial committee to put together a long-term plan.
Selectman Ashmankas would like the free cash policy to address the roadway advisory committee’s recommendation for money to fix roads.  That is the intent of this policy and it is good to put that in the policy for x% towards roads.  

Old/New Business:
Selectman King mentioned the charter review committee met regarding a personnel board.  It was the opinion of the committee that is was futile to have that committee-but we should have a HR person and split it with the school department, but we cannot afford that position at this time.  
Selectman King made a motion to ask the manager to get all job descriptions done and get pay scales put together to negotiate for new hires by July 26th, seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried unanimously.

Selectman King would like to make a motion to put a committee put together made up of the Manager, a BOS member, a BOH Member, and 2 local haulers, to see what is best for the town at the transfer station, Selectman Schold seconded for discussion. Selectman Ashmankas asked why haulers would be on the committee.  Mr. Spain said that the solid waste committee did not have haulers on the committee as it might create a conflict of interest.  Mr. Plante said that maybe 2 citizens and 2 haulers would be helpful.  Selectman King thinks it would be cheaper to privatize the transfer station.  
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion to appoint Brian Stowell as the board member made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Plante mentioned that Congressman Neal called him at his office.  He is trying to find us money for a fire truck grant.  He will let the Chairman know by April if we received any funding.

Chairman Plante read a proclamation that was presented to Fred Confalone at the Community Service Learning awards breakfast.  We want to thank Fred personally-he was there for every cause for this town.   

Letter from the Bicentennial Committee regarding donations from the direct mail campaign, donation cans and a donation in memory of Mildred & Bernard Gover totaling $2,220.56.
Motion made by Selectman Scold to accept the donations, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

Letter from the Millbury Fire Department regarding a donation from the Millbury Firefighters Relief Association to purchase a new thermal imager for Engine 5.
Motion made by Selectman Schold to accept the donation, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

Letter from the Wheelock Inn regarding they don’t have bar top amusements anymore.

On a Good Note:
Selectman Schold wanted to mention they are working on the bridge and it is moving along.

Selectman Ashmankas mentioned that the Dollars for Scholars are having their trivia night on March 12th; cost is $100/team.  

Mr. Spain wanted to send his prayers to Jim Smith in Sutton who had a stroke last week.  We have offered any help we can do for Sutton.

Executive Session
Motion made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman Schold to move into Executive Session at 9:00 p.m. under Chapter 39, Section 23B, Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.                                
                                                        Selectman King          - Yes
                                                        Selectman Schold                - Yes
                                                        Selectman Ashmankas      -Yes
                                                        Chairman Plante          -Yes

Chairman Plante announced the Board would return only to adjourn.

Motion made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Schold to adjourn at 10:00 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Tish Hayes, Secretary

        E. Bernard Plante                       __________________________
Francis B. King                         __________________________
Kenneth I. Schold                       __________________________
Brian W. Stowell                        __________________________
       Brian M. Ashmankas                      __________________________
                                               Board of Selectmen