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Board of Selectmen Minutes 05/25/2010
May 25, 2010                                                                    7:00 p.m.
Present:        Board of Selectmen:  Chairman E. Bernard Plante, Kenneth I. Schold, Francis B. King, Brian W. Stowell, Brian M. Ashmankas.  Town Manager Bob Spain, Matt Belsito, Brian Gasco, Phil Day, Richard Hamilton, Doris & Freeman Guiou, Tom Riley, Charlene Arsenault, Edd Cote.

New Drainlayer-A&G Construction- Currently licensed in Grafton and wants more business.
Motion made by Selectman Schold to approve the license, seconded by Selectman Stowell.
Motion carried unanimously.

New Drainlayer-JD Construction Enterprises-Had a license last year but did not renew in time.
Motion to approve the license made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Plante read a plaque made for Jane Pojani.  Retired from School Committee. Everyone knows the commitment that Jane made to the town.

Change of Owner for Qdoba Mexican Grill on Common Victualler license.  Kevin Brown is the Manager, ownership is changing.
Motion made by Selectman Schold to approve the change, seconded by Selectman King.

Selectmen Appointment to the Earth Removal Board
Motion made by Selectman King to appoint Selectman Ashmankas to the Earth Removal Board, seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Plante asked Selectman Ashmankas to keep the Board informed of the goings on.

Appointment to the Board of Fire Engineers-Richard Hamilton applied for the position.  He has been on the Fire Department for 32 years and would like to continue up the ranks.
Selectman Stowell noted the support of Mr. Hamilton’s headquarters present and made the Motion to appoint Richard Hamilton to the Board of Fire Engineers, seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried unanimously.

Parks Commission requested two Handicap Parking spots for East Millbury Park.  Motion made by Selectman Schold to approve the parking spots, seconded by Selectman Stowell.
Motion carried unanimously.

One-Day Liquor License-Bartending Services at Asa Waters June 12, 2010.
Motion made by Selectman King to approve the license, seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried unanimously.

Previous Minutes
May 11, 2010- Motion made by Selectman Schold to approve the minutes, seconded by Selectman Stowell.
Motion carried unanimously.

May 11, 2010 Executive Session- Motion made by Selectman Schold to approve the minutes, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

Feng Asian Bistro-Pledge of License.  They need to Pledge their license for closing on the loan.
Motion by Selectman Schold to approve the Pledge of License, seconded by Selectman Stowell.
Motion carried unanimously.

Town Manager Report
Selectman Ashmankas asked for a breakdown of the sewer debt. 54% is paid by tax dollars and 46% is paid by the sewer users.  $43 million total debt outstanding.

Mr. Spain passed out a list of seasonal hirers.  Everyone from last season came back this year.

Mr. Spain appointed Harry Sampson of Grafton Street to the cemetery commission.  Motion made by Selectman Schold to concur with the appointment, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.

The underground storage tanks have passed the initial testing for contamination.  

The Memorial Day Observances will be held on Monday, May 31st starting at Dwinell Cemetery at 8:20 am.

Selectman King asked for an update on McCraken Road-we are at the stage where we have to raise the funding for the engineering process, once we get those funds then we begin the process of getting on the tip.

The RFP for the cell tower is being worked on by Laurie Connors and hopes to have it out by August.  We did put in another grant for the wind turbines as well.

Finance Director Brian Turbitt spoke regarding a Chapter 44, section 33b transfer of $6,066.15 from the interest account to the principal account for the 0531B water pollution abatement trust and it requires Board of Selectman authorization and then Finance Committee approval.
Motion made by Selectman Schold for the 33b transfer, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.  Motion carried unanimously.

Old Business:
National Grid and the Town are making headway on Brian Circle issue and the Common. They have come to an agreement on both of the issues.

Selectman Schold would like a good flag at Central Cemetery this year.  Selectman King said that Stuart Mulhane is going to take care of that.

Chairman Plante read a letter regarding the cemetery from a citizen who was very unhappy with the upkeep.  Chairman Plante pledges that this cemetery will be taken care of.

Motion made by Selectman ScholdAshmankas to reduce the amount of salt used on the roads in town because the amount of salt is causing damage to vehicles and lawns.
Edd Cote asked what he recommends to reduce the levels to.  Selectman Ashmankas recommends going from 3 to 1 to 4 to 1.  Mr. Spain mentioned that it is paramount for safety to use salt on the mains and hills.  We do try to minimize the use around the ponds and such.  Mr. Spain recommends no action as it is a day to day managerial decision.  Selectman Schold mentioned that it was health reasons why they went to salt versus the sand.  Selectman King asked for the DPW director to come in as he is concerned with the salt in the private wells.  Mr. Spain explains that we use a 3 to 1 mixture-3 sand to 1 salt.  They take it on a daily basis.  Selectman Ashmankas would like to make it 4 to 1 for a year.  Selectman Stowell believes it should be in the hands of the DPW director to make the decisions.  Selectman King agrees but if there is any way to reduce the salt to do so.  
Chairman Plante explained to Selectman Ashmankas that the DPW will try to reduce the usage and Mr. McGarry will come in to explain.

Selectman Ashmankas moved to remove the stop sign from the Canal Street corner at the Providence Street Bridge as he feels no one stops it.  Mr. Spain has discussed it with the Chief of Police and he thinks it should be there.  Most people do at least slow down.  Chairman Plante explained to the Selectman that the Board does not go against the Chief’s recommendation.  Selectman King agreed that it would be in the chief’s hands.  

Selectman King wanted to let everyone know that there is 27 lots turned over at Butler Farm for community planting and 21 of them are being planted.  There are 6 lots available.

On A Good Note:  Selectman Stowell wanted to thank the workers at Butler Farm it is a great idea!  The Habitat house was awarded to a very deserving family-moving in July 1st.  It is a local family, single mom with 4 kids.
He would like to commend Mike Bernard and Jimmy Bengston who stopped to help out Selectman King working on a wall.
Chairman Plante wanted to thank Brian and all the people who helped out on the Habitat House.  

Letter from the Ladies Auxiliary asking for permission to sell poppies on May 27, 28, 29, 2010.
Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Stowell to allow the sale.
Motion carried unanimously.

Letter from the Bicentennial Committee regarding donations:  $625 Fidelity Bank, $7500 Millbury Credit Union; $2500 146 Supply Center; $2500 The Shoppes at Blackstone Valley; $1250 Peter F. Keenan, Jr.; $2500 Mulhane Funeral Home; $1000 Beauregard & McDonough; $625 Dosco Sheet Metal; total of $18,500.00.  
Motion made by Selectman Schold to accept the total donations of $18,500.00, seconded by Selectman Stowell.  
Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Plante mentioned that some of these are capital donations and are a portion pledged for a four year commitment.

Letter from Millie Sterns who is collecting for the troops in Afghanistan.  She has sent numerous boxes and has more to send, she is now requesting money for postage for 7 boxes.
The Selectmen decided to donate the money to send the boxes.

Executive Session
Motion made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Schold to move into Executive Session at 8:00 p.m. under Chapter 39, Section 23B, Paragraph 3 to discuss collective bargaining.

                                                        Selectman King          - Yes
                                                        Selectman Schold                - Yes
                                                        Selectman Stowell               - Yes   
                                                        Selectman Ashmankas      -Yes
                                                        Chairman Plante          -Yes

Chairman Plante stated that the Board will leave Executive Session solely to adjourn.

The Board returned to open session as 9:40 p.m.

Motion made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Stowell to adjourn at 9:40 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Tish Hayes, Secretary, Bd of Selectmen

        E. Bernard Plante,              __________________________
Francis B. King                 __________________________
Kenneth I. Schold               __________________________
Brian W. Stowell                __________________________
       Brian M. Ashmankas              __________________________
                                                    Its Board of Selectmen