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Board of Selectmen Minutes 04/13/2010
April 13, 2010                                                                  7:00 p.m.
Present:        Board of Selectmen:  Chairman E. Bernard Plante, Joseph F. Coggans, Jr., Kenneth I. Schold, Francis B. King, Brian W. Stowell.  Town Manager Bob Spain, Finance Director Brian Turbitt, Senator Mike Moore, Warren Gardner, Millbury High School Girls Basketball team, Coach Steve Reno, Edd Cote, Brian Ashmankas, Donna Boynton, Charlene Arsenault and concerned citizens.

Presentation of Proclamation to Girls Basketball Team
Chairman Plante presented a proclamation to the girls for their tremendous season.  They reached the Division 2 state finals for the third consecutive season.

Senator Michael Moore spoke regarding the budget.  *See attached sheet.  They have a municipal relief bill coming up.  He is trying to get the money for the Brierly Pond dam-not confident they will get it.  Any dollar would be deeply appreciated.  If federal money comes in, it will go to local aide.  

New Drainlayer-G.Lopes Construction-He was asked to put in a grease trap in Feng Asian Bistro.  The restaurant should be done this week!  
Motion to allow the new drainlayer made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.

Warren Gardner spoke regarding the European Copper Beach Tree for the Common.  It will be planted this Thursday.  It is about 7” in diameter.  Total cost is $5934.40.  To date they have more than enough money to cover this cost.  There will be a dedication ceremony on April 30 at 10:00 a.m.-Arbor Day.  Ron Despres spoke regarding the 4th graders coming down to sing a song.  Each 4th grade student will receive an evergreen seedling.

Chairman Plante read an Arbor Day Proclamation.
Motion made by Selectman King seconded by Selectman Coggans to sign the proclamation.
Motion carried unanimously.

Longhorn Steakhouse New Officer/Director
Motion made by Selectman Schold seconded by Selectman King to approve the change of manager

Drainlayer Renewals:   Peter Amorello Construction & Demolition, Inc., C.H.W. Site Development, SPB Contracting, M.S.P.E. Inc., and Team Shovel.
Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Stowell to renew the drainlayers.
Motion carried unanimously.

Roadway Advisory Committee Reappointments:  Fred Moseley, Norman Beausoleil, Jr., Vinod Kalikiri, and Barry Lorion.
Motion made by Selectman Stowell to reappointment the Roadway Advisory members, seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried unanimously.

Previous Meeting Minutes
Motion made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Coggans to approve the minutes of the Tuesday March 23, 2010 meeting.  
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King to approve the Executive Minutes of the Tuesday March 23, 2010 meeting.  
Motion carried unanimously.

Old Business:
Gas tanks-we are back in business.  We do have to drill holes and check for spills.  Mr. Spain plans on getting on Sutton’s agenda to thank them in person.  It will cost us $30,000.00.  We will start to plan for new gas tanks.  Assuming everything is fine-we will only have to test this one time.  We would replace it with an above ground tank.  

National Grid-Mr. Spain is meeting with them at the common regarding the wires and the lawyers are speaking regarding Brian Circle.

Roadway Advisory Committee:  Fred Mosely, Chairman of Roadway Advisory Committee.  The town is responsible for 72 miles of road.  Went out and made visual observations of DPW recommended roads.  Determined what the roads need, assigned cost and prioritized road.  They have retained the services of the CMRPC for some guidance.  Barry Lorian will explain the maps that they received.   They started with a 5 year plan-no funding conditions.  
They are trying to balance keeping the roads in good condition and fixing the roads that are already deteriorated.  CMRPC will come in in about 2 months to present their findings to the Board.  *see attached chart.
Chairman Plante added that the committee is comprised of towns’ people who work very hard to make a difference.  These gentlemen have done a phenomenal job.  Mr. Spain wanted to thank the committee for everything they do.  Mr. McGarry said that they used 122 tons of cold patch over the winter.  They are looking into some TIP projects, their goal is to minimize funds on design and do more paving.  They are looking into Elmwood Street and collaborating to get things done.  It would cost $3.9 mil. to bring the roads to the green and purple.  

Town Manager Report:
We had to hire a new auditing firm because of the bylaw that we can only use a firm for 6 years.  We put out an RFP for an auditor-they weighed 70% into proposal and 30% in price.  Mr. Spain, Rick Bedard and Brian Turbitt chose Roselli and Clark for a three year contract, they do 25-30 towns, there are 7 currently clients around Millbury.   They are located in Woburn-no fees for travel in the proposal.  
Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Stowell to sign the contracts for Roselli and Clark.  
Motion carried unanimously.

Received $2210.00 from the Blackstone Valley National Corridor -we need to accept this check in order to get the check for the purchase of the land.
Motion made by Selectman Stowell to accept the check from BVNC, seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Spain has Reappointed Sandy Cristo and Armand White to the Asa Waters Task Force, Frank Gagliardi to the Sewerage Commission and Ronald Marlborough to the Parks Commission.
Motion made by Selectman Schold to concur with the appointments, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Spain has appointed Robert Champagne as a certified weigher for JH Lynch.
Motion by Selectman Schold to concur with the appointment, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Spain has appointed Robert Ayotte to the Parks Commission.
Motion by Selectman Schold to concur with the appointment, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.

Budget-additional cuts to reach the additional level.  4fte positions cut; reductions in Selectmen/Town Manager office, Police and Library in addition to the budget presentation back in March.  It is only going to get worse before it gets better.  Town Meeting is three weeks away.  Hopefully the State will stick to the 4% cut and not more.

Selectman King would like to have a meeting with the School Committee and Finance Committee so that they are all on the same page; we need to put all the rumors to bed.  
Motion made by Selectman King seconded by Selectman Coggans to schedule a meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.

The Selectmen’s Meeting is cancelled for April 27, 2010 due to Town elections.

Transfer station privatization estimates-may cost us more with initial numbers but we could move the two bodies into other areas of the DPW.  He hopes to have the numbers soon.  

Selectman King would like to make a Motion starting May 4th that the transfer station will be closed on Tuesdays so that the manager can put them over to the highway department or other DPW uses, seconded by Selectman Coggans.  Mr. Spain asked for May 11th for an extra week to notify people.
Motion carried unanimously.

They will be posting a DPW position for Level 2 operator.

Selectman King asked about Hamilton Street; the gas company will straighten that out soon.

Mr. Spain went over Warrant and read each article.

Selectman Schold asked why there is no article on the Brierly Pond Dam.  Mr. Spain spoke to the chairman, Terry Bernard and they are trying to get the money from the State.

Selectman King asked what the damage of the roadside at Round Pond.  They are trying to get FEMA to pick up the cost of the wall.

Motion to close the warrant made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Stowell.
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion to sign the warrant made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King to sign the warrant.
Motion carried unanimously.

On a Good Note:  
One of our town seniors had an unfortunate accident and four bystanders offered all kinds of assistance to the gentleman and his family.

Our own Kevin Krassopoulos put on a fund raiser for Locks of Love for kids who need hair.  Kevin donated 24” of hair, in all 15 pony tails were donated.  Mary Krumsiek and Selectman Stowell auctioned the back of their head to raise money.  

A Paper Recycling Resolution was read by Selectman Stowell.  
Motion made by Selectman Stowell to join MassRecycles Paper Campaign., seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried unanimously.

Letter from the DPW regarding round pond.  

Letter regarding Little League Parade 1:00 pm on Sunday, April 18, 2010.
Motion made by Selectman Coggans to approve the Little League Parade, seconded by Selectman Stowell.
Motion carried unanimously.

Letter regarding Poppy Days DEvoe Taylor American Legion.  April 29-May 1
Motion by Selectman Coggans to approve the Poppy Sales, seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried unanimously.

Letter from Lions Club for Carnival July 1 - July 4 and Fireworks for July 3, 4 with a raindate of July 5.
Motion made by Selectman Schold to approve the Carnival and Fireworks seconded by Selectman King.

Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman King to adjourn at 9:30 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Tish Hayes, Secretary, Bd of Selectmen

        E. Bernard Plante,                      __________________________
Joseph F. Coggans, Jr.          __________________________
Kenneth I. Schold                       __________________________
Francis B. King                 __________________________
Brian W. Stowell                        __________________________
                                                    Its Board of Selectmen